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Shawn Michaels vs. Buddy Landel from SMW


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I bought a camcorder version of the Superbowl show at an indy show years ago, and I believe that match was in its entirety. I was surprised to read here that it wasn't available in full because I've only watched the full version of this show.


Cox take a look at your copy. I don't think it's full.

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I filmed the clipped raw footage version. The only other version I'm aware of is the one Bix mentioned but at least the copy I got isn't the greatest vq. To me the Thugs/Bodies match on that show was much better as far as deserving to go on the set.

I'm trying to get my original source for it to find and send me his copy so I can upgrade it.


It would be even better if someone could find Tommy Noe and get his copy.

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Guest Rob Naylor

Lots to comment about here....


First, it's my favorite match in SMW history. By far.


Second, the promos leading up to it with Buddy shooting about his alcoholism and letting everyone, and himself, down are really amazing and only helped turn him further when it happened.


Lastly, I wish these guys had like 10 matches. Shawn was imo, by far the best wrestler in the world in 1995, and he just ate up Buddy's pedestrian offense and made it look like gold.


I was really happy for Buddy at the time when this happened, as he was always one of my favorites. He may have been an asshole in real life, but he was always a super cool dude when sober according to most accounts. Sucks he slipped and fell shortly thereafter when he got his WWE deal, as he could have had a fun comeback in 96. I also remember rumors of him being the "NWO Nature Boy", which in a perfect world, sounds like it could have been amazing, since Buddy could outsmartass even Hall and Nash.

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Knoxville was easy to just walk in with the camcorder. Johnson City was the only building that cared. The only times I filmed there were during Fanweek (when we were let in early & it was a directive from Cornette that we could film every show) and what turned out to be the 2nd to last show. That one was an inside job where I had a local indy guy carry my camera bag in & hand it off to me once I was in. I was still questioned & taken to the office by Sandy Scott during the opener (which is why that is incomplete) but got out of it by saying I was filming for public access & he confused it with whatever public access Tommy Noe filmed for. Oh and Charlotte I had to put the camera back in the car & then have someone who did an SMW newsletter let me out the back door & then back in once I went & retrieved the camera.


All that said there were a lot of shows that Tommy Noe filmed (and sent to RF until Cornette & RF had a falling out) and Tony Brown filmed a few in J.City by sneaking the camera in his gf's purse. I've been trying to locate him for years to get an upgrade of the show w/ Boo vs. Candido dogfood match.

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