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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Sid Waddell's Wrestling Show, it had old ITV/World of Sport matches: http://www.espnclassic.com/gb/ecuk/sports-...onal-wrestling/

Interesting, probably should take a closer look at the schedules. Not that I was ever into WOS ther than watching Jim Breaks ham it up.


I've seen them showing World of Sport on another channel. Men & Movies, I believe.

Men&Motors? I've only ever seen replays of Top Gear on there, I'll probably take a closer look through.


I have wondered if it might lead to a situation where the US stop taking our shows and remaking them in their own image as more and more people see the original product because of internet buzz. For example, what if The Office had come out now rather than in 2001. Would a bigger base of Americans have seen it? This is something we will see play out in our lifetimes.

I don't think it works both ways to be honest - American audiences aren't nearly as interested in UK television as we are in things like Breaking Bad, so any good shows/concepts that get made over here will just continue be remade to tailor for the stateside audience. Programming like Skins and The Inbetweeners were remade for the American audience even after airing in the states on BBC America.

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I think it will take longer for the US because it has more power, more people, more patriotism and more insularity, but it is interesting to me that the rise of NFL here is being mirrored by a rise in soccer over there. Whether that means one day Americans can watch and accept shows where all the people have British accents is another matter, but it's a possibility.

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That is true. However, there are probably 4 or 5 Offices or House of Cards to every 1 Killing; I think there are more American remakes of British shows than other shows. Perhaps because of language, British music artists are also overrepresented in the American charts.


However, as a rule you are probably right that Americans don't really give a shit about our shows.

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That is true. However, there are probably 4 or 5 Offices or House of Cards to every 1 Killing; I think there are more American remakes of British shows than other shows. Perhaps because of language, British music artists are also overrepresented in the American charts.


However, as a rule you are probably right that Americans don't really give a shit about our shows.

Except for Doctor Who

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Also, on a side note, NFL has been steadily growing in this country for the past decade. Made a few strides in the past couple of years. I mean, sure, most people still don't give a shit, but I think the last Super Bowl was much bigger news than, let's say, one 10 years ago.


I think this is a consequence of the world getting smaller because of the internet and people are less parochial than they used to be. I have wondered if it might lead to a situation where the US stop taking our shows and remaking them in their own image as more and more people see the original product because of internet buzz. For example, what if The Office had come out now rather than in 2001. Would a bigger base of Americans have seen it? This is something we will see play out in our lifetimes.


NFL was very big here in the UK in the 80s. It's nowhere near a new phenomenon. It had far more coverage on terrestrial TV, would be covered on The Channel Four Daily breakfast news vehicle, had documentaries like Max Boyce meets The Dallas Cowboys, and William Perry was a household name. NFL being big here is nothing new. Arugably bigger in the mid 80s when it had so much traction on Channel 4 after Jeremy Isaacs brought it in.

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At some point, I remember a WCW Saturday Night main evented by Scott Norton vs. Meng. They basically stiffed the hell out of each other for a few minutes and took turns being big and scary, then a somewhat random locker room clearing brawl with all the million random people Saturday Night used ended the show with people brawling everywhere.


I can't find this on Youtube. Did I just imagine this in a wonderful dream?

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The Giant wins out over Meng by disqualification after the Barbarian runs in.

They lead into the match with footage of Meng taking down the Giant with the Tongan Death Grip, and the Giant showing up last week on Saturday Night.

Meng makes his entrance, and we cut to commercial before the Giant shows up.

Though a ton of smoke, the Giant emerges, without music. I like it.

Meng attack while the Giant is climbing in the ring, and both men quickly start brawling. Meng actually gets the big man to cover up a bit. But not for long.

The Giant chops Meng in the corner, but Meng chases him back with wild punches. Dusty, refering to those wild punches: "He don't aim!"

Giant knocks Meng back, but gets two boots in the mouth for rushing in after him. A nice high kick, and the Giant goes down! Wow!

Meng goes to the top with a big splash, but only gets two on the pin attempt, with the big man tossing Meng aside.

As both men get up, Meng reaches for his Death Grip, but the Giant gets the choke, and Meng can't reach! Chokeslam!

The referee slowly counts to two as the Barbarian comes running in to get the disqualification, but a chokeslam on the Barbarian is a nice touch.

The Giant chases Jimmy Hart, but Curt Hennig and Virgi... er, Vincent come out to stomp on the Giant! The Villanos arrive, as does Super Calo and Bobby Eaton! Now a steady stream of wrestlers run out in a single file line, starting with Norman Smiley, then Alex Wright, Hardbody Harrison (I think), an Armstrong, Yuji Nagata, a couple more guys I didn't catch, and Silver King! Now the Steiners, Glacier, La Parka, Wrath, Disorderly Conduct... pretty much anyone in the dressing room... arrives - which means we just HAVE to watch World War 3 tomorrow...

Odd point. Everyone is brawling on the floor. The Giant is in the ring, and anyone who rushes the ring gets tossed out by the Giant. Except Eddie Guerrero, he gets a spanking. One of the Villanos gets a powerbomb.

Vincent gets thrown against the rail by Scott Steiner. Dusty: "Throw him over here, over by us!"

Just when I think we're almost done, Ric Flair comes out in street clothes. (Well, as close to street clothes as Flair gets.) He goes right after Curt Hennig and throws him into rails, ringposts, whatever he can, as the show goes off the air.

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Rob's most welcome return to audio:


DR. KEITH PRESENTS: Excalibur, Naylor, OH MY!!!


The return of Excalibur after 7 months, the return of Rob Naylor after 2 YEARS, all on the same show??? FOR FREE? You betcha! It's one of the biggest DKP's of the year and we're previewing Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's biggest month ever! The Tenth Anniversary show with an insanely stacked lineup, Battle Of Los Angeles with loads of new faces possibly including W*NG KANEMURA, and so much more is discussed on the show. A must for any fan of PWG, hell a must for any fan of wrestling! Tell your friends, tell your brother, tell your mother, tell your dog! The DKP has a show for them! Only place to listen to it is right here at http://www.f4wonline.com - CHECK IT!!!



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Not sure what thread the recent Ray Stevens discussion was in, so I'll toss this here:


I'm watching a Greg Valentine shoot and he says Stevens was to dive onto Big John Studd during a lumberjack match, Studd failed to catch him and Stevens tore his groin. Valentine says Ray was never the same worker after this.

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Guest TheGreatPuma

Groin injuries are rough and take a long time to heal for most people. You can heal quicker if you do the right things but that's a story for another time. I took a weird, bad I'm tempted to say bump while working soaking wet in the rain and injured my groin and hamstring. The hamstring healed in about 2 months. The groin took a lot longer. And than just when you think it was healed you'd get a reminder of yup that's still here*. After it got better there would be a little bit of pain there and that stayed for quite awhile. Finally, thanks to healing up the pain completely went away.



*Yup, Bret Hart was telling the 100% truth when he worked what I believe was a legit groin injury ?? into an angle on Nitro. I remember Tenay going "Oh, it comes and goes" sarcastically after Bret used it as a heel trick to get his opponent. But the thing was, that's exactly how it worked. Oh, Bret was a genius.

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Not sure what thread the recent Ray Stevens discussion was in, so I'll toss this here:


I'm watching a Greg Valentine shoot and he says Stevens was to dive onto Big John Studd during a lumberjack match, Studd failed to catch him and Stevens tore his groin. Valentine says Ray was never the same worker after this.

That would have been in Mid-Atlantic, which he didn't go to until late 1979.


The problem is the one that Dylan pointed to earlier in the thread: the widely circulating AWA matches that have him (with Bock and Pat as partners) don't show flashes of "he, this guy is good".


I don't know if I've seen a Patterson match from the 70s where I thought Pat was putting on a sublime great performance, and often thought he was disappointing in his matches against Backlund for what Frank long ago dubbed "fifth of gin selling". That said, there are a good number of performances where Pat is flashing very good stuff. His match with Inoki isn't great or anything, but he shows a well rounded skill set it in. His best match with Backlund (not the cage match or Philly matches) is a pretty good match, and Pat's a pro in it. Pat's AWA stuff that's widely out there shows him shinning as well in spots.


With Stevens... not really there. In his matches pairing with Bock, it really comes across that Bock is better. You don't even see "ring general" bullshit out of Stevens helping build a base for the match, like you'd see with Ole when he paired with Arn even if you got the vibe that Arn was carrying the work for his side. Then on the other side of Stevens is often Billy, who is on another freaking planet of greatness. Then there's the match in Toronto with Steamer & Youngblood where Stevens is partner with Snuka, and it's Snuka played in the Mid-Atlantic heal making the face's look good.


I can't remember if in the past when we've talked about this if Kevin has pointed to some Stevens matches where he does show those flashes, even if simple ring generalship stuff. Matches that aren't the usual suspects that have popped up on WWF releases or hit Classics.


Like Kevin, I'm 100% certain that wrestlers aren't talking out of their asses that he was great~! But what I've seen has shown it. In contrast, there's a Destroyer & Snuka vs Jumbo & Steamer match from 05/29/81 that's 2/3 falls, and even when well past his prime you get some flashes of The Destroyer being The Destroyer. Dick was almost 51 at the time... of course there's the match with Mil in 1974 when he was 44. Stevens was 44 when he left the AWA in 1979 for Mid-Atlantic. :/

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Groin injuries are rough and take a long time to heal for most people. You can heal quicker if you do the right things but that's a story for another time. I took a weird, bad I'm tempted to say bump while working soaking wet in the rain and injured my groin and hamstring. The hamstring healed in about 2 months. The groin took a lot longer. And than just when you think it was healed you'd get a reminder of yup that's still here*. After it got better there would be a little bit of pain there and that stayed for quite awhile. Finally, thanks to healing up the pain completely went away.



*Yup, Bret Hart was telling the 100% truth when he worked what I believe was a legit groin injury ?? into an angle on Nitro. I remember Tenay going "Oh, it comes and goes" sarcastically after Bret used it as a heel trick to get his opponent. But the thing was, that's exactly how it worked. Oh, Bret was a genius.

"This is a REAL INJURY. This is a groin pull the likes of which you've never seen."
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