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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Guest TheGreatPuma

Groin injuries are rough and take a long time to heal for most people. You can heal quicker if you do the right things but that's a story for another time. I took a weird, bad I'm tempted to say bump while working soaking wet in the rain and injured my groin and hamstring. The hamstring healed in about 2 months. The groin took a lot longer. And than just when you think it was healed you'd get a reminder of yup that's still here*. After it got better there would be a little bit of pain there and that stayed for quite awhile. Finally, thanks to healing up the pain completely went away.



*Yup, Bret Hart was telling the 100% truth when he worked what I believe was a legit groin injury ?? into an angle on Nitro. I remember Tenay going "Oh, it comes and goes" sarcastically after Bret used it as a heel trick to get his opponent. But the thing was, that's exactly how it worked. Oh, Bret was a genius.

"This is a REAL INJURY. This is a groin pull the likes of which you've never seen."


Classic, pure classic. Not just the line but also the way he says it.
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I listened to the Steve Austin podcast with Scott Hall and Good Helmet sounded a little like Hall vocally.

I thought that too! In previous shoots, even when he said something smart, Hall sounded kind of like an asshole. Now, he seems like a fairly nice guy who has been humbled. Just shows the power of addiction. I'm really hoping he can stay on the right path.

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Re: Stevens,


Wasn't his deal almost entirely the athleticism? I'm not going to compare him to RVD, but more like heel WWF Hennig where the near entirety of what made him so special to people were the bumps and since we have so little from his prime, we just don't see that. Instead, maybe an over-reliance upon that as a tool meant that he never had to develop the ring general toolset?


That's mostly guesswork though tied in with my insane "athleticism as a crutch" pet theory.

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I found an oblique reference to a lawsuit involving Mark Madden and the WCW Hotline (ruled on in July 1998): Wrestling Producer's Reporter Not Covered by Reporter's Privilege ( News Media & the Law. 22.4 (Fall 1998): p7-8. )


In late July, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Philadelphia (3rd Cir.) held that a World Championship Wrestling employee who gathers and presents promotional materials for a wrestling hotline is not a journalist, and thus is not entitled to the qualified federal common-law privilege that protects journalists from revealing confidential sources.


The court of appeals reversed a lower court ruling that had recognized a privilege based on the employee's intent to distribute the information he gathered to third parties, concluding that the employee's intent was not to disseminate information, but to entertain.

It appears this is related to the WWF/WCW Lawsuits of the time around when Kevin Nash/Scott Hall jumped ship and something said by Mark Madden on the hotline, possibly this quote from the lawsuit:

"Big Daddy Cool joined The Bad Guy in menacing WCW head honcho Eric Bischoff on Nitro, and it was hinted that those two and another guy may wrestle a WCW threesome at the Bash. I'd love to see it, I hope to see it, but I don't know if a match of that magnitude can be put together that quick, especially given the legalities of using non-WCW wrestlers. I'd expect the July 7 Nash at the Beach to feature that match, but I hope it's this Sunday. I have it on unshakable authority that Big Daddy Cool and The Bad Guy will be at the show in Baltimore... On last week's Raw Vince McMahon said that Big Daddy Cool and The Bad Guy were no longer affiliated with his promotion, but what else would McMahon say?... Espionage is espionage. It's secret."

You can read the court's decision on whether Madden was determined to be protected by Journalist shield laws here..


Favorite line:

Madden's activities in this case cannot be considered "reporting," let alone "investigative reporting." By his own admission, he is an entertainer, not a reporter, disseminating hype, not news. Although Madden proclaims himself to be "Pro Wrestling's only real journalist," hyperbolic self-proclamation will not suffice as proof that an individual is a journalist. Moreover, the record reveals that all of Madden's information was given to him directly by WCW executives. Madden's deposition testimony acknowledges that WCW employees were his sole source of information for his commentaries. He uncovered no story on his own nor did he independently investigate any of the information given to him by WCW executives.

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Guest Staples

I know the whole outrage over steroids has largely abated in the years following Benoit's death, but watching this clip from that reality show WWE is doing makes me sad: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXJLxkuZ24w


You have John Cena, at the age of 36, looking like he's ready to burst, Bryan Danielson, a guy who was mysteriously much smaller on the indy scene, looking just plain odd and the two Bella girls who seem to be undergoing the Victoria process of slowly becoming more mannish. I know there's nothing anyone can do about the drug (ab)use in the wrestling industry, it's still depressing. 15 to 20 years from now, when the John Cenas and Ken Kennedys start dropping like flies, I hope the wrestling fans of then aren't surprised.

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I know the whole outrage over steroids has largely abated in the years following Benoit's death, but watching this clip from that reality show WWE is doing makes me sad: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXJLxkuZ24w


You have John Cena, at the age of 36, looking like he's ready to burst, Bryan Danielson, a guy who was mysteriously much smaller on the indy scene, looking just plain odd and the two Bella girls who seem to be undergoing the Victoria process of slowly becoming more mannish. I know there's nothing anyone can do about the drug (ab)use in the wrestling industry, it's still depressing. 15 to 20 years from now, when the John Cenas and Ken Kennedys start dropping like flies, I hope the wrestling fans of then aren't surprised.

But Cena is all natural, he says so!

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Guest TheGreatPuma

Well, I tend to know when someone is and isn't on da juice male or female but tend to keep quiet about it for various reasons. With that being said, there are people out there who you think wouldn't be on the roids and are and on the other side of the coin there are people who are clean who often get accused of taking gear. There are multiple factors to consider when trying to figure out if someone is getting testosterone/growth hormone/insulin or not. There are also different ways to go about taking steroids. Some are safer and some are more dangerous.


Shelton Benjamin is a wrestler I would say has some of the best genes I've seen in wrestling.


Hopefully, for their health Bryan and Cena leave the recreational drugs and pain killers alone outside the ring.


The woodchopping video was awesome:) I must say especially considering I've done the exact same thing multiple times and I've met people who have had Bryan's beard style.

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Is it hopelessly naive of me to think that Daniel Bryan isn't on roids?

Dunno but he is allergic/intolerant to a lot of stuff.


Bryan got those muscles on his neck and shoulder through hard work and a great diet.


Exactly. I know people with a similar physique who play rugby who are completely chemical free, they simply eat well (and very regimented) don't drink, and work out 5 times a week. Daniel Bryan doesn't scream steroids at all.

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Totally different topic, since this is the random thread.


To this day, I just cannot envision what The Sheik training Rob Van Dam must have been like.

RVD talks about it in Bloodstained Memoirs, by all accounts it seems pretty fundamental, just learning the ropes and mat wrestling.

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Guest TheGreatPuma

So Bryan was not drinking wine when they all toasted on Total Divas? Man, I love that. Soo awesome. And no TV which I already knew but still so nice to see. Thumbs up for that.


So is there not much sun in Washington? That's unfortunate.

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