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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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So when Vince bought the WWF from his dad, he agreed to jobs for life for some of the people who worked with Sr. HHH and Steph have made it clear once they get control they plan to dump all of Vince's people and bring in their own. Based on everything we've heard through the years about how important loyalty is to Vince, how is he not losing his shit over this?

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Is anyone left besides Kevin Dunn who everyone knows they plan to replace the second Vince dies/gives up control?

Dunn is 52. I don't think any of us see Vince stepping aside in the next few years unless he drops dead: his whole life is the WWE. So Dunn will be closer to retirement time by the time Vince steps aside. Basil is in his late 50s, and will likely be close to retirement when Vince leaves as well.


Not that anyone should cry for Dunn. He's listed in the public filings as having made $17,066,077 in compensation from FY2001 through FY2012, including $2.57M last year. That also likely under reports the amount, given the way stock options/grants are handled.

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No they got what they wanted there because they put those guys there for a reason especially Sting

So they wanted Booker to top the World Title one? Hogan over their current top two guys and Trip?


The US Title one looked like "we don't give a shit" and just tossed names out there.



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Guest Staples

I wouldn't say that but Mania time......

Probably. Hunter or whoever is seemingly trying to repair some of the more damaged relationships that the company has. The olive branch's been extended to Warrior and Bruno who both have apparently accepted. It shouldn't be surprising to see Hogan get one too.

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So I'm watching the Bret/Shawn rivalries Bluray and it has an interview segment from the February 3rd 1997 SkyDome Raw. I noticed Jim Ross keeps calling it "Royal Rumble Raw." Now I may be imagining things, but I vaguely remember them hyping that they would show the 1997 RoyalRumble match on or after the show. I'm not really sure why else they would call it Royal Rumble Raw in February. I do remember being pretty pissed off that they didn't show the match. Am I just imagining things or does anyone else remember this?

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Cena worked for about a month with that bump in his elbow including a great match at Summerslam, plus it is the secondary title match against a guy seen as below his stature, which means he could either work a shorter match or coast a bit. Del Rio will be able to work around whatever limitations Cena might have. Again, this won't be the main event, so he won't be depended on to put on a great show like DB/Orton and maybe HHH/Show would. Helps pop the buyrates a little at little to no cost. The question is: is it a cameo appearance or is Cena back for good?

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So they had Alberto lose to Ricardo clean on Raw. The guy who is theoretically the number 2 champ in the company just lost to his former non-wrestling manager in about 3 seconds. Fuck it. I'm done. It's a minor thing and doesn't matter, but it should and that sums up everything wrong with the company today. I tried giving them one last chance these last two months. No reason to care about anyone or anything. I'm not hardcore enough to check out the fifty dozen indy feds in the US or Japan and Mexico. TNA and RoH are just as abysmal on a different level. Nice knowin' ya', pro wrestling. You're a cold hearted bitch, but it's been a nice 14 years.

It was a flash pin from behind after a major distraction. Then he proceeded to destroy said manager. Calm down.

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So I'm watching the Bret/Shawn rivalries Bluray and it has an interview segment from the February 3rd 1997 SkyDome Raw. I noticed Jim Ross keeps calling it "Royal Rumble Raw." Now I may be imagining things, but I vaguely remember them hyping that they would show the 1997 RoyalRumble match on or after the show. I'm not really sure why else they would call it Royal Rumble Raw in February. I do remember being pretty pissed off that they didn't show the match. Am I just imagining things or does anyone else remember this?

Not imagining things. Request TV got pissed and they quickly dropped the rumble idea. Don't remember why they kept the name.
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I think they could do a low impact, holds-based match which Cena wins, then have Alberto use a gimmick to demolish Cena's injury post-match in a safe way and have Sandow cash in to let Cena take more time off. Both heels get a ton of heat from it and Cena has a built in revenge feud with ADR when he gets back.

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I review Superclash '85 - no real play by play - more of a stream of conscious musing while watching the AWA, NWA, WCCW, All Japan and Luchadores try and battle Vince McMahon's National onslaught!!!


Some questions arise throughout if anyone in the peanut gallery can offer some answers....

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I review Superclash '85 - no real play by play - more of a stream of conscious musing while watching the AWA, NWA, WCCW, All Japan and Luchadores try and battle Vince McMahon's National onslaught!!!


Some questions arise throughout if anyone in the peanut gallery can offer some answers....

When is the website going to have reviews from Piss?

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I think they could do a low impact, holds-based match which Cena wins, then have Alberto use a gimmick to demolish Cena's injury post-match in a safe way and have Sandow cash in to let Cena take more time off. Both heels get a ton of heat from it and Cena has a built in revenge feud with ADR when he gets back.

Cena has a ready-made arm injury (well, recovery) for Del Rio to work through. I would be pleasantly surprised if they write Cena off again after the match due ADR's work.

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