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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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RoH dumped GFL and went with themselves. They decided to host this iPPV on their website. They've already had technical problems. I'd say this is it for RoH.

As in, RIP ROH?


RIP RoH if you ask me. This is the third PPV in a row they've fucked up. They thought they got out of it by throwing GFL under the bus and then scrambled at the last minute and threw this on their site. Now, they've fucked up again and they're going to be giving away the next PPV for free. Plus, they used Paypal for this show and people can enter claims to try and get their money back for not delivering the product.

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Main Event was pretty awful and the finish didn't feel that special. The whole Mouth guard deal with it falling out of Davey's mouth and Steen picking it up off the ring and putting it in his mouth was just sick. Where was Jim Cornette? Apparently he got stopped at the border. ROH looked like such a joke tonight with the Ippv problems and that. They shouldn't run a Ippv again.

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Yeah, I don't see how they can get past this. Their website wasn't able to handle at most (and likely a lot less after the WM weekend mess) about 2,000 people trying to access it. Keep in mind the stream itself worked fine and was being handled independently by a content distribution network.

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Guest Slickster

The Web site thing always confused me.

Can't virtually any free hosting service like Yola or even GoDaddy's basic package handle that kind of traffic?

And it's not as if their Web site is that complex.

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, that even a virtual server should be able to handle it. Based on DNS info and a story at the F4W board about a Sinclair station's digital time card server crashing during peak hours, it seems like Sinclair has all of their properties running off one overloaded server

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Main Event was pretty awful and the finish didn't feel that special. The whole Mouth guard deal with it falling out of Davey's mouth and Steen picking it up off the ring and putting it in his mouth was just sick. Where was Jim Cornette? Apparently he got stopped at the border. ROH looked like such a joke tonight with the Ippv problems and that. They shouldn't run a Ippv again.

On Steen's dick a fair bit but his ROH work the past 18 months has been really bad compared to the stuff in PWG. The finish was a total anti-climax and not the joyous "my guy one" moment I wanted.


Smith Hart said Cornette couldnt make it over the border and wasnt there.



Yeah, I don't see how they can get past this. Their website wasn't able to handle at most (and likely a lot less after the WM weekend mess) about 2,000 people trying to access it. Keep in mind the stream itself worked fine and was being handled independently by a content distribution network.

I think ROH's fanbase and appeal is a little bit more robust than what people are making it out to be.

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Yeah, while these constant iPPV fuckups aren't good by any means, the whole "this means ROH is doooooooooomed" mindset is puzzling me. It's not like it's WWE and they make tons of money off these things so that having them blow up is financially crippling.


I'm also not sure what the critics want ROH to do, their bread and butter for years was DVD sales and that's not a revenue stream that has much of a long term future. Their houseshows may not be setting the world on fire, but their TV shows have been pretty good and if it ends up building new markets for them it can only be positive. At least now they have a multimillion dollar broadcasting company footing the bills and it's not just whatever Cary can afford.

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You can't fuck over your paying fans repeatedly and keep good faith. TNA gets shit on a lot but at least you get a working product when you pay for something. There's going to be a point where people stop paying for their shows because they get tired of paying for something they don't get. Every PPV they've run since getting the tv show has had a serious technical issue. It makes them look incompetent.

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By the way, it's worth pointing out that a lot of their issues on GFL, especially stuff like the audio sync problems, were likely on ROH's end and not GFL's. ROH was not producing the shows using GFL's Tricaster (a specialized Windows PC that's basically a mobile production unit in a box for Internet video streams), they were just sending the output of their production equipment into it for the stream. It was just acting as a pass through and likely wouldn't be the source of a lot of their problems.


What they really should've done was just use UStream for a show or two until they made sure the new system would have no problems. UStream is a major company, trusted, well-known entity, asks for the same split as GFL, would've handled the orders, etc.


Anyway, to reply to sek and go along with what Mad Dog is saying, they've had 3 major shows in a row that were disasters. They have nobody to blame but themselves this time. Their DVD business is dead: As bad as it was getting when it was declining along with the overall DVD market thanks to the economy, the shows at least still had some buzz. Now, only the iPPVs have any buzz, and they're in danger of losing whatever goodwill they had left. There's no way they're not in for a dark period.

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Interesting point from the Bruno Observer interview the other day. Bruno said one of the reasons the WWF has always leaned towards long term face champs is because it's easier/quicker to build up heels for him to run through then it is to build up credible faces for a heel. Never really gave that much thought but it does make a lot of sense.

When did Bruno drop his "I don't know about today but when I did it we didn't fix matches" gimmick?


As someone who was nine in 1999, I can tell you that me and all of my friends absolutely loved Crash Holly and thought he was hilarious, even moreso when he was involved in all the ridiculous 24/7 hardcore title stuff. None of us could have cared less about Goldberg or WCW in general. Whether we'd have seen Goldberg as the more exciting guy had he had WWF booking is debatable, but Crash was one of the five or ten wrestlers we all loved.


The whole undercard back then was great. Alright, it was often juvenile, and the in ring stuff maybe wasn't great, but as a kid caught up in the boom you absolutely went crazy for even guys like Venus, D-Lo, X-Pac, Hardy Boyz etc and even dudes like Bossman, Test, Billy Gunn et al were over in their own way. By 2000 with the Radicalz, Too Cool being absurdly over, Kurt Angle, Jericho...you just had an undercard all involved in storylines, all with character traits, and all eliciting a reaction.


Russo has to deserve some credit for that.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the first six months or so of the year 2000 the result of Chris Kreski? I remember he was mentioned as keeping detailed storyboards with each wrestler's relationship to each other so he could keep continuity in storylines and had been an "episodic television writer" back before WWE coveted them.

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Interesting point from the Bruno Observer interview the other day. Bruno said one of the reasons the WWF has always leaned towards long term face champs is because it's easier/quicker to build up heels for him to run through then it is to build up credible faces for a heel. Never really gave that much thought but it does make a lot of sense.

When did Bruno drop his "I don't know about today but when I did it we didn't fix matches" gimmick?


When did Bruno have that gimmick?


I'm sure he probably has elsewhear plenty over the years but Bruno's been on Observer radio a billion times and never kayfabed in any of the interviews that I can recall

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Kreski replaced Russo as head writer not long after Russo left in early October '99. Stephanie replaced Kreski in September '00, right before the misguided love triangle blowoff. And Too Cool at least were still tepid heels when Russo left.

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Interesting point from the Bruno Observer interview the other day. Bruno said one of the reasons the WWF has always leaned towards long term face champs is because it's easier/quicker to build up heels for him to run through then it is to build up credible faces for a heel. Never really gave that much thought but it does make a lot of sense.

When did Bruno drop his "I don't know about today but when I did it we didn't fix matches" gimmick?


When did Bruno have that gimmick?


I'm sure he probably has elsewhear plenty over the years but Bruno's been on Observer radio a billion times and never kayfabed in any of the interviews that I can recall


For years and years. His ROH/Cornette shoot interview was the first time I remember him opening up.
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So uhhhh yeah, kinda sorta signed up for a local pro wrestling school yesterday, I start training on Thursday.


If by some miracle I actually manage to survive and ever have a match I am so going to no sell 25 burning hammers in a row and then win with a school boy....

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Whose school is it and where is it located? Up front payment or do thy charge by the class/week/month?

Devil Mountain Wrestling in Martinez. Hastn't produced anyone famous or anything but they've been around several years and trained a lot of guys locally that I consider pretty good atleast. I went yesterday to watch one of the classes and didn't get a "these guys are idiots who'll rob me of my money" vibe or anything :)


Payment is by the month, no contract.

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So uhhhh yeah, kinda sorta signed up for a local pro wrestling school yesterday, I start training on Thursday.


If by some miracle I actually manage to survive and ever have a match I am so going to no sell 25 burning hammers in a row and then win with a school boy....

Screw that.... Toehold!

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So uhhhh yeah, kinda sorta signed up for a local pro wrestling school yesterday, I start training on Thursday.


If by some miracle I actually manage to survive and ever have a match I am so going to no sell 25 burning hammers in a row and then win with a school boy....

It's time for The Claw to make itself known again. Just saying.

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