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[1994-03-20-WWF-Wrestlemania X] Lex Luger vs Yokozuna


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  • 3 weeks later...

So many blown opportunities here, starting with what happened the previous night with Luger babbling on about how he was going to win the belt tomorrow. On top of which, they must have been building to a Luger/Perfect feud with how the match ended but it never happened. Curt didn't appear on WWF TV again until next year's Survivor Series, by which time Lex was gone.

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I absolutely can't buy the idea that Luger would have won the title if not for blabbing the finish. The WWF themselves spoiled two of the biggest shows of the year twice in two months in 1988 and kept going. Plus you had Mr. Perfect as the guest referee. Even accounting that all WWF babyfaces were instantly friends, is any other finish possible besides "Perfect screws Luger out of the belt"?

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No, it's definitely about Wrestlemania.


Summerslam was Vince deciding to postpone Luger winning the title since gates were strong at the time (which in hindsight was probably because Bret/Lawler was a hot issue) and he thought he could save a title change for when business started to dive again.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I thought the finish was bad but not horrible and I always loved the way Perfect says "thats my story and I am stiiiiicking to it" in the promo backstage. It would have been interesting if they had went with a Luger/Bret match last with Luger targeting the knee setting up a heel turn.

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  • 1 year later...

As a match, it wasn't great. There were things I liked. Teasing the Bodyslam is a pretty good match story and makes for a fun transition or two. Yoko's cut-offs are great as always. I really liked the transition with the ringpost and Luger's comeback after that. Lawler was pretty fun on commentary. Perfect got a great ovation when he came out.


Way too resthold-y though. I understand why it was like that but it hurt the match.

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  • 9 months later...

And so we come to the end of All-American Lex Luger: Main Eventer. And not a goddamn moment too soon. He didn't have a ton of booking favors, but going through the Observers I was stunned--and I say this as a guy who hated the push from day 1--at how staggeringly unsuccessful the summer mega-push really was. It's really one of the biggest booking busts in WWF history.


This finish is kind of weak, but it's not like it's not comparable to half a dozen AAA finishes. And...well, the identity of the guest refs was one of the worst-kept secrets in wrestling. With Mr. Perfect and what happened at WM9, does any ending that's not "Perfect screws Luger over" make sense? This probably would come across better if Perfect had actually stuck around for his post-show program. Lex shows more fire and intensity in the post-match confrontation than he has in his entire WWF stint to date. For a second, the WCW Lex was back.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1994-03-20-WWF-Wrestlemania X] Lex Luger vs Yokozuna
  • 1 year later...

I didn't hate the disqualification finish as it opens the door to a Luger/Perfect feud (that never happened, mind), but I did hate this match. Things start out well enough with Luger punching Yoko around the place. He attempts to slam Yokozuna, but is unsuccessful. Luger then gets trapped in a claw hold and the match slows to snail's pace. This felt like a Hogan match without the energy or charisma. The only reason I'm giving this even one star is that Yoko exceptional bumps well for Luger's forearms. 

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  • 4 years later...

WWF World Heavyweight Champion Yokozuna vs Lex Luger - WWF WrestleMania X

Another suckfest between these two. Yokozuna has acquitted himself in matches with Undertaker, Bret Hart and Randy Savage of being capable of having a good to great match. I know Lex Luger has a vast array of great matches throughout his NWA and WCW runs. Yet these two just bring out the worst in each other. Not one, not two, not three, BUT FOUR nerve pinches, are you fucking kidding me?

Funnily enough, I actually thought the shine and comeback were excellent. Luger starts off red hot, Yoko trucks him, but misses the elbow drop/ Luger slugs him once and Yoko crashes to the floor. Loved the block on the stairs and sending Yoko into it twice. The top rope crossbody was a great nearfall. The missed bodyslam with Yoko crashing all his weight down on him was a great transition to heat, but MY GOD that heat segment was atrocious. Again once Luger took back over with the exposed turnbuckle, clotheslines, the BIG BODYSLAM and Bionic Forearm that was all great. That heat segment was terrible. 

As for the finish and the booking, this has to go down as some of the worst Vince booking of all time. Luger has Yoko out stone cold and it was established during Summerslam that if Luger could hit Bionic Forearm and Yokozuna stayed in the ring he would be champion. Luger takes out all the managers, but Mr. Perfect who is the Special Guest Ref intentionally ignores Luger's cover. Luger says what gives and shoves him. This triggers the DQ. I guess this has something to do with their WrestleMania IX match and they do have a pretty good argument in the back immediately following the match. The problem is there no follow-up. Mr. Perfect never wrestles in 1994 and doesnt wrestle again until he goes to WCW in 1997. The more I think about it, there was no way Luger or Bret would have looked good in this situation. Someone was going to look like a chump and a choke. It was whoever was going to have mid-match title match. Bret looks like a fucking hero on this night. He has the 5 star classic, one of the best WWF matches of all time to open the show against his brother and he defeats the dominant, super heavyweight champion to close the show. You dont get a much better night than that. You just cant have Luger win here because while the pop would be good against Yoko. The babyface vs babyface for Luger vs Bret would have been weird for the finale. If Bret wins, some of the Luger fans might get pissed. If you turn Luger heel in the main event then everything you invested in Yoko was for nothing. If Luger wins, you already saw him beat Yoko, who cares about Bret. It was lose-lose all the way around. They should have just had Corny/Fuji stack the deck against Bret by making him face Owen first and then Yoko to close. Found some other heel to wrestle Luger. This booking was pure character assassination of Lex Luger. I dont think anyone could have recovered from the Summerslam 1993 and WrestleMania X. 

Ignoring the booking, this is still a terrible match. 

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