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I kind of like the stip, not necessarily for now, but for later. If they ever want to do a heel turn with Cena as he's getting older, they could put the belt on him and replicate this scenario. Then they can have him turn in the middle of the match to have 4 of his top contenders fired at once.

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  On 11/21/2014 at 12:09 AM, Coffey said:

My mother is in her fifties and still can't figure out the digital cable remote control. I wouldn't even want to see her try to figure out how to turn on a computer, let alone work one.


My mom isn't that bad, but she never really used the digital box too much, as she only stuck with the TVs in her house with analog cable. However, with analog channels being cut heavily here in Ontario by Rogers, she found herself wanting to get a new box for one of the other TVs...and loves it! She's asked me for help ("Mom, it's simple - the remote's the same, but "Guide", "Info" and "Exit" are your best friends.") but she's become quite good at it, and quite enjoys it. Her internet, of course, is limited to simply banking. Doubt that'll change.


A different example: I hang out twice a week at lunch with a group of people 20-25 years older than me (so mid-50s to early-60s). One of the ones who is retired (out of the group of 5-10 depending on the day) is very adaptive to changing technology and has found many different ways to watch streaming services on his TV, constantly trying to improve that experience. In his words "I can't watch something on my tablet for any longer than 15 minutes". The rest of the group is pretty clueless about that type of thing.


I think a lot of it isn't so much "technological barriers" (the technology is available, after all) so much as old habits die hard. People of a significant age group aren't going to change their habits, with some exceptions of course. To be honest, I think the WWE knew this, both the age groups that follow them as well as the viewing methods of choice, which is why they tried twice at commercial TV deals with the Network before going the streaming route when those got rejected.

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Because they're old & boring, long-winded, slow & I'm tired of seeing them on TV all of these years later? Lemme guess, another Steph promo where she berates people without any repercussions and some more matches with Henry & Show where they move like molasses & the crowd don't give a fuck?


Yeah, best people on the roster, for sure!

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Steph hasn't been as great in the second half of the year as she was in the first. I agree that she needs to be on less, but not off completely. When she is used in spots she's by far the best non-wrestler in any promotion going today.


Henry and Show are still very, very good. I haven't seen anything from them this year where I thought they were actively bad, or that they weren't helping the match. I'd still take the two of them over the majority of the roster, and where they have been placed on the card is the right spot and they continue to succeed at that spot.

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I liked Mark Henry during his first Hall of Pain run. I think The Big Show, overall, is pretty underrated. I just don't want to see them anymore. Same with Kane. Just dudes that have been there forever that can't really do anything new that we haven't seen anymore. I'm tired of them. They've been around since the Attitude era. It's almost 2015 now.

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I know no one really watches Smackdown right now but man was that a weird show. Hunter in the opening bizarrely shooting like crazy with a not so subtle jab at critics for saying he wasn't as a big a star as Rock and Austin. Rowan playing with a Rubik's cube (!) while the rest of team Cena cuts a heartfelt promo about the main event. A Papa Shango reference by JBL that seemed to legitimately get the Usos and the Dusts to break. And then the aforementioned AJ/Bella segment

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Someone really should do an in depth piece on Hunter's crippling insecurity about not being seen as a top guy in the Attitude Era. I mean, FFS man you're going to run the whole fucking company one day, does it really matter you were seen as a B+ player in 1999?

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  On 11/22/2014 at 3:51 AM, sek69 said:

Someone really should do an in depth piece on Hunter's crippling insecurity about not being seen as a top guy in the Attitude Era. I mean, FFS man you're going to run the whole fucking company one day, does it really matter you were seen as a B+ player in 1999?

His crippling insecurity is beyond tiresome for us at this point, but it drove him to where he is now (for better or worse). People talk about Bret taking himself too seriously, but it was that very fact that turned him into the superstar he was. Same with HHH, I think. And, as far as how he reacts to the B+ thing, can you imagine Vince taking it any better?


Also, think of the situation he's in. He's under a sh*tload of pressure as the heir apparent, he's unproven as a CEO, he doesn't have any business admin background that Wall Street would prefer, the Network isn't doing what was promised. The poor bastard has to lash out somehow....

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Well I suppose I was just hoping the post-Vince era of WWE would mean we wouldn't have to put up with an over-sensitive jacked up guy in charge using TV time as therapy for his insecurities.


I get he's under pressure, but it's not like this is a recent trend either. His passive-aggressiveness toward the Rock has been a thing ever since he left to make movies.

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Some people just don't like to face facts and work around their limitations. Hunter, from all accounts, isn't able to come to grips with not being as big as Rock or Austin. He's not able to deal with his long run on top being pretty much stagnant as far as ratings, merch sales, house show sales, and PPV numbers go. He can't handle the idea that others had to put him over from him to become a main eventer. Sadly, from all accounts he's actually decent as an executive, but he's letting his insecurities about his past affect him as an executive and that won't end well.

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Wanted to bring this up since it's kinda a running bit on Bryan & Vinny. What do you think of WWE referring to the Rhodes Brothers tag team as "Gold & Stardust"? Like Goldust, part of WWE off-and-on for almost 20 years, apparently has the first name of "Gold" and the last name of "Dust" or "Ust". Only thing I can understand about it is that it sounds a bit smoother during ring intros.

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Who we choose to play and are best at often speaks volumes of something inside us. We're not talking though about his on camera persona Johnny we're talking about the way WWE has rewritten history to appear that HHH was the big savior of the Attitude era when he was safely behind Austin, Vince, Rock, Foley, The Outlaws, Undertaker and even Sable in importance to that era winning the MNW. Now we ARE assuming that it's HHH behind this revisionist history. It's entirely possible I suppose that it's Vince in an effort to make his successor appear the most importance person in wrestling history behind himself.


But I think given everything we've seen from HHH in the last 20 years and read about him, it's close to a slam dunk in evidence that it's HHH behind this version of history.

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