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I am with you there...just figure that 3 guys beating down 1 wouldnt matter who did it....and it woudl get hte Shield out of being their pitbulls and back into a meaningful main event level role.

This angle is the main event. Taking them out of it would be a demotion.


The angle is THE MAIN EVENT...but its really Bryan / Orton / HHH. The Shield are really there to just kick ass and step back...makes them just a background group doing the COO's bidding instead of the killer group they could be..


Right now, its fine...I just really really think they should split the shows almost entirely..with maybe one BIG thing revolving around both....The feuds can last longer (less TV time for each every week) and we can have more strong stuff happening....The WWE seems to be heading in a good direction finally with some GREAT possibilities....dont want to see a lot of them pushed away due to time available being used to hurry a feud....


And I agree....It's September, if they get to Mania with this angle, I will be SHOCKED...unless it gets to HHH vs. Bryan then....

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Yes, I get that 100%....I just dont like that they arent being featured like they were for a few months in BIG Six Mans with the biggest faces in WWE...hopefully that changes....I get they are in THE Main Event, but they arent really a part of it outside running in and beating up Bryan...they have nothing focused on them...and I just dont like we arent hearing them talk or having them take different people out...to me they feel wasted as the Pitbulls for the Corporation......I could be wrong as things go along.. Their stuff with Henry and the Usos was even a better use of them...But again, I will give it time...


Ambrose should be in a feud over the US Title....a belt that needs to be defended...and the others (Rollins and Reigns) are the tag champs....that needs to be defended and have some story around as well...didnt HHH a while back state that the WWE was going to feature tag teams again?


Having your 2 biggest second level titles sitting on The Shield and not being fought over needs to change...but I dont want the belts off them to keep them just as hired dogs.....that is why they need put in a different situation...shit...feature them on Smackdown....

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Most likely the Shield get spun into feuds with the peripheral babyfaces - Big Show, Miz, Ziggler, and Cody - in some combination. But they're the enforcers for the COO and that's going to keep them in show-ending segments (with THE biggest active babyface in the company, incidentally) for the foreseeable future, and is a much more prestigious position than feuding with the Usos or Prime Time Players over the tag titles. Sooner or later there will be a ShowMiz reunion or Z-Rhodes or some other horribly-named combination of the above will challenge for the tag titles, and Cody or Miz will challenge for the US title.


The angle's less than a month old. You gotta give it some time. If they're still doing the same thing a month from now, that's the time to bitch.

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Most likely the Shield get spun into feuds with the peripheral babyfaces - Big Show, Miz, Ziggler, and Cody - in some combination. But they're the enforcers for the COO and that's going to keep them in show-ending segments (with THE biggest active babyface in the company, incidentally) for the foreseeable future, and is a much more prestigious position than feuding with the Usos or Prime Time Players over the tag titles. Sooner or later there will be a ShowMiz reunion or Z-Rhodes or some other horribly-named combination of the above will challenge for the tag titles, and Cody or Miz will challenge for the US title.


The angle's less than a month old. You gotta give it some time. If they're still doing the same thing a month from now, that's the time to bitch.

I agree with your points and am all about giving it time....I think I was just thinking typical WWE ways of doing things and taking the time to do them right...if it goes the way you mentioned...than I am all for it..


Still trying to figure out Show's part in all this....he wants at Steph and HHH eventually, but will have obstacles in his way I'd guess...all good things to come.

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That main event angle sucked this week. It is incredibly demeaning to Daniel Bryan. I get what they are going for plucky babyface has to face monster heel, but instead this time the "monster heel" is a reluctant babyface. The big problem is that wrestling matches are competitions to negotiate pinfalls and submissions not contests to see who can maim someone. No was forcing Show to maim Bryan from the outset they just wanted him to wrestle Bryan. Jeez, why doesn't Big Show have these misgivings all time. Then the way acted like "Dont make do this, Daniel", well way to shit on Daniel. NOW when HHH made Show do his KO punch to Bryan that is something to get worked up about. That was having your hand forced. Still pretty sucky way to end RAW after two hot weeks.


The Cody stuff was well-done, but I don't think it was as hot as someone else. I think it sets up him nicely in the upper midcard, but did not catapult him into rarefied air. Could be wrong, but just feelings from now. Ryback/Ziggler was excellently done.


Here's something that drove me up a wall for ever and I keep meaning to post, but I fucking hate the video game cut scene before the Wyatts come out. You are coming out to wrestle not participate in the next level of some lame video game.

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That main event angle sucked this week. It is incredibly demeaning to Daniel Bryan. I get what they are going for plucky babyface has to face monster heel, but instead this time the "monster heel" is a reluctant babyface. The big problem is that wrestling matches are competitions to negotiate pinfalls and submissions not contests to see who can maim someone. No was forcing Show to maim Bryan from the outset they just wanted him to wrestle Bryan. Jeez, why doesn't Big Show have these misgivings all time. Then the way acted like "Dont make do this, Daniel", well way to shit on Daniel. NOW when HHH made Show do his KO punch to Bryan that is something to get worked up about. That was having your hand forced. Still pretty sucky way to end RAW after two hot weeks.


The Cody stuff was well-done, but I don't think it was as hot as someone else. I think it sets up him nicely in the upper midcard, but did not catapult him into rarefied air. Could be wrong, but just feelings from now. Ryback/Ziggler was excellently done.


Here's something that drove me up a wall for ever and I keep meaning to post, but I fucking hate the video game cut scene before the Wyatts come out. You are coming out to wrestle not participate in the next level of some lame video game.

I found the end of RAW to be really good IMO...with Big Show being soo tore between doing what is right and doing what he has to do for work...I do agree about the "Dont make me do this Daniel" stuff...kind of made Bryan weak. He just beat Cena in a straight up match a few weeks ago and Cena has beaten Big Show over and over again...it made Bryan kind of look like the "Cruiserwight or Euro" Champ HHH talked about bringing back. If Bryan had been beat up pre-match and then went in still trying hard with that same Big Show stuff, it would have been MUCH better...made it look like Big Show could just crush Bryan anytime he wanted...and since Big Show has lost to soo many other top stars, they could also crush him...


On a side note, I LOVE how HHH in his interview on WWE.com this week basically demeaned Bryan's WWE title win at Summerslam when he said how Cena "fought valiantly even though he had a severely torn muscle and still almost won"....great shot at Bryan without saying it in a big, angry way. Another reason HHH as COO and head of WWE on TV has been better than Vince was in 98 to me....just an asshole Corp leader that wants what he wants and what he considers "Best for Business..." Just watch one of the CNBC shows during the week and it shows how PERFECT he is doing this role compared to real Corp leaders that do things like huge layoffs and just calmly say "Best for Business..."

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Hey @TripleH @StephMcMahon #SecondChance4Cody! If you are a so called "Friend", then tell me what i can do for my lil brother @CodyRhodesWWE


Brian G. James ‏@WWERoadDogg 51s


@DUSTIN_RHODES1 @TripleH @StephMcMahon @CodyRhodesWWE he won't talk to me either Dustin! I don't know what's going on?!?! #DOGGLB #OUDK

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Honestly that is fucking asinine. Who is the hero here, DB or Rhodes? I said all along, it needs to be DB vs the WWE. Logically you want Goldust to win Cody's job back, but you can't have Orton losing. Then you can't imagine HHH honoring the stipulation if DB interfered to cost Orton. There is just no good reason to extend the Rhodes program right now.

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I imagine Orton poking Goldust in the eye or the Shield running in because he has to cheat to beat a 78 year old man just trying to get his brother his life back will be pretty glorious.


Or maybe Cody is only having a short honeymoon and this is their angle to get him back on TV. In which case score one for Daniel Bryan and the Resistance.


But I'm not sure how likely Goldust pinning the WWE Champion really is. So my guess is the former.

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Honestly that is fucking asinine. Who is the hero here, DB or Rhodes? I said all along, it needs to be DB vs the WWE. Logically you want Goldust to win Cody's job back, but you can't have Orton losing. Then you can't imagine HHH honoring the stipulation if DB interfered to cost Orton. There is just no good reason to extend the Rhodes program right now.

They're going for a USWA 91 situation where Eric Embry was feuding with and beating every babyface in the promotion at once.

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I am just saying imagine if Rhodes ran in at NOC, helped Bryan fend off the Shield, and HHH forced either a restart or demanded the belt back on RAW the next night. That should have been the first Rhodes related involvement after his termination. What is the point of bringing in Goldust, eyepoke or not? Rhodes is the wildcard here. He has no reason to fear reprisal now. Use that card LATER.

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I am just saying imagine if Rhodes ran in at NOC, helped Bryan fend off the Shield, and HHH forced either a restart or demanded the belt back on RAW the next night. That should have been the first Rhodes related involvement after his termination. What is the point of bringing in Goldust, eyepoke or not? Rhodes is the wildcard here. He has no reason to fear reprisal now. Use that card LATER.

This is a GREAT idea and can still happen no matter what Monday...Goldust loses, Cody is still jobless...


At NOC, hops the rail and...what you said above...


Monday night if he demanded the belt back.....it would kick this into high gear....especially if HHH is pissed as hell Sunday but Monday does the removal from Bryan and return to Randy in the same calm manner he's been doing...

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I am just saying imagine if Rhodes ran in at NOC, helped Bryan fend off the Shield, and HHH forced either a restart or demanded the belt back on RAW the next night. That should have been the first Rhodes related involvement after his termination. What is the point of bringing in Goldust, eyepoke or not? Rhodes is the wildcard here. He has no reason to fear reprisal now. Use that card LATER.

Man, Cody having a huge moment at NOC would be pretty amazing. I think the crowd would come unglued for him.

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