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Introduction to the Board as a wrestling fan


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The other issue is that as a 45 year old guy, I no longer have any friends who watch wrestling, and I don't enjoy watching shows or attending live events by myself, so without a peer group to watch stuff with, Pro Wrestling has kind of faded from my life.


This makes me sad :( - I am sure Grimmas, Kaufman316 and yourself could go and meet up at a SMASH show?


I am probably going to be in Toronto for work purposes once a year and if timed correctly would love to go see a SMASH show with some of you guys.


Musgrave too!


PWO meet up at Smash in February!



Welp, just reading this presently...for my part I could almost certainly make the April 26th show, which would even give me a buffer to catch up on Smash (much obliged for the recommendation too, Grimmas).


Maybe we can figure out logistics elsewhere to see who can go to the March/April/May shows, ROH, etc.?


I'll be at the May shows for ROH, both of them with Musgrave.


PM me closer to the date.

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Love your Wrestling TV Theme uploads on Youtube mate. I was looking ages for the All American theme from 1990 til I found your account.

Thanks! I do try to upload themes that I really like that no one else has up, also making some extended versions of songs.

its youtube.com/alteddiej1984 if anyone wants to check it out, funny thing I made it as an alt account yet its outlasted my main account (which was just goofy videos of me, which now has none uploaded)

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Hey everyone, My name's Ken. I've just used this username forever, it's an inside joke from ages ago. I'm 30, from Canada (Winnipeg to be exact)

Got into wrestling as a kid in the early 90's. Watched WCW and WWF religiously til around 2000 when I discovered Wrestlecrap, then through that Rantsylvania and tape trading/forums in general. After that I really started getting into classic stuff, and different types of wrestling from around the world.

As I got into & past high school, I lost interest gradually. By 2004/05 I wasn't watching any wrestling at all.

I got back into it a couple of years ago when I randomly saw an old match on youtube at a friends, I realized how much of a treasure trove of old stuff that I hadn't seen in years, or ever, was readily available.

What brought me to posting at PWO was listening to the various podcasts some of you guys do. I do agree with a lot of the opinions on specific things here, but even when I don't, I appreciate the ability of the posters here to articulate why they like or don't like something.

As far as my favourites go, I'm pretty all over the place. Growing up as a Canadian kid in the 90's, obviously Bret Hart is a sentimental #1. Rick Rude, Pillman, Jumbo, Flair, Stan Hansen in no particular order are some other favourites at the moment, but that changes constantly.

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My name is Sean, im 29, grew up and live in Connecticut. Have loved wrestling for as long as I can remember, my father and uncles were fans and they passed it on to me, although they longer follow. Living in the northeast I was a big WWF fan all of my life. My favorite time period is probably 1987-1992 WWF. I followed during the dark times and was there when it came back around. I actually took a break during 99-2002 only casually watching, but really got back into it around late 02 early 03. I watched Nitro when it was hot, but i've never been a big NWA/WCW guy. I recently started watching some New Japan since New Japan World came out and I've been loving it. Randy Savage is probably my all time favorite, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels pre 2002 comeback. Hope to talk and learn more wrestling on here

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Hey guys, been reading these boards for nearly four years and thought it was about time I signed up.


I'm Steve, 23 and have been a fan for as long as I can remember. My earliest wrestling memory is watching a tape of the 1993 Royal Rumble taped from Sky TV. Have always watched wrestling with my older brother, and being from Scotland, our access to the Wrestling Channel and Eurosport opened our eyes to the world of Japanese promotions and American indies that we'd only read about in Powerslam magazine.


Reading these boards has heightened my passion for Pro Wrestling like nothing else. The level of discussion here is phenomenal, as are the various podcasts posted. I've yet to purchase one of the yearbook sets, but for years I've loved reading the discussion threads on some of my favourite moments, or rushed over to check the analysis of a match or segment that was heavily pimped.


Hard to say what the best thing I've been introduced to by this board was, though the first thing that comes to mind is the "I'd like to talk to Tom" angle. Blew me away

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a 40 year old fan from the Great White North, near Calgary to be exact. My first exposure to wrestling was actually through the Rock N' Wrestling Connection and later the cartoon. I didn't really become a fan though until catching an episode of the WWF's syndicated show in late 87. I was hooked immediately and watched everything available on TV in the area (WWF, Stampede, AWA and TSN's Pro Wrestling Plus) and bought every issue of WWF magazine and the Apter mags. I rented VHS tapes of older shows from local video stores and talked about wrestling with my friends who were into it. My first live card was seeing a WWF show in the summer of 1988 headlined by Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Andre the Giant. A few months later, the Hulkster came to town and wrestled the Big Boss Man. In between I went to see Wrestlemania IV and V on closed circuit at the local arena. In early 1990, I got the Superstation TBS and was finally able to watch WCW after reading about the promotion for years. My fandom was such that I subscribed to the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Weekly Newsletter and I "watched" WWF and WCW PPVs by listening to the scrambled broadcast on my cable box.


Wrestling's down period in the early and mid-90s coincided with my late teens and the various activities involved with that. My interest waned slightly but I still kept up on the happenings and checked out the major shows and PPVs. It was Hulk Hogan's turn that brought me back into wrestling full time. I was again watching everything I could and, after looking into Japanese wrestling, started watching Puroresu tapes. I even ended up taking a trip to Japan in 2000 to see the NJPW Jan. 4 Tokyo Dome show and All Japan at Budokon Hall.


I tuned out during Triple H's reign of error, but have kept up with the current product by reading recaps online. I now get my fix by watching old matches, listening to classic wrestling podcasts and reading boards like PWO.


It's hard to pick favourites, but I enjoy watching 89-90 Steiner Brothers, The Great Muta, Kenta Kobashi, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Rick Rude, pre-accident Kerry Von Erich, fired-up babyface Rick Martel, modern Jay Briscoe, frequently injured Franchise era-Shane Douglas and grumpy old men Genichiro Tenryu and Ivan Koloff.

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Hey what's up guys? Some of you may know me from Twitter (@_InYourCase) and others may know me from the VOW forum, but if not, I'm Case. Big fan of all Japanese wrestling. 90's All Japan is my bread & butter, early-2000's NOAH is pretty damn great, and I love the current New Japan and Dragon Gate products.


I've been a lurker of the forum for quite a longtime as the GWE project really caught my interest. I won't be putting together a list, but I'd love to add my input on a handful of wrestlers. Looking forward to expanding my pro graps knowledge.



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I'm dedhemingway, though, if you pay particular attention to DVDVR, you might have seen one of my ~150 posts there as DMN, or, if you've ever been within 50 feet of EWB then you probably know who I am, not that it particularly matters.


Anyway, as a 32 year old male from Los Angeles, I grew up on WWF, and was pretty into it until, I dunno, around WrestleMania 12? Basically missed the Attitude Era playing football and wrestling in high school, then, strangely, got back into wrestling by catching XPW on KJLA, which led me to start watching RAW again right around when the nWo ran The Rock over with a semi.


I pretty much stuck with WWE from that point on, though I followed the indies through the internet. I'm probably the last man standing as far as XPW fans go (an unabashedly so, always thought XPW TV was highly entertaining). Love PWG, even though I've only been able to make it out to one show (the WrestleReunion show where Funk and Piper brawled, which was amazing), and with the advent of the WWE Network, I've started to branch out.


Currently, I'm watching Hardcore TV on the Network, which I think is some of the most entertaining TV I've seen.


I'm not sure what all of that says about my taste in wrestling, to be honest.


If I had to pick my top five favorite wrestlers of all-time, it'd probably go Terry Funk, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Eddie Guerrero, and...New Jack. Yeah, New Jack.


You will probably hate me. >_>

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Hey what's up guys? Some of you may know me from Twitter (@_InYourCase) and others may know me from the VOW forum, but if not, I'm Case. Big fan of all Japanese wrestling. 90's All Japan is my bread & butter, early-2000's NOAH is pretty damn great, and I love the current New Japan and Dragon Gate products.


I've been a lurker of the forum for quite a longtime as the GWE project really caught my interest. I won't be putting together a list, but I'd love to add my input on a handful of wrestlers. Looking forward to expanding my pro graps knowledge.





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Sorry for not doing this earlier. This is Hector, the same Hector who posts a bunch of nonsense on Wrestling KO . Previous to that on Daniel the puro guy's board. I've been a fan since I was a kid in the late 80s. My favorite things are matwork of all types, absurdly stiff Japanese matches and lucha spotfests. I don't really like WWE or New Japan so I probably won't be posting on things very often. I like what you guys are doing with the GWE and 'll try to drop on my 2 cents there from time to time.

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Hey Hector, are you the "Daniel" who took part in the best Japanese matches of the 70s project a few years back? Would love to know some of your thoughts about some of that stuff. I've been watching a lot of Funks, Brisco and Race, but have Billy Robinson, Destroyer and any Baba loose ends to come.

Daniel has moved away from pro-wrestling and the puro board that hosted the project has died as a result. For shame. If it means anything to you here are the results of said project:


I also participated but my "reviews" are pretty cringeworthy. Though in retrospective I'd say I did quite well for a 15 year old.

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Hey what's up guys? Some of you may know me from Twitter (@_InYourCase) and others may know me from the VOW forum, but if not, I'm Case. Big fan of all Japanese wrestling. 90's All Japan is my bread & butter, early-2000's NOAH is pretty damn great, and I love the current New Japan and Dragon Gate products.


I've been a lurker of the forum for quite a longtime as the GWE project really caught my interest. I won't be putting together a list, but I'd love to add my input on a handful of wrestlers. Looking forward to expanding my pro graps knowledge.



Case welcome aboard. I think your MOTYC list over at voices is a cool resource.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, guys! My name is Lars. Been meaning to sign up for a while but I just haven't. Decided to do so after talking to BillThompson on Twitter, where my handle is @LARIATOLars. I'm just the ordinary obnoxious wrestling fan who tweets in great detail about it, really. Used to think I was somewhat knowledgeable when it came to the graps, then I ventured outside these *BASIC* WWE-centric forums. That said, I used to be into forums and was considered a relatively good poster, so I'm hoping Twitter hasn't corroded my writing ability to the point where any thought past 140 characters feels unnatural. I co-host the Sincere Shootin' podcast with my good friend Case (InYourCase on here) where we cover most of the current events in wrestling today.


Been watching wrestling since I came out from the womb (I use that line everywhere, sorry.) Somewhere along the line, wrestling stopped being cool in my country, that country being Norway, and WWE stopped airing on my TV in the late 2000s. It wasn't until after a friend of mine found a site that uploaded WWE programming that I got into wrestling again, now intelligently for the lack of a better term, as I discussed the inner workings and all other things actual wrestlers don't want me to discuss on forums. Naturally I became a CM Punk fan due to him blowing up as soon as I started watching again (after the Royal Rumble '11) but only watching WWE started to get a little weary on my eyes. That's why in 2012, I was recommended to companies such as ROH (ironically during one of their worst years) and NJPW. Ever since, I've been Vince McMahon and the casual fan's smarky, star-rating nightmare as I find more enjoyment watching the gritty independents and the big Japanese promotions. Don't get me wrong, though, I don't reject companies. I just simply believe that WWE has had better years and that a company like NJPW is putting out all-time great stuff right now. In the build to WM30, I was a WWE fan.


Right now I (try to) keep up mostly with NJPW, NXT, ROH, DG, LU, DDT, BJW main events as well as whatever good stuff gets recommended to me. I haven't watched a WWE PPV since WM, but I don't wanna be that guy, so I'm just gonna say that I keep up with WWE in the form of RAW reports, I guess. My current favorite wrestlers are Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Kota Ibushi, Finn Balor, Daisuke Sekimoto, Jimmy Susumu, Akira Tozawa, Roderick Strong, Tetsuya Naito, Ricochet & Jay Briscoe among many others. This list changes like every week and I probably forgot a million people. Hopefully Daniel Bryan works too.


No idea how much I'm going to use this message board, but I like what I see.

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Haha. I've actually been asking around and I do think I have somewhat of an idea how to do so now, I just haven't put it to practice yet as I haven't been able to record for the past month. I do agree that catering to the listeners is a smarter idea than having them cater to me, so I'll do my best. Thanks for the welcome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Aaron. I made this account ages ago to inquire about buying comps. I don't know how to write these introduction things because I'm not all that interesting of a person. I have a lot of shitty and contradicting opinions about wrestling and I'm often too optimistic and find good in shit people usually don't like, possibly related I am probably the worlds biggest current day Onita mark, don't know what that says about me as a person or a wrestling fan, especially since I don't run in circles where current day Onita comes up. I'd list my favorite wrestlers but that changes on a whim and the list often ends up incredibly shitty.

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I'm Aaron. I made this account ages ago to inquire about buying comps. I don't know how to write these introduction things because I'm not all that interesting of a person. I have a lot of shitty and contradicting opinions about wrestling and I'm often too optimistic and find good in shit people usually don't like, possibly related I am probably the worlds biggest current day Onita mark, don't know what that says about me as a person or a wrestling fan, especially since I don't run in circles where current day Onita comes up. I'd list my favorite wrestlers but that changes on a whim and the list often ends up incredibly shitty.

There are people on here who like Michael Elgin, it can't be worse than that.

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I'm Aaron. I made this account ages ago to inquire about buying comps. I don't know how to write these introduction things because I'm not all that interesting of a person. I have a lot of shitty and contradicting opinions about wrestling and I'm often too optimistic and find good in shit people usually don't like, possibly related I am probably the worlds biggest current day Onita mark, don't know what that says about me as a person or a wrestling fan, especially since I don't run in circles where current day Onita comes up. I'd list my favorite wrestlers but that changes on a whim and the list often ends up incredibly shitty.

There are people on here who like Michael Elgin, it can't be worse than that.



My list can be shitty, but I can be proud in saying it's not Elgin bad.

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I'm Aaron. I made this account ages ago to inquire about buying comps. I don't know how to write these introduction things because I'm not all that interesting of a person. I have a lot of shitty and contradicting opinions about wrestling and I'm often too optimistic and find good in shit people usually don't like, possibly related I am probably the worlds biggest current day Onita mark, don't know what that says about me as a person or a wrestling fan, especially since I don't run in circles where current day Onita comes up. I'd list my favorite wrestlers but that changes on a whim and the list often ends up incredibly shitty.


Are you the same Aaron who made the YouTube video about the top ten hash matches?

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I'm Aaron. I made this account ages ago to inquire about buying comps. I don't know how to write these introduction things because I'm not all that interesting of a person. I have a lot of shitty and contradicting opinions about wrestling and I'm often too optimistic and find good in shit people usually don't like, possibly related I am probably the worlds biggest current day Onita mark, don't know what that says about me as a person or a wrestling fan, especially since I don't run in circles where current day Onita comes up. I'd list my favorite wrestlers but that changes on a whim and the list often ends up incredibly shitty.

Are you the same Aaron who made the YouTube video about the top ten hash matches?



I unfortunately am not, sorry to disappoint.

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