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[1997-02-17-WWF-Raw] Bret Hart vs Sid


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  • 3 weeks later...

Best Sid match ever? I'd say so. Bret puts on a tremendous performance, debuting the ringpost figure four and making Sid look like a pretty decent in-ring performer. The difference between the Shawn/Sid match at Survivor Series and this is that Shawn was working overtime in that one, while Bret doesn't work spots that make Sid look clumsy or unable to execute basic wrestling moves. Bret has Sid in the sharpshooter and the match is in his control when Steve Austin smacks Bret with a chair, giving Sid the match and the title. Bret gets screwed AGAIN!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dammit, I was hoping Loss didn't like this match so I could sound "cool" in how much I praised it. I really dig the Survivor Series 96 match to but this was a very good bordering on great match. Looking at the match listings and going on past memories, I had assumed this was a 7-8 subpar affair with Sid regaining his title in a fluky fashion. That was not the case here as they go 15 minutes with some great back and forth action and really build to a crescendo of the finish. Yes, Austin clocks Bret with a chair allowing Sid to hit the powerbomb and win the belt, but Sid was powering out of the sharpshooter that Ross put over on commentary. Bret did good looking strong and feeling screwed while not making Sid look weak.


The end with Taker coming out with the staredown was a effective and we now have our top two matches set for Mania.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ross talks about his 25 years in the wrestling business. That does not seem right. I thought this was wonderfully edited on the Hart Foundation set with all the multiple attempts to start match. Bret does his offense on taller guys. Sid was such a yo-yo as being face/heel during this time period. Austin nails Bret when he has the Sharpshooter on Sid. Powerbomb! Sid wins the title and becomes first guy to win title on Raw. Undertaker makes an appearance and we have our WrestleMania main event.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

This started off kinda blah with basic clubbering between the two. But Bret managed to turn this into a darn good TV match, held back somewhat by Sid's clumsiness. Rock solid focus by Bret on Sid's leg, while giving Sid a few hope spots and letting him work underneath--not a usual role for him, but they make it work. Sid actually busts out a sunset flip from the apron to set up Bret rolling through to apply the Sharpshooter, a really neat spot that isn't executed all that well but still deserves credit for the attempt. And of course the ringpost figure four makes its debut here. Finish is well-done all the way around.

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  • 1 year later...

Bret (4) lasts one day as Sid (2) climbs the mountain. That reign wouldn't last long either in this chaotic period for the WWF Title. This was impressive for a Sid match, although not standout in the grand scheme of things. The lame screwjob finish continues the buildup for Hart vs Cold at Mania. Undertaker and Sidney also face off ahead of the paper main event.

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  • 3 months later...

WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bret Hart vs Sid Vicious - WWF RAW 2/17/97


Im a huge Sid mark and I think problem was he was always presented wrong. Too often he treated just like any other wrestler tat should register and sell; give back n forth with his opponent and follow shine-heat-comeback. Sid should have been like Brock nowadays or Braun Strowman. Absolute force someone that you had to completely change your gameplan up for. I can see why people praise this match because Bret does drag a traditionally good wrestling match out of Sid, but he is still forcing Sid to work his style. He does not change up. He is doing Russian Legsweeps and backbreakers like Sid is anyone else. He works the leg well and that's where the match gets its rep from. It makes Sid feels like anyone else. The thing is Sid is clumsy and is stiff like a board. So you aren't playing to Sid's strengths. Sid legdrops a lot. The middle rope one and I was worried he was going to break his leg. What the fuck is up with Austin? For a guy obsessed with Bret Hart he keeps fucking up Sid. Bret applies Sharpshooter and Austin cracks him with the chair. POWERBOMB! SID WINS! Legwork was good and the finish advanced the story. Still not much struggle Bret was just forcing Sid to do his spots. ***

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  • 4 months later...

Solid match. It's better than their It's Time match. Bret works over Sid's back then eventually targets the knee which Austin attacked at the start of the show during the first attempt at this match. Sid isn't much for selling it, but Bret's attack is cool including the awesome ring post figure four. The second half of the match is pretty good with Bret working his ass off. He takes a massive bump into the ring ropes that is brutal looking. Austin comes back out again shorty after that & Sid decks him. Bret gets Sid in the sharpshooter after a sunset flip roll through spot (of all things!). Austin grabs a chair & levels Bret in the head with it as the ref is checking to see if Sid will submit. Sid his the powerbomb & boom your new WWF champion. Bret gets screwed again! The poor guy can't catch a break. Taker comes out & stand face-to-face with Sid as he was announced the #1 contender to face the winner of this match. Cool staredown. This is a pretty hot finish to a really good RAW. It sets up the two main events for Mania & furthers Bret's heel turn in the process. Good stuff.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1997-02-17-WWF-Raw] Bret Hart vs Sid
  • 6 months later...

I prefer Sid/Benoit from Souled Out 2000 as Sid's best match, but this was worked in the same vein with Bret plausibly working from above for spells by taking out Sid's leg. Sid sold it pretty well too, and of course the ring post figure-four will make any match worthwhile to me by its very inclusion alone. Austin will not be denied, though, and I'm sure Bret won't absolutely lose his shit about being screwed yet again (though, tbf, he's well within his rights to at this point). 

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  • 5 years later...

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