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C.M Punk


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Punk is great when he wants to be. A lot of that has to do if he's in a situation that he thinks is worth putting forth effort in. I like Punk. His matches and angles with Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar are all excellent. In all of those situations he seemed to be putting in a lot of effort. He doesn't seem to care in other situations like his matches and angles with Chris Jericho, the Rock, HHH, or Paul Heyman. As a worker he has terrible offense. Oftentimes, none of it looks effective at all. He can be pretty watchable on the mat, is a good brawler (oddly enough as I think his sloppiness works well within brawling context), and as a baby face working underneath can actually be excellent. Watch the Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan, and Brock Lesnar feuds and it's clear he's pretty good at selling. Otherwise, it's whether or not Punk cares.

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I think Punk is better at getting over a story or feud or 'theme' of a match (AKA being the underdog or selfish dick or man who wants the torch) than he is on selling or offense or almost anything else 'mechanic' (for lack of a better term). He's absolutely a great feud wrestler. I think at his best he's really great, at his worst he kind of blows, and on average he's good/very good. I'm not a massive fan and I honestly wouldn't bother even jotting him down if I were making a list of guys I might possibly see as a top 100, but if I watch a random CM Punk match I usually don't wind up disappointed.

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I don't think things like the Heyman feud were about him not caring. If anything, he cared too much. To me the Heyman feud came off like two guys who like each other a lot, want to make each other look really good, and are given all the time and freedom in the world to cut their own long promos to build the feud. And it was just...too much freedom. Too much mutual respect. Because Heyman cut interminable promos that never ended about nothing. Punk cut the same fired up "I won't rest until I kill Paul Heyman" promo every week for months. They had all these long, drawn out conversations and long, drawn out beat downs and segments. And so many 'Punk stares at Heyman who is terrified because Punk will FINALLY get his hands on Paul Heyman and we are milking and milking and milking and oh Punk is cut off' moments that it became ridiculous.


It was just too much, too...masturbatory.

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I hate CM Punk. Every now and then I get sucked into watching RAW while flipping channels because I see Punk cutting a great promo or having a good match. This inevitably leads to me giving modern WWE yet another chance, and I end up disappointed in pretty much everything that doesn't involve Punk.


Screw you, CM Punk.

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I'm not a fan of him either. His promote work is hit or miss that elbow is the worse ive ever seen. And he is a guy that I just cant believe as a main eventer. And for him to be champion for over a year in my opinion it was very lack luster. I also don't see why the IWC love him so much when there are so many better Indy guys to get behind.

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I'm not a fan of him either. His promote work is hit or miss that elbow is the worse ive ever seen. And he is a guy that I just cant believe as a main eventer. And for him to be champion for over a year in my opinion it was very lack luster. I also don't see why the IWC love him so much when there are so many better Indy guys to get behind.

Punk was loved so much because a lot of people saw him grow up over the past decade or more. He was a guy like Kurt Angle and they both had several tools in their toolbox even at an early stage in their career. Most wrestlers have one tool or skill that they excel at show promise or even excel at early on in their careers. He is also a big wrestling fan who (IMSMR) posted at DVDVR and popped in on the chat room sometimes. I get them confused but I remember either him or Hero asking me for lucha recommendations. It was probably Hero but in 2001-2003 I had no idea who either was or what IWAMS was like so they kind of blend together in my memory. I'm not that big a Punk fan at this point but his availability online in his IWAMS days helped him build that initial fanbase online. Punk was one of my favourites until around 2005 but he hasn't grown as much as Danielson or Cesar or Hero or probably many others.


Before the long match gimmick was overdone to death Punk was one of the first guys to do it. A lot of people equate length of match with its quality. Guys like Punk or Hero or Samoa Joe were loved in no small part because they had long matches. In an era not far removed from the crash tv years they were seen as and put over by others as throwbacks to "great wrestlers" who wrestled long matches. Most fans know that those two traits do not make someone a good wrestler but the gimmick sure helps them with some fans.


The best thing about Punk is his credibility. He lives his gimmick. The dude has his gimmick tattooed on his knuckles. In a time when almost all wrestlers treat it like an acting gig I'm 99.9% sure that he is probably the guy that we see in the wrestling ring. He hasn't used the straight edge part of his character recently but the arrogance and ego that come from it are probably CM Punk - private citizen - only he tunes it up to 11 when he wrestles.


Wearing his influences on his tattoo sleeve (KENTA and Macho Man to name a few) when he got to WWE hurt any bit of remaining mystique he might have had with me. I still think he's probably top fifteen in WWE but copying moves that he's not particularly good at performing makes him look less polished than his contemporaries from the indies who made it to WWE with him. Daniel Bryan and Antonio Cesaro seem like much more organic organic performers to me.

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I've been a big Punk fan for years but it's been a pretty bad year for him. Other than the matches with Cena (RAW) and Undertaker (WrestleMania), there is nothing else he's done this year that I would like to rewatch. During a time when Ryback had solid to good matches with Bryan, Cena, and even Gabriel and Kane, Punk just had several disappointing/boring matches with him during an awful feud. FWIW, I think Punk's just a much better heel than a babyface.

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I've been a big Punk fan for years but it's been a pretty bad year for him. Other than the matches with Cena (RAW) and Undertaker (WrestleMania), there is nothing else he's done this year that I would like to rewatch. During a time when Ryback had solid to good matches with Bryan, Cena, and even Gabriel and Kane, Punk just had several disappointing/boring matches with him during an awful feud. FWIW, I think Punk's just a much better heel than a babyface.

The Brock match is my match of the year.

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I've been a big Punk fan for years but it's been a pretty bad year for him. Other than the matches with Cena (RAW) and Undertaker (WrestleMania), there is nothing else he's done this year that I would like to rewatch. During a time when Ryback had solid to good matches with Bryan, Cena, and even Gabriel and Kane, Punk just had several disappointing/boring matches with him during an awful feud. FWIW, I think Punk's just a much better heel than a babyface.

The Brock match is my match of the year.


Oh yes, can't believe I forgot that bout. That was a really great match.

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I agree with that, but he seems perpetually annoyed.

Punk is a Dick and on many many occasions I have seen him treat fans like shit without any real reason. That being said it really has nothing to do with how I feel about him in ring. I just don't understand him in his spot. I would rather see Ziggler in the main / upper mid card spot.
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CM Punk has had some great matches. That said, he's a long winded and overrated promo in my opinion, and something about the way he treats his fans pisses me off.


One thing I will say about him and how he treats his fans. He was at the Comic con here in Austin in 2012. His Q&A was supposed to go 45 minutes he went 2 hrs so all his fans could ask questions. That was pretty cool in my book. Though I will say he did fuck with some of his fans. He mentioned how he liked Col. Buck Robley. He said he used to wear these ugly yellow shirts. I mean ugly yellow shirts . 1/2 the crowd was wearing the CM Punk yellow shirt. I thought it was pretty funny.

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Punk used to have a livejournal and his attitude then was just as obnoxious. I guess he is the same way on Twitter but with only 144 characters to work with instead of a daily blog. It might have something to do with being straight edge but it could just be Punk thinking he is some righteous avenger of whatever morals he chooses to live by.

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Guest TheGreatPuma

[quote name='vannaboy' post='5577475' date='Dec 26 2013, 09:30 PM'Wearing his influences on his tattoo sleeve (KENTA and Macho Man to name a few)




I know Punk is a big fan of KENTA and the Macho Man but I hadn't noticed he had ttribute tattoos of KENTA and the Macho Man. I just want to clarify here. Does he?

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I like Punk a lot, but I don't really think he was all that good until he got to WWE. He's certainly improved a lot from the days when he was doing rolling elbows and falcon arrows as mid-match transition moves. Even now, he'll occasionally give in to his worst indy-ish instincts, like in the Jericho match at Payback. With that said, his hits far outweigh his misses. The match with Lesnar is my MOTY by a comfortable margin, and the Rock matches were Cena/Khali-level miracle carry jobs.


Also, I have no problem with him being a dick to his fans. Wrestling fans, particularly smarky ones, are the scum of the earth. As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't heap enough abuse on them.

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I really enjoy Punk when he's a heel & he can "drop pipe bombs." But as a face, he almost Miz bad. He obviously doesn't like playing that part & it shows. As far as in ring goes, he may be one of the most overrated wrestlers currently. He throws the absolute worst kicks this side of the Divas division & he borrows way to much from other wrestlers. Plus, he's a dick.

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Is Punk really that big of a dick, or is he just not that good at being famous and having to be nice to strangers all the time? He's probably a little bit of a dick, but I wonder if people are overstating it some. He's got credit with me for the Chris Brown deal.


As a wrestler, I think he's one of those guys who is much better character-wise as a heel, but has much better matches as a babyface.

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I think he was making a pun.

Yeah Bix is right. I got a little carried away there.


Punk is someone who I simultaneously like and dislike for being aloof or confrontational with fans. I don't like how preachy he would get but I also enjoy how he can carry a gimmick/character in the world of 2013 wrestling.


He seemed like a really good babyface on the indies. In WWE he just plain looks like he isn't having a good time being one. I've been watching the ROH compilation DVD for the Summer of Punk over the past few days. I'm amazed at how much it looks like a redo of the Shane Douglas/NWA speech from nineteen years ago.


A lot of wrestling falls in the category of "you HAD to be there..." and I am pretty disappointed at just how much his ROH title win falls into that category. The Aries/Punk match REALLY doesn't stand the test of time. It looked ridiculous to me as a fan who buys the DVDs and watches the shows expecting to enjoy them. I enjoy a lot of ROH but that end stretch and promo afterwards looked like a jaded wrestling fan's wet dream come to life. The next night when he wears the suit and signs the contract on the belt comes off looking a lot better.

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