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WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders, & Chairs


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Tonight we have.....


New Day vs. Rhodes Brothers on the pre-show - New Day needs a win, so there's my pick.


AJ vs. Nikki for the Diva's Title - I imagine Nikki keeps the gold here.


Miz/Mizdow vs. Usos for the tag belts - Miz/Mizdow win when Naomi cost the Usos the match.


Rusev vs. Swagger for the US belt - I pick Rusev.


Ryback vs. Kane in a Chairs Match - Who cares, but I'm assuming Ryback.


Big Show vs. Erick Rowan in a Stairs Match - Rowan should win this. I pick him.


Dolph Ziggler vs. Luke Harper in a Ladder match for the IC title - Ziggler regains the IC belt.


Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose in a TLC match - Bray wins this.


Cena vs. Rollins in a Tables match - Cena wins with help from Orton.

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  On 12/14/2014 at 10:53 PM, Johnny Sorrow said:

Not that it actually means anything, but the house show I'm going to in Feb. has Ziggler challenging Harper for the IC belt on the card.

I'm sticking with Ziggler, but it wouldn't be a huge surprise of Harper retained. Ziggler losing this match after being the last man standing at Survivor Series would be a little ridiculous, but this is WWE.

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I'm struggling to think of a single reason to watch this show. TLC has always been my least favorite PPV since it's almost entirely stuntfests with little or no actual wrestling. On top of that, I don't give a shit about anyone on the show and nothing that matters is at stake. You know things are bad when I can't even bring myself to watch a PPV I've already paid for.

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Part of me thinks after Thursday that the main roster is going to want some of their shine back and will work their ass off, but I think the big problem is that with them being locked in with their writing, nobody is gonna change anything major right now. It's akin to firing a coach more than halfway through a season.


If anything, they should feel the need to prove themselves en lieu of the booking, but I'm not sure that'll hapoen.

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Exposer... completely read that wrong.

Well, in past reaction shows over at P2B, we have had instances this year where we give the wrestling a thumbs up and the booking a thumbs down. I can see this being another case of shit booking with kick ass action around it. I am trying to think... when was the last PPV main event that didn't have a shit finish or some kind of run-in?

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  On 12/15/2014 at 12:15 AM, goodhelmet said:


Exposer... completely read that wrong.
Well, in past reaction shows over at P2B, we have had instances this year where we give the wrestling a thumbs up and the booking a thumbs down. I can see this being another case of shit booking with kick ass action around it. I am trying to think... when was the last PPV main event that didn't have a shit finish or some kind of run-in?



Cena/Brock at SummerSlam?

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  On 12/15/2014 at 12:08 AM, NintendoLogic said:

I'm struggling to think of a single reason to watch this show.


Car crash appeal, I reckon. Someone taking a bad bump in an unsafe match. I can't wait to see Bray Wyatt in a TLC match. Not because I think it'll be good but because I wanna watch that tubby dude climb a ladder & take awkward ECW-style bumps. :D

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New Day are fucking awful, and could even be contrued as kind of offensive given that it is three black guys put together in the stable for no other discernable reason than that they are all black. Backwards, lazy booking as always.


Wonder if Wyatt/Ambrose goes on last. If so you would expect Ambrose to win, and where do they go from there - mega push towards winning the Royal Rumble would be the obvious endgame, but it seems like they have Reigns picked out for that. Maybe they are keeping their options open.

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They need to start establishing some kind of identity for Luke Harper and Erick Rowan - the latter has so little identity that I had to look him up, and now he is a face for some reason. Nobody is going to give a shit about them if you just put them in feuds without any character development or explanation.


You will get away with it wrestling someone crazy over like Dolph Ziggler, but against your average face it will be tumbleweed.


Edit: Harper looks loose as fuck also. Either that or great selling from Dolph.

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Dolph Ziggler vs. Luke Harper

- Harper recklessly throwing ladders at Ziggler is fun to watch. Awesome sequence of events with the p[owerbomb tease, the dropkick and then the attempt to fight off the powerbomb only to get bombed through the corner ladder. I was about to write that we won’t get any innovative spots then he does the human ladder slingshot. I love blood as much as anyone but I love how they were going to clean Ziggler up but he ignored the doctors to stop Harper from winning. That was a pretty sweet superkick leading to Ziggler winning. It was ugly, reckless and even bloody. I really enjoyed this. Great match!

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