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WWE TV 6/22 - 6/28


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Current WWE is gone so I'm tossing this up to stick with the trend. So, so disappointed with the Brock show last night. Its fine for him to sell and be laid out when appropriate, but if you're going to do that please let some folks other than Kane & J&J get heat for it. Really surprised Brock & Heyman didn't veto it but I guess as long as the script it is written in green they're on board.

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yeah that was so poorly thought out. The biggest element to Brock's drawing power is the idea that he's nearly invincible. When you see someone finally take a piece out of him it should be a big deal and really well-protected (see Reigns' comeback at Wrestlemania). Sticking Brock in the standard babyface beatdown spot on a random RAW is just stupid short-sighted booking. The whole allure of this Brock/Rollins match is wondering how the hell Rollins can possibly hang with him. If anything they should be reinforcing just how screwed Rollins is going up against Brock, not the other way around.

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I understand the idea that they wanted it to look like Rollins will have a fighting chance, but yeah. You pretty much nailed it. The idea itself was misguided in this particular situation, and the execution wasn't enough to make up for any of that. Just further reinforces the idea that past writers have stated - with Vince having only one vision and one voice when it comes to his top babyfaces.


Makes sense, too. I know it's tiresome to hear people bitch about how all the babyfaces automatically strip away everything that was "cool" about them as heels, but there's an element of truth to it. This segment had stereotypical "Cena beatdown" written all over it. They just inserted Brock instead. And the ONLY thing that's made Brock feel like such a special attraction is the way they've protected, presented, and booked him - UNLIKE anyone else.


Anyone that pretends otherwise is pretty much forgetting the fact that Brock had already lost his luster & started to feel like just another part-timer before they booked him to break the streak. He was treading thin ice by that point. To their credit, they decided to start treating him like a legitimate killer after that, and it's done wonders in the way he's viewed.


I think people are going overboard in saying the segment "buried" Brock in any form or fashion. That's just ridiculous. But it's not something that I want to see from Brock, and I hope they take action to correct the course & keep away from this sort of stuff with him moving forward.

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It actually seems to me that they are beginning the phase of getting Brock out of the WWE. They can't possibly want to keep getting Brock signed to contracts that are so one-sided in favor of the talent instead of the promotion. I am only surprised that he'd last this long anyways. I wouldn't be surprised if Brock only made like three more special event appearances (Summerslam,:a fall event or Royal Rumble and then finishing up at Wrestlemania). Last night was not a burial of Brock but it was definitely the start of the deconstruction of his push.

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Most of us work have more days on the job over 2-3 weeks than Brock has for the year. If he decides that's too much of a burden then its possible he may explore his options to get out of what's reported as $5M+ annual contract. Otherwise, he'll be doing his best Rasheed Wallace for as long he likes.

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I was thinking today about how I think Heath Slater is just a better Dolph Ziggler.


He's entertaining on the microphone, he has a very punchable face which is great for a heel, he's a good bumper & seller...and he's younger.


Kind of wish WWE would give him more.


I shut RAW off. I just can't sit through the damn thing anymore. It's so boring. It's nothing but replays & commercials breaks with nothing matches in-between to kill time. I can't do it. Certainly not for three hours.

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I was thinking today about how I think Heath Slater is just a better Dolph Ziggler.


He's entertaining on the microphone, he has a very punchable face which is great for a heel, he's a good bumper & seller...and he's younger.


Kind of wish WWE would give him more.


I shut RAW off. I just can't sit through the damn thing anymore. It's so boring. It's nothing but replays & commercials breaks with nothing matches in-between to kill time. I can't do it. Certainly not for three hours.

I know which one I'd rather watch and it isn't Ziggler.

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I really love the idea of Cena being multi-lingual. God, replacing him is going to take years. I hope the weekly U.S. title defense isn't done, and that they are just selling his back injury right now, because that has been the best part of RAW since Wrestlemania.

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But the key is to have him act like a lady killer. Have him mistake even the SLIGHTEST hint of attention as some sort of intimate affection & run with it.


Brie Bella glances in his direction backstage? Slater's got to let her down gently & explain that he's not one to cheat. Call 'im when you're single, ladies.


Yeah. Heath walking around like he rules the roost in the divas hen-house could be tremendous.


I might even settle for Bo in the role, but I'm almost afraid they'd take it too far off course into "over-the-top corny" territory.

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Kevin Owens vs the NXT Announce Crew is amazing.


Right now he's straddling a dangerous line where he's so good at it, but also enough of a dick at the same time. If he was any more entertaining in the role he'd just be babyfacing himself (even more), but when he's doing it he's enough of an asshole that I love listening to it, but still want someone to shut him up at the end of it.


Also, two minutes of Devitt sheepishly talking about Lego has done more to make me like him than his entire career up to this point combined.


I thought Balor sold well during the main. Did he have any major matches with Bernard? The idea now intrigues me seeing him sell for Rhyno, and knowing that they were good friends. I've only ever seen him in Juniors matches and he frustrates me a lot in that context.

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But the key is to have him act like a lady killer. Have him mistake even the SLIGHTEST hint of attention as some sort of intimate affection & run with it.


Brie Bella glances in his direction backstage? Slater's got to let her down gently & explain that he's not one to cheat. Call 'im when you're single, ladies.


Yeah. Heath walking around like he rules the roost in the divas hen-house could be tremendous.


I might even settle for Bo in the role, but I'm almost afraid they'd take it too far off course into "over-the-top corny" territory.



Speaking of Bo, the deal on Smackdown of him wanting to join the New Day could be tremendous if I had any faith in the writing team.

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Bo should get insulted by the New Day, feel rejected, and recruit his own tag team to oppose the New Day. Bo's at his best when he's hamming it up & being a vocal nuisance on the outside - just like Xavier Woods. Xavier is the Bizarro Bo.


It takes me back to early 2014 when a lot of people were predicting WWE to introduce & utilize more trios teams to help get acts over. We were (sort of) seeing that with the Shield, Wyatts, 3MB, and even Matadores. I still think it should be done - even if it means more comedy acts or more regular combinations of a singles guy with an established tag team.

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I thought Dana looked better in-ring than she has up until now. She seems to have found a way to hide her many flaws as a worker behind basic matwork and heel posturing. It'll serve her well in squash matches and tags for sure.


Enzo's bullet crossbody is an interesting move. I still want a Jason Jordan push more than an Enzo/Cass push.


The Hype Bros are actually a pretty good fit. I don't see it as a main event act, but as a fun 5 minute midcard match weekly it works.


Rhyno did pretty well with his time on offense in that match. Balor made everything he did look good too. Owens being a complete and total dick to the announce team was great. Graves sucking up to Owens was the worst part about that match, which is surprising given what the match was. next week is going to be a tag match. Owens/Rhyno vs. Balor/Joe leading into the 4th show.

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