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And if you have a laptop with an HDMI port, buy a $5 HDMI cord and hook into TV. Or ChromeCast from tablet, laptop, or desktop.


Not sure development of Roku app would be worthwhile anyway. Might be smarter to go with an iOS and/or Apple TV app

I disagree.


Yes, we're all aware that you can hook an HDMI cord from your laptop to your TV. Very few people actually want to do that.


"Casting" from the Chromecast is a buggy, slow mess at best.


Getting on iOS and Apple TV - if possible - is a great idea, but not at the expense of Roku.


In a perfect world, this service would be on Roku, Apple TV, PS3/4, Xbox 360/One, etc. - as many devices as possible.

Roku won't be around in 10 years....may even be quicker.


What makes you say that?

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Moondogs vs Tiger Conway Jr/Tim Horner 2/25/83


This is interesting. Conway Jr. has looked good on the footage we've seen. He been a convincing baby face. Horner has always been a solid underneath baby face. The Moondogs are most famous for their brawling, and when they're allowed to like in Memphis they get over big.


These guys got around 18 minutes so they got the time to have a good match. We get an opening shine where we see the faces work over the legs. This is good solid wrestling. The faces get cut off and the Moondogs just beat down Horner. Horner does a good job getting sympathy from the crowd. The work on top of the Moondogs was pretty ho hum. Horner though connected with the crowd and the crowd rallied behind him. Horner really battles for the hot tag until he gets it. Conway in and the crowd goes wild. Conway with punches, and a lot of energy I think he goes for a Victory role and mess it up. Though they cover it pretty flawlessly.I was shocked the faces went over. 2 1/4*

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Market penetration.


Apple, Google, and Amazon control that market with their exclusive content (and Amazon is barely hanging on). As long as Roku isn't able to provide exclusive content or sell their future boxes at an extraordinary low price, they will be forced out of the market.


I have a Roku and I like it (though it is a distant fourth to the other 3 devices) but I just don't see lasting long term. Not trying to be a downer or snotty, but just what I see from the marketplace.

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Eh, I don't know if it's that dire for Roku. Just to offer a counterpoint: there are reports out there that indicate that Roku has the dominant market share for set-top boxes and, if you're bullish on the set-top "puck" market in general, they also have a streaming stick (a la Chromecast) that's gaining popularity, as well as some newer smart TVs that actually include the Roku software in the TV itself.


The exclusive content game is definitely an opening for Apple/Google/Amazon to make some noise in the market, but I don't know if it's something so disruptive that it upends the entire marketplace, especially since Roku already has such a huge stake in the market along multiple avenues of content delivery.

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A much more likely fate for Roku is that it will get bought up by one of these big companies and incorporated into their offering. That is always what happens in the tech / media space.


I know that Sky's NowTV box is essentially a tweaked Roku. I would bet money that Roku does not exist as an independent company in 10 years time.

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I disagree that Roku won't be around in ten years. They were the first to market and still have a loyal following. Apple TV is popular but lacks access to Amazon and VUDU apps, which are major. As for Amazon itself, I'm not sure how successful its own streaming boxes and sticks have been - only moderately successful, from what I gather. Google is one great product away from domination, probably, but Chromecast sucks right now.


And let's not forget about the video game systems, which have quietly established their own niche in this crowded marketplace.


It's possible Roku gets bought out, as JvK speculates, but wouldn't that have happened already? In the meantime, Roku is actually built into certain "Smart" TVs now.


In any case, suggesting that NWA Classics shouldn't be on Roku because of something that might be the case in ten years is absolutely absurd advice.

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Magnum TA continues to show what a great prospect he was. On the baseball 20-80 scale, he was a 70 charisma, 50 technical ability, and 70 for promise. A top 2 level prospect for any promotion. And Hernandez worked his ass off here. I was expecting nothing and ended up with another super solid *** match from this great feud.

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Magnum TA continues to show what a great prospect he was. On the baseball 20-80 scale, he was a 70 charisma, 50 technical ability, and 70 for promise. A top 2 level prospect for any promotion. And Hernandez worked his ass off here. I was expecting nothing and ended up with another super solid *** match from this great feud.



That's what NWA Classics does. When I first got I figured I'd keep it a week or so, but I fell in love with the matches but matches like this, where their is almost a negative expectation turn out to be solid matches so much better than the Sport Entertainment of today.

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Magnum TA vs Wrestling 3 5/11/84

This was a really good match that was part of a card that drew a 60,000 dollar house. Which for Sam Houston Colliseum was a near sell out. 9,000 people was a sell out.

I liked TA working over Wrestling 3's arm. He would work spots around the arm. I loved TA's big wind up punches to the arm. Wrestling 3 was great at feeding TA and taking bumps for him. Wrestling 3 nailed a knee lift to stop TA dead in his tracks. TA made his comeback really quick. I was shocked about that. Though it did set up Wrestling's 2 interference. TA is great at selling his ass off here and getting sympathy from the crowd. TA bleeding added to the drama. The screw job finish was spot on for this match. I wonder if Wrestling 2 helped call the match from ringside like Ivan did in some of the best of 7. I also thought the time they allotted these guys was perfect to have a real fun barn burner. 3*

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Bob Backlund vs Afa 5/20/83


We have seen this match up a few times on Titans. I liked this much more than those. Backlund sold his ass off here. He did everything to get over Afa's terrible nerve holds. Now Bob vs Bock I can get behind. We also get some promos, and Bock was great. 2*

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Harley Race vs. Gino Hernandez (12/12/80)


Really interesting match this because it is a rare chance to see Race go up against a local heel (as opposed to babyface), and it's fascinating to see how they work this. And what is amazing about this match is that they really play with crowd dynamics: first fall, and they are on Race's side because simply put, they hate Gino more and accordingly Race works underneath and Gino takes the fall after actually hitting the piledriver on the floor that never hits -- I've seen literally dozens of Race matches and that piledriver never hits! So he takes it after playing dirty.


But then in the second fall, Race steps things up and hits a suplex outside which has Gino juicing. Crowd sympathy changes them because now it is the grizzled get beating up a bloodied young kid who might have a shot of winning the world title. And the crowd really get behind Gino in the third fall and all of a sudden he's a fired up underdog babyface with blood on his face and the crowd cheering him on to win.


Honestly, one of the better Race title defenses on tape. Mastery over the crowd, interesting psychology and Paul Boesch is really on form on commentary and helps make the match too.




Nick Bockwinkel vs. Chavo Guerrero (2/25/83)


A really enjoyable match this. Solid on the mat, good action. Chavo works more technically than I've seen him in the past, and his sustained work on Bock's arm is really sound. His forearms looked great too. This was Bock putting someone over huge and making them look like a million bucks. Very fun to see. Chavo was a very good babyface. Post match promo from Bock is so awesome, one of the ultimate heel champs.




Gino Hernandez vs. Jose Lothario (1/19/79)


This is a very small cage, so short. Gino looks very young, but still has the air of a smug little prick. I'm quite intrigued by the Texas Death match as a concept. In some ways, it could be seen to make the guys look weak because they drop so many pinfalls. But in another, it is a brutal endurance test, which came across during this match.


I think I'd have liked more blood, but Gino was very good at making the old man look like a credible threat while ensuring he got his own stuff in. Text book on how psychology can overcome limitations and still produce a great match. Highly recommended.




Terry Gordy vs. Steve Williams (2/6/87)


No commentary for this one, which actually makes it a really cool experience to watch. I've never been the highest on either of these two, but ... Holy hot fuck this match is awesome. Talk about a hoss fight. The reason I've never been that high on Gordy and Williams is because the Miracle Violence Connection were always talked up as these awesome beasts and then you watch their stuff and they are sitting in chinlocks.


Not so here. They beat the living the crap out of each other while mixing in all manner of high spots. Williams even does as Windham style float-over suplex at one point. Both men juice. This is basically worth the price of NWA classics alone, it is phenomenal and easily the best singles Dr Death match on US soil that I've seen. You need to see this one.




Butch Reed vs. Mr. Wrestling 2 (9/9/83)


This is a smartly worked match built around the idea of Wrestling 2's million dollar kneelift being a game changer. Reed targets and neutralises the leg to maintain advantage. Very sound psychology in general, and Reed looked great here. Worth checking out.



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One of the cool things about NWAClassics.com for me is - we get to see Chavo Guerrero babyface and heel - we get to see Dr. Death Steve Williams work babyface and heel - we get to see Butch Reed work babyface and heel - we get to see Hacksaw Duggan work babyface and heel - even Gino to an extent work babyface and heel - these are case studies for true students of the wrestling business.

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MX vs RnR was an amazing match. Just a picture perfect shine with stalling and ref shtick and . No one was better at feeding and clowning than Condrey and Eaton. A beautiful transition, with focused work giving way to violence and heatseeking, and then oscillating back between hope spots from the greatest face in peril of all time and cut offs including one or two that were up there with the best I've ever seen (what a perfect spot, the Eaton powerslam). Then there was a fun and novel hot tag and such a hot finish. I loved it.

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Rock N Roll Express vs Midnight Express 5/11/84


This is a non title match. The 1st match between the 2 legendary teams in Houston. This is coming off the huge match between Midnight Express vs Bill Watts and Stagger Lee that drew a 102,000 house. Here they drew a 60,000 house which is around 8,000 people.

This match was awesome and deserving of their legend of the teams. The crowd is super hot. Both teams get incredible reactions just by high fiving their partners. A lot of wrestlers in today's era would pay their salary to get a reaction like that. The 1st few minutes is both teams playing to the crowd. Establishing a dynamic with them. Taking their time. We see both Gibson and Morton do rope running spots by using a headlock and hair pull. I'm a sucker for that spot. In a rope running spot Eaton nails Morton in the back with the racquet to set up the heat. What a heat segment it is. Condrey stomps the back and follows up with posting his back. Eaton sledgehammers the back and follows up with a back breaker. The back work goes on with quick tags. This is all awesome stuff. They toss Morton over the top rope. They distract the ref and toss him over the other side of the ring. Not to dismiss him, but Cornette is working hard here. On the floor Eaton nails Morton with a chair. In ring Eaton nails a nasty power slam. Morton getting close to the tag. Eaton runs across the ring and nails Gibson before he can make the tag. Gibson has had enough and runs over and hip tosses Morton to his side. I hate that spot but the crowd ate it up. Gibson is in and on fire. Eaton pulls the rope again and Gibson bumps to the floor. It looks like Gibson is going to play FIP too, but it's all a miss direction. In a nice payback Morton trips up one of the MX which allows Gibson to score the pin. The heels try to convince the ref that the Rock n Roll used a chain, but it's a lie. The crowd calls them out on their bull shit. Great match and hopefully we have more to come of this feud 4 1/4*

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Not much to say that shoe didn't already cover. And just think, we have 2 more regular tags (in June I believe) between these teams and then their scaffold match in Houston (which I forget if it is on the DVDVR set or new).


Morton's headscissors/lucha arm drag combination popped the crowd huge, both teams were so over that the high fives showdown at the beginning of the match garnered more heat than most modern matches. Just fantastic. This is the MX/RnR match from Watts that we have been waiting for (I think the 2-3 on the DVDVR set are well, well below this).

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