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Partial listing of what's coming up on this hard drive. We will get it uploaded as quickly as we can. Apparently the Brisco - Lothario and early Piper match wasn't in this batch - but we still have some amazing matches:


Harley Race vs Jumbo Tsuruta in Tokyo, Japan: World Title Match? Japanese commentary


PAUL: Bruiser Brody vs Bockwinkle: New Match? (After Bockwinkle DQ, Harley Race attacks Bruiser Brody in the ring


PAUL: Harley Race vs El Halcon Title Match


PAUL: Tony Atlas vs Gino promo; Harley Race interrupts promo; Harley Race promotes title match vs Tony Atlas


PAUL: Lothario vs Ken Patera


PAUL: Gino & Tully vs Ricky Morton & Kenny Lucas;


Title Match: Bockwinkle vs JYD; Promos on HD#7; Crowd-Noise Only


PAUL: Atlas vs Markus


PAUL: Brody vs Gino


PAUL: Dusty vs Graham; New Match?


PAUL: Lewin vs David Von Erich (Captain’s Match); Followed by Kevin Von Erich vs Spoiler; Gary Hart and 3 Von Erichs all in for rest of it; One continuous program; 40-minute tape


PAUL: David Von Erich vs Spoiler


PAUL: Lewin vs Brody


PAUL: Atlas promotes Gino match


PAUL: Lewin vs Gino with Gary Hart in a Cage CROWD NOISE ONLY:


AWA World Title Match: Bockwinkle vs Ricky Morton


CROWD NOISE ONLY: Stomper vs Slater


PAUL: Cage Match: Humongous managed by Humperdinck vs Jake Roberts


PAUL: Bruiser Brody vs Dale Valentine


PAUL: Mark Lewin vs Tom Jones


PAUL NARRATES: Paul Boesch vs George Harris III


PAUL: Gino vs Rocky Johnson


Bruno vs Superstar Graham: WWWF World Title Match from Maryland (COMMENTATOR? VINCE SR? I recognize voice from MSG; Gordon Solie? Not sure.)


Greg Valentine vs Wahoo McDaniel;


Mid Atlantic Title Match; Ric Flair & Ricky Steamboat post-match free-for-all in ring Wahoo & Bobo Brazil; Post-Match Promos


PAUL: Gino & Tully vs Mil Mascaras & Tito


PAUL: Gino & Tully vs Slater and Wildfire Rich


PAUL: Tully vs Mil Mascaras


PAUL: Mongolian Stomper vs Scott Casey


Gino & Tully vs El Gran Apollo & Mil Mascaras

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Valentine vs. Wahoo popped out immediately. But this is super exciting.


I'm also intrigued by this: Bruno vs Superstar Graham: WWWF World Title Match from Maryland (COMMENTATOR? VINCE SR? I recognize voice from MSG; Gordon Solie? Not sure.)


Titans boys - we may have to do a special review of this, partly because of the curiosity around the commentator. It could be WILLIE GILZENBERG!!!

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At second look, I'm even more excited. The gems are Morton vs Bock and Valentine vs Wahoo but that's not nearly all of it.


Those Gino/Tully matches look like a lot of fun (So does Mil vs Tully). We've already gone through the JYD vs Bock match we've already had (and I think the Brody one too) so these should be something we haven't seen at least. More Spoiler is always good. Race vs Halcon is exciting too. Patera should be a great Lothario opponent.

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The fact that Jose Lothario found his way onto 11 ballots and finished at #276 out of 557 for GWE tells you just how important NWAClassics is.


If you haven't signed up yet I don't really know what else to tell you to convince you except that Jose Lothario this time a year ago hadn't been nominated and was someone I don't think ANYONE was thinking about voting for. But after less than 20 matches of new footage he made enough of an impression pretty much from NWAClassics alone that he went from someone who wouldn't have been on the list to finishing ahead of 281 other wrestlers on the list.

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I would say around 10 people on my list were helped by the Classics footage. A lot of that was just moving a slot here or a slot there, but still, it made a difference to have long, complete matches with excellent video footage. Something like a Ken Patera or Greg Valentine 2/3 falls match from 1979 makes a difference since a lot of the footage we might have from them from that era is grainy garbage tapes with clipped matches. And that's some of the more run of the mill stuff and not the over the top things like MX vs Fantastics or Race vs Andre or Lewin vs Funk matches.

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For me , guys who got helped by classics were Lothario, Gino , Wahoo, Doc, Gordy, T Funk, Harley, Magnum TA, Dibiase, Murdoch and Valentine. . Several others were helped, but still didn't make my ballot. Guerreros , Spoiler, Andre, Duggan, Reed, Condrey, and Wrestling 2 and others.

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