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Survivor series 1990 an alternative egg hatching

Judy Bagwell

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It was a really lame reveal but I don't see how you can successfully debut someone by having them hatch out of an egg. The better scenario would have been to never do that stupid idea at all but if they were going to do it, that was probably the best thing that could have happened because it was just a one-off that led to a really stupid moment and didn't end up ruining the career of a guy they wanted to push.


I mean just imagine how different things would have gone for his career if it had been The Undertaker's debut like the rumor has always been. The only person who would have even made sense to hatch out of a giant egg would have been a return of The Red Rooster :rolleyes:

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If Mean Mark had jumped out of that egg in 90 ... christ it would have made the birth of Akeem look like Citizen kane in comparison

Fred ottman would have sold it, he ditches the Tugboat character and hatches as a hybrid human turkey and is embroiled in a 3 way feud with the returning red rooster and Koko B ware to decide which has the best WWE bird gimmick

The blow off comes in the shape of a giant Birdcage match where Ottman breaks every bone in his body when trying to escape the cage, he attempts to actually to take flight by leaping from the top to the floor.


He recovers just in time to debut in WCW as the Shockmaster...

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My working theory is that it was a way to take some steam out of the Black Scorpion, which WCW was promoting concurrently. Would anything else have worked? Probably not. Though the Black Scorpion might've worked had they revealed Hector Guerrero in a chicken suit instead.

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Maybe this?



I haven't read it in YEARS, but - from what I recall - it's a fun little piece of fantasy booking that centers around Terry Taylor returning as a mid-card heel to openly mock the Red Rooster "gimmick." There's some stuff with him targeting the people that made fun of him before and even challenging Bret or Perfect for the IC Title or something.


The only thing that really stood out to me at the time was the idea of Taylor TARRING AND FEATHERING jobbers, which is always something I'd enjoy. Truth be told, the character sounds too "inside" for the time. But it's at least better than some suggestions ya see tossed around.

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Wasn't King Kong Bundy the favorite going in?

Yes. That rumour definitely spread to England because I remember him being the most common pick May even have been hinted at in one of the magazines back then because I heard it a lot. Either that or it was just as simple as him and Paul Orndorff who was also rumoured, being the known big name American wrestlers who weren't in WWF or WCW at the time.


Also (and this may have been specific to the people I knew) the Heenan Family was down to three members at that point) - two of whom were not exactly World Title Contenders - and it seemed to us like The Brain needed to get someone to replace Rick Rude and Andre.


The other common one was Brutus Beefcake who was out after his parasailing accident that summer.


I also heard Andre in the egg but I actually think that could have worked. Someone who was that established may have been able to get away with it. I do remember him being one of the names we discussed as Ted DiBiase' s 'Mystery Partner'.


Speaking of which from what I've seen online over the years it seems a lot of people expected the two surprises to be the same person. I haven't watched any of the build up since the time so I'm going on memory here but I thought WWF built them up as different entities. At least I always presumed they would be.


Between the two big surprises, trying to work out the various possible combinations for the Grand Finale Match and wanting to see LOD and Demolition finally go at it I'm not sure I've looked forward to a PPV as much since. Not the event itself which was a bit disappointing but the anticipation for it. Whereas I would normally tape the Big Shows for people, my friend who I'd later go to SummerSlam 92 with even stayed over to watch that Survivor Series when it was shown on Sky Movies (he only had Sky One which everyone in the area had) which wasn't something that happened often (having people stay over specifically for a wrestling event, not having friends stay over in general) because we were convinced it was going to be a big deal.


I always say WrestleMania VI (and later on SummerSlam 92) were the most discussed events in the build-up to them in my years as a fan but really Survivor Series 1990 is right up there in terms of people I knew speculating on it. Which was everyone.

My friends and I talked about wrestling every single day. None of were "smart fans" but a few of us were wrestling obsessives.


In particular, that period between SummerSlam 89 and Royal Rumble 91 was just a constant stream learning about wrestling, discovering new wrestlers, making predictions on upcoming shows. The ones I remember were...


Inside the Egg: Bundy, Beefcake, Orndorff, Andre, Lex Luger, Ric Flair (yeah right), Kamala, Sid, Big Van Vader, Giant Haystacks (okay that was one person), The British Bulldogs (no idea where that came from but on TV they actually hinted it might be a tag team to challenge for the tag straps against The Hart Foundation), the SST, someone doing a dinosaur gimmick OR a brand new wrestler (could have been Mean Mark but could have been someone else... don't even think I really heard him mentioned) called The Eggman or a new tag team (again could have involved Taker or not) known as The Eggmen.


Don't remember The Red Rooster even being talked about which is surprising given that it was an egg. Not sure how we missed that one. The booking idea above would have made more sense than the suggestions we did come up with. I barely knew who half of them were (well I knew the names) yet we all knew The Rooster.


Mystery Partner: Andre, Savage (the most common one since he was left off the card), Zeus (he teamed with Ted the year before), Luger, Bad News Brown, Bundy, Orndorff and Dustin Rhodes. Although looking back twenty five years (doesn't feel it) later a Father versus Son feud may have been a bit too edgy/uncomfortable for the time.


Even at the time it was obvious to me some of those were never going to happen. Personally, my I remember my friends and I thought Dustin might replace Koko Ware on the night. That was due as much to all the replacements the previous year as WWF' s booking but it seemed like something that would happen. Still a bit surprised it didn't.

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For all the mileage they wound up getting out of the Gooker (that being zero), they might as well have went full on with it and debuted a new Conquistadors-level masked tag team.


Have 'em decked out in Invaders white attire with a yellow emblem on their chest. And, instead of #1 and #2, call 'em "Dave" and "Wade" - collectively they form the new jobber team of the nineties, "The Eggheads."


And off to the races.

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For all the mileage they wound up getting out of the Gooker (that being zero), they might as well have went full on with it and debuted a new Conquistadors-level masked tag team.


Have 'em decked out in Invaders white attire with a yellow emblem on their chest. And, instead of #1 and #2, call 'em "Dave" and "Wade" - collectively they form the new jobber team of the nineties, "The Eggheads."


And off to the races.

If I ran a terrible Indy I would have a Zeus-like character named "Seuss," and he would manage Things 1 and 2.
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I never understood it at all. Did they actually go into it thinking that the fans would be happy after all that build with the Gooker popping out of the egg? Was he supposed to stick around and be a full time character, or just a mascot for Survivor Series that they could bring back year after year? Was a heel supposed to get heat by beating him up or something?

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I never understood it at all. Did they actually go into it thinking that the fans would be happy after all that build with the Gooker popping out of the egg? Was he supposed to stick around and be a full time character, or just a mascot for Survivor Series that they could bring back year after year? Was a heel supposed to get heat by beating him up or something?


I read one theory that he was going to be a mascot that they'd bring out during TV tapings to liven the crowd up.

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