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I know these things are probably planned in advance and can't be helped, but I wonder if after seeing 2005 end in the death of a top superstar and a new drug policy in place if WWE sees any irony in the first DVD release of 2006 being Superstar Billy Graham.

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Guest Some Guy

I'm watching WM9, and did the real story behind Hogan's black eye ever come out?


I've heard it was an accident at the gym (which is what the storyline was, with the implication Money Inc made it happen) and I've heard it was Savage busting Hulk in the grill over something (Liz?). All I know is if it was Savage, dude has a hell of a punch since it looks like Hogan has an egg over his eye socket.

Meltzer thinks that it was the boating accident and not Savage hitting him.


BTW, if anybody here hasn't read Hogan version of the jet ski accident in his book you should. It's really funny. Hogan says that he fell off the ski, it then somehow managed to magically pick up speed and hit him in the face at 2000 MPH. Someone (Beefcake?) pulled him out of the water and saved his life. Doctors told him that he shouldn't work at WM 9, but his dedication to burying Bret Hart made him trudge on.

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Guest Alfdogg

Hogan says that he fell off the ski, it then somehow managed to magically pick up speed and hit him in the face at 2000 MPH.

Did you hold down "0" too long, or did he really say that? I read his book, but I can't remember what he said. I do think he said that it was B. Brian Blair that pulled him out of the water, though.
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Guest Dangerous A

Hogan has also changed Andre's passing date as the years go on. On MTV Cribs last year, he said Andre passed away a few days after WM3, which is just absurd since they had a rematch at WM4 and Andre worked WM6.

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Guest TheShawshankRudotion

I love that the worst thing Hogan does is exaggerate. You hear about wrestlers being washed up drug addicts, abusive husbands, dead beat dads, etc. and Hogan seems to have a happy life outside the ring and the business. The biggest controversy he has been in lately is with having too many pets. Yet, somehow, someway, Hogan gets bitched on more for being a liar than pretty much every sleaze-ball that came out of wrestling. Amazing.

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I love the schitzophrenic reaction Abyss gets on the net. Everyone his size is supposed to automatically suck, and he doesn't, so it confuses the hell out of a lot of folks. I guess that's why all the complaints about him center around his ring attire. Ironically, the one time he ended up shirtless everyone was all "OMG UR FAT~!".


Abyss should be booked like Kane is in WWE, keep him credible in tag matches and the occiasional death match, and use him to elevate people in the upper mid card.

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Guest Dangerous A

Abyss polarizes the 'net because of a couple of factors.


1. He is a big guy that doesn't have a good body, so some people automatically assume he sucks in the ring before watching a match of his.


2. His look and presentation. With the mask and the way his hair is, he looks like a Mankind rip off and the pyro at the beginning of his entrance screams Kane rip off.


In ring, his matches are just fine and he seems to understand big man psych, even if he turns into a gore/spot monkey at times. It's just that stigma of not being original that makes him look bush league.

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Guest Dangerous A

anyone else annoyed that Alvarez keeps calling New Years Revolution the "Royal Rumble".  He did Sunday, Monday, and now he has it up in his preview :  "Complete Royal Rumble recap with thoughts and star ratings"  I know it's just a mistake but it looks like amateur hour.

I am looking at his front page and don't see that anywhere. Where is it located on the site?
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anyone else annoyed that Alvarez keeps calling New Years Revolution the "Royal Rumble".  He did Sunday, Monday, and now he has it up in his preview :  "Complete Royal Rumble recap with thoughts and star ratings"  I know it's just a mistake but it looks like amateur hour.

I am looking at his front page and don't see that anywhere. Where is it located on the site?




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I don't get why everyone's so up in arms over Abyss's attire looking so similar to Mankind's. 90% of wrestling is copied from someone else. Even Mankind's look was similar to Leatherface so why all the fuss?

It becomes an issue because in this day and age, if you want to be an alternative to WWE then you should not remind your audience that you are ripping off a very WWFish gimmick.
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