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AWA Worldwide Wrestling

Lee Casebolt

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(5/5/1984) Home Box Office, in association with Titan Sports, presents, live from The Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...


Tonight's slate of professional wrestling action is sanctioned by the American Wrestling Association and the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission.

"Welcome, everyone, to this first broadcast of Saturday Night's Main Event. I'm Vince McMahon. Before we get to tonight's action, some major news in the world of professional wrestling to bring to your attention. First, the World Wrestling Federation in its quest to bring you the very best in sports and entertainment has merged with International Wrestling out of Montreal. Top Canadian talent will now be making regular tours of the Northeast United States, and the very best the WWF has to offer will likewise be making frequent visits to our neighbor to the North. We look forward to bringing exciting new matchups to fans of both countries. We'll be highlighting some of that top Canadian talent tonight.

"Furthermore, the WWF has joined forces with other major promoters across the country and indeed around the world and allied itself with the American Wrestling Association. The World Wrestling Federation will now be known as AWA Worldwide Wrestling. This will let us bring even more top talent from around the world to you, the wrestling fan.

"As a result of this, the WWF World Heavyweight and World Tag Team championships will be re-christened the AWA International Heavyweight and International Tag Team championships, respectively. And after negotiations with our broadcast partner, the WWF Intercontinental title has been reborn as the HBO Television title.

"Tonight's card will see the first defenses of these new titles, as well as the return of a former champion. You'll recall that longtime titleholder Bob Backlund was forced to vacate his championship due to injuries suffered after a heinous attack by Ray 'The Crippler' Stevens

<roll some footage of Stevens attacking Backlund after a title match with George Steele back in January>

"Mr. Backlund has been out of action for several months, but has been finally been cleared by doctors to return to competition tonight. In fact, he'll be appearing in our very first contest here this evening. Now, let's head to the ring!"

1.       Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) defeated Iron Mike Sharpe via pinfall after an atomic drop at 4:27. 

2.       Pedro Morales & Johnny Rivera defeated the Killer Bs (Brian Blair & Brutus Beefcake, w/ Freddie Blassie) when Morales made Beefcake submit to the Boston Crab at 7:46. 

3.       Magnum TA pinned Korstia Korchenko with the belly-to-belly suplex at 6:36. (Magnum got the Real American intro and a bunch of flag-waving.)

4.       Raymond & Armand Rougeau & Dino Bravo defeated Pierre Lafevbre, Sailor White, & Richard Charland by pinfall at 8:29 when Armand caught Charland with a sunset flip. 

5.       Jimmy Snuka © pinned George “The Animal” Steele with a crossbody at 10:47 to defend the AWA International Title. After the match, former champ Bob Backlund w/ Arnold Skaaland enters the ring to congratulate Snuka. He shakes Snuka’s hand and offers to put the new belt on him. Snuka agrees and, as soon as his back is turned, Backlund locks on the crossface chickenwing. He holds it for a couple of minutes, with Skaaland urging him on, as referees swarm the ring to try to pull him off. Backlund finally releases the hold, and contemptuously drops the title belt on the fallen champion. 

6.       Bernie Wright pinned Dave Morgan with a rolling cradle at 8:36.

7.       Rocky Johnson © defeated Ray "The Crippler" (w/ Freddie Blassie) by disqualification at 12:04 to defend the AWA/HBO Television Title when Stevens hit Johnson with Blassie's cane. After the decision, Johnson took the cane from Stevens and chased off Stevens and Blassie. 

8.       The Wild Samoans (Afa & Sika w/ Lou Albano) © defeated Jay & Jules Strongbow to defend the AWA International Tag Team Titles when Afa pinned Jules after a Samoan Drop.



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Big changes going on in the WWF.

Backlund goes heel! I like this spin as Arnold is along for the heel ride as well. This will be very interesting. 

Like your version of the Killer Bees with Blassie. 

Magnum TA could be a huge superstar here.

Cool seeing Rocky Johnson as the HBO TV title holder. 

Good call having the Samoans as the tag champs. 

Things are off to a fast start. Good stuff my friend! 

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Really liked the opening explanation for everything happening.

Rolling the footage of the Backlund injury, then having him pick up a quick win, before the dastardly heel turn is all good stuff. Looking forward to seeing crazed heel Backlund run rampant over this version of the WW...AWA Worldwide.

I'll second the love for Rocky Johnson as the TV Title holder. A good midcard babyface that you should be able to get a lot of mileage out of.

Samoan's are always a good choice for the Tag straps.

Very much looking forward to watching as you build Magnum TA into the super babyface I have a feeling he is going to become.

Good stuff man!!

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Love the intro as it gave us a realistic feel as to what could have happened as the WWF joins the AWA.  Backlund as a heel is an awesome switch which I think the WWF should have explored more.  Also, bringing HBO in is a great idea.  I agree with everyone above that Rocky Johnson is  a great TV champ!  Welcome to the game.

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You got something really good going in the start. Bob Backlund as a heel right off the bat will get people talking. And all of a sudden, we might not wait too long to wonder what would happen if Magnum TA crossed paths with Bob Backlund.

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AWA Worldwide touring schedule for 5/6 thru 5/11, 1984...

A Tour (5/6 - New Haven CT; 5/7 - Rochester NY; 5/8 - Allentown PA; 5/10 - Buffalo NY)

1.       Jimmy Snuka defending the AWA International title vs. George Steele

2.       Afa & Sika defending the AWA International Tag titles vs. Jay & Jules Strongbow

3.       Magnum TA vs. Korstia Korchenko

4.       Mike Sharpe vs. Rene Goulet

5.       Dino Bravo vs. Grizzly Boone

6.       Killer Bs vs. Pedro Morales & Johnny Rivera

7.       Richard Charland vs. Jose Luis Rivera

8.       Bernie Wright vs. local talent


B Tour (5/6 - Brookhaven NY; 5/7 - Scranton PA; 5/9 - Hamburg PA; 5/10 - Freehold Township NJ)

1.       Rocky Johnson defending the HBO Television title vs. Ray Stevens

2.       Bob Backlund vs. Pat Patterson

3.       Kamala vs. SD Jones

4.       Raymond & Armand Rougeau vs. Mr. Fuji & Yasuyuki Fujii

5.       Superstar Billy Graham vs. Jose Estrada

6.       Jose Gonzales vs. John Quinn

7.       Pierre Lefevbre & Sailor White vs. Mark Fleming & Barry Horowitz

8.       Dave Morgan vs. local talent


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I really just took the WWF's actual touring schedule, trimmed out the stuff not in my area, then split up the roster more or less evenly. Hard part was putting something together that played into the HBO cards without burning up the signature matches, so people who go to the house shows still have an incentive to watch the TV, and vice versa.

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2 hours ago, Lee Casebolt said:

I really just took the WWF's actual touring schedule, trimmed out the stuff not in my area, then split up the roster more or less evenly. Hard part was putting something together that played into the HBO cards without burning up the signature matches, so people who go to the house shows still have an incentive to watch the TV, and vice versa.

I'm assuming that you used wrestlingdata.com for the schedules?

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31 minutes ago, Lee Casebolt said:


Anybody else have the thing where you start a program and then a week later get a much, much better idea of what to do with those guys?

Magnum was scheduled to win the tournament for my Heavyweight Title until about 3 weeks ago, and now he's on your roster. So yeah, I hear you!!

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On 5/8/2019 at 7:06 PM, Lee Casebolt said:


Anybody else have the thing where you start a program and then a week later get a much, much better idea of what to do with those guys?

Frequently....lol....I'm currently flirting with the idea of trading Ric Flair if someone really blew me away with a great trade offer.....

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I like your touring schedule and the A and B cards. Good job on balancing out the shows. 

Snuka vs. Steele is a money drawing main event. Then you have the Samoans defending against the Strongbows to go along with it. 

The other show draws with Johnson vs. Stevens and Backlund vs. Patterson. 

I've mentioned that I'm a sucker for low card prelim matches. Doesn't get any better than Sharpe vs. Goulet. 

I'm very interested in seeing what you do with John Quinn. The man was a monster! 



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(5/12/84) Home Box Office, in association with Titan Sports, presents, live from Boston Garden in Boston, Massachusetts...


Tonight's slate of professional wrestling action is sanctioned by the American Wrestling Association and the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission.

  1. Opening promos from…
    1. Freddie Blassie w/Korstia Korchenko - "Magnum! You pencil-necked geek! You got lucky once, but my man Korchenko is ready, willing, and able to do you some serious bodily harm tonight!"
    2. Magnum TA - "Korchenko thinks he's going to take me out? Comrade, you don't have the firepower to handle Magnum TA. And Blassie, if you stick your nose in, I'm not above popping you one, either!"
    3. Superstar Billy Graham w/ Freddie Blassie - "The Superstar is back, baby! I got my eye on all the gold in New York! With the Classy One, Freddie Blassie, beside me, all you so-called champions are on notice. The Superstar is coming for what's his!" 
    4. Lou Albano w/the Wild Samoans and Kamala - "Albano's army of savages just keeps growing, daddy! No tag team can stand up to my Samoans, and now with Kamala, we're gonna strike fear in the hearts of men from coast to coast, from sea to shinin' sea, daddy!"
    5. Bob Backlund w/ Arnold Skaaland - "James Snuka, you call yourself a champion, but you're nothing but an impostor! A scavenger who picked up a pretty trinket off the ground, left by better men. But now that I am back, you will return what's mine, one way or another."
    6. Jimmy Snuka - "Bob Backlund! I called you a friend, bruddah! I stood by you when you were hurt. And now you stab me in the back? You gonna pay, Backlund! You gonna pay!"
  2. Mark Fleming & Barry Horowitz def. Mr. Fuji & Yasuyuki Fujii when Fleming made Fujii submit to the STF at 14:32.
  3. Superstar Billy Graham w/ Freddie Blassie submitted Jose Luis Rivera with a bearhug at 5:27
  4. Dino Bravo pinned Iron Mike Sharpe after a back suplex at 5:41
  5. Killer Bs w/ Freddie Blassie def. Pedro Morales & Johnny Rivera by count-out at 16:32
  6. Magnum TA def. Korstia Korchenko w/ Freddie Blassie by DQ after Freddie Blassie interfered. Magnum retaliated, and Ray Stevens came down to help Blassie. Stevens and Korchenko double-teamed Magnum until Rocky Johnson ran in to make the save, sending the heels running.
  7. Bob Backlund w/ Arnold Skaaland def. Jimmy Snuka (c) by count-out in a match for the AWA International Title. Snuka was going for a Superfly Splash when he was distracted by Skaaland and Backlund pushed him to the floor. Snuka was not able to recover in time to beat the count. After the match, Backlund snatched the International Title belt and took it with him to the locker room.
  8. Kamala w/ Lou Albano pinned Rene Goulet after a splash at 4:23
  9. Rocky Johnson © def. Ray Stevens w/ Freddie Blassie by disqualification. Johnson had Stevens locked in a sleeper when Korstia Korchenko came down to interfere. Magnum TA was right behind him, and all four men brawled for a few minutes before referees were able to separate them and restore order.
  10. The Wild Samoans w/ Lou Albano © def. the Strongbows  at 11:32 to retain the AWA International Tag Titles when Afa pinned Jules after a double slam

Next week! Saturday Night's Main Event comes to you from Paul Sauvé Arena in Montréal, Quebec, Canada! Featuring special appearances by World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan! The World Tag Team Champions Animal and Hawk the Road Warriors! And the Eighth Wonder of the World, the one and only Andre the Giant!

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Agreed with Edger, love the opening promo's. Fleming and Horowitz over Fuji! Wow!! That's a shocker right off the bat!

Graham and Bravo pick up a couple of wins, as do the B's which I still think is a great take.

Like the cross over with the Magnum and Rocky Johnson matches, should lead to some fun tags down the line

Albano's savages have a big night all around picking up wins.

Backlund/Snuka is going to get real ugly before all is said and done.

Good show man!

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I also agree, love the promos to open the show and set the tone.

Out of the gate we get a huge upset as Fleming and Horowitz get a HUGE win over Fuji. 

Magnum and Rocky Johnson will be great allies. 

Good job putting the heels over strong as it gives both Snuka and Johnson a variety of contenders to work with. 

I think Backlund/Snuka could be one of the biggest feuds in this game. 

Hulk Hogan appearing on SNME next week. That just sounds so right. 

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