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WWE TV 05/30 - 06/05 Gimme Big Dawg vs Xavier Woods


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I don't know why they even bother with contract signing segments, not only do they all end the same way it makes everyone involved look stupid since a million matches come and go without needing to have official contract signings. 

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  On 5/31/2022 at 2:40 AM, sek69 said:

I just saw this from earlier, and just wanted to say my 10 year old (who's about 60 pounds or so) once splashed me (I'm about 215-220) and it hurt like hell, so I bought Alexa beating Doudrop :lol: 




I loved an explanation Nick Bockwinkel gave about the size difference, in regards to Rey Jr. It was something to effect of it hurts like hell to get hit with a sledgehammer but getting hit with a claw hammer still hurts and if they're quick enough to hit you 5-10 times then it's just as bad.  Always thought that was a great way to explain it.

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I mean, it's physics. Darby Allin is one of the smallest dudes in AEW, but he is super fast and is launching himself at great speed and acceleration. Same goes for Rey flying around dropkicking people into ropes to set up the 619.

Plus we have the force of gravity that always makes things worse for people down below, even if the person jumping is a lightweight.

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I find the logic behind Joe Hennig being hired as an agent/producer with WWE…confusing.

”Joe, you are not talented enough to warrant us pushing you, in fact you’re not even good enough to work here, so we are going to let you go.

However…you ARE talented enough for us to hire you for a job where your responsibilities will be to help tell other people how to do their job. You know…the same job you weren’t good enough at to actually do yourself.”

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One can be a great movie critic but not a great moviemaker. I'd think the same logic was applied here? Like, he might have great ideas but never really had the tools to pull them off himself? Doesn't seem absurd.

If he's actually good at his job now we'll have to see, tho.

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  On 5/31/2022 at 7:21 PM, The Thread Killer said:

I find the logic behind Joe Hennig being hired as an agent/producer with WWE…confusing.

”Joe, you are not talented enough to warrant us pushing you, in fact you’re not even good enough to work here, so we are going to let you go.

However…you ARE talented enough for us to hire you for a job where your responsibilities will be to help tell other people how to do their job. You know…the same job you weren’t good enough at to actually do yourself.”


FWIW, if guys like The Rock and Brock chose Joe Hennig to help them get back in shape for their comeback in the ring, I guess he must do something right.

Joe's been around wrestling all his life, thanks to his father Curt and his grandfather Larry. We're talking about putting matches together and everything so I think he knows a thing or two about that. 

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I guess, but it begs the question why they fired him instead of just transitioning him out of his wrestling job into the coaching role when they decided they didn’t want to use him in the ring anymore. Lord knows they have done that with other guys. I guess the bar isn’t really set all that high if Billy Kidman got transferred from being an active talent into being an agent.

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It's probably also that they're looking to fill some spots on the main roster. D-Von Dudley said last week that once he returns to the company after his medical hiatus, he's going back to work as a producer for the NXT brand with Shawn Michaels.

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I appreciate your efforts in explaining why Little Beaver Alexa splashing Bundy Doudrop works. But, no. Just no. Never.

  On 5/31/2022 at 2:56 PM, pmo said:

if they're quick enough to hit you 5-10 times then it's just as bad


She wasn't. One was enough.


  On 5/31/2022 at 4:25 PM, KawadaSmile said:

Plus we have the force of gravity that always makes things worse for people down below, even if the person jumping is a lightweight


A feather falls at the same speed as a brick. The brick hurts; the feather doesn't.

  On 5/31/2022 at 6:02 PM, NintendoLogic said:

and smaller objects reach terminal velocity faster


I think this was the most tongue-in-cheek reply, but I'll address it anyway. "In general, a person falling through the air on Earth reaches terminal velocity after about 12 seconds, which covers about 450 meters or 1500 feet." Being smaller, it would still take Little Beaver Alexa 10 seconds and 1200 feet.


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