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WWE Money in the Bank 2022 - No Cash Under the Mattress


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15 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

:huh: I am watching UFC 276, and Vince, Stephanie, Triple H and Pat McAfee are sitting ringside. I guess they must have rushed across the street as soon as MITB was over? Either that, or they skipped their own show to watch something that would actually be good.

I'm sure Vince just asked his bro Dana to save him some seats lol

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3 hours ago, sek69 said:

Interesting how Vince saw how everyone rejected Roman when they felt he was getting pushed down everyone's throat..... so now they make that Theory's gimmick?

I don’t even think that’s the issue so much as it is that Theory’s gimmick and booking sucks. Selfies are a terrible heat generator, he hung around with Vince and his egg, he’s lost as or more often than he’s won despite being a shiny new object, and now he’s in the Damien Sandow position of having the briefcase with no plausibility of a successful cash-in. The only sense in which Theory is interesting so far is that they have made him feel like a midcard heel who’s been around forever - a Dolph Ziggler, say - in like four months. He’s super talented for his young age, but he’s being failed egregiously.

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I have legit no idea how people watching WWE endure this kind of directing 

To me it's completely unwatchable and totally hurts what the workers are doing. I'm amazed people actually got used to it (well, you can always get used to the worst, sadly). There is apparently 72 cuts in two minutes, it cuts every two seconds or so. For no reasons whatsoever. I have no idea why Kevin Dunn is still considered any good at his job.

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1 hour ago, El-P said:

I have legit no idea how people watching WWE endure this kind of directing…I have no idea why Kevin Dunn is still considered any good at his job.

14 minutes ago, strobogo said:

I don't think anyone except Vince McMahon has thought Kevin Dunn has been considered any good at his job for the past like....15-20 years.

That (along with the laughable “creative”) was one of the reasons I gave up on WWE after being a lifelong fan. Their camerawork is literally nauseating and it’s even more jarring if you stop watching for a while and then go back to check it out again later. It’s impossible to not notice it.

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- Both ladder matches were fine. Not great, maybe not even good, but fine. To me, the women's match showed just how much of a gap there continues to be between the experienced "big time" performers (like Bayley, Sasha, Charlotte, and even Naomi who were all needed here) and the rest of the women. I'm only theorizing but it seems to me that, in NXT and on the indies, you are far more likely to see men wrestle gimmick matches than women. This leads to a real disparity in experience levels working with ladders so that while Becky Lynch looked fairly comfortable (because she's wrestled a bunch of gimmick matches over the years), Raquel and Lacey and Liv did not, which resulted in some really sloppy-looking moves and notable apprehension/telegraphing. That Shotzi bump, for example, looked like it could legit have crippled her and I'm just thinking, maybe its because, as much as you shouldn't be "teaching" performers to get used to bumping on ladders, there's also a major difference in experience (and size) between Shotzi doing that bump and, say, Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn (who had done countless dangerous bumps for years before they were even in the WWE). Even in the Men's match, it felt like Madcap was just there and not exactly doing anything special while someone like Ricochet, Balor, or Kofi would actually have added something to the match because, y'know, they're good at working with ladders. Its a conundrum because these performers won't get better at these types of matches unless they get opportunities, but the learning curve also means that they're going to suck at them the first few times they do them. (And, also, because they're inherently more dangerous, you don't want Madcap or Lacey Evans getting those "ladder match reps" in on house shows.)

- Liv winning and then cashing in was great and much needed and made even more sense when we saw who won the Men's match. I can also understand why they wanted to give Liv her moment rather than having Rousey turn heel or attack her after handing her the belt. Hopefully, though, they will have Rousey turn sooner than later because she's just so much more natural as a heel. The match with Nattie was pretty decent, I thought, but I'd also say it was maybe the first time Rousey worked a match as a wrestler and not an MMA bad-ass, which kinda defeats the point of her being a special performer. Say what one will about Lesnar's matches - and when they're bad, they're baaad - but he'd never have a 50/50 match against someone like Nattie (and 50/50 might even be generous as Nattie controlled large parts of the match with submissions). Instead, against Bryan and AJ, it took a ton of effort and cunning to get Lesnar off his game and inflict any kind of damage. Rousey made Nattie look tremendous in a way that was kinda inconsistent with, well, everything we've ever seen and know about these two.

- Having Theory added to the match last minute made it pretty obvious he was going to win. Why else would he have been added if not for that reason? What a bad call. I actually thought the Theory/Lashley match was Theory's best that I've seen - mostly because he was the chickenshit heel getting his ass kicked by Lashley, who was mega over with the crowd. Quit while you're ahead, WWE, and just give us a continuation of that rivalry because it was working. Instead, we now have Theory with the briefcase and, as others have noted, he's basically a more technically proficient Miz. I personally don't think the backlash is about him being Vince's "chosen one" (though there is that) but because Theory is just not that interesting. He's essentially gimmickless or, if you do consider "Guy who takes selfies" as a gimmick, a guy with a very thin gimmick. He doesn't have a catchphrase. He sent dirty texts to a 13 year old. He's a good in-ring worker at a time when good in-ring workers have never been in more abundance in the WWE. I can understand wanting to build up new stars, but y'know, there's also something to be said for acts like Sami Zayn and Bobby Lashley who have been killing it recently and getting huge reactions and maybe, just maybe, haven't actually hit their ceiling. 

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