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[1996-07-22-WWF-Raw] Shawn Michaels & Ahmed Johnson vs Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn


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Last few minutes. Ron Simmons debuts as Faarooq and attacks Ahmed Johnson. He looks ridiculous in that getup.

going through old tapes of mine, converting stuff to DVD and ran across this. Got a big kick out of the fact that like 10+ years ago I did the exact same thing you guys did and cut out everything except the last few mins and the post match angle. Now i'm curious to go track down the full thing to see if it was really that bad.


It's rather amazing that they didn't realise how stupid Farooq's gear (or atleast the helmet) was until after he debued with it.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Fun beginning with Sunny taking a birthday cake to the face. Then cut to the finish as a debuting Faarooq Asad waylays Ahmed Johnson. I don't know who thought that gladiator look was a good idea, but it sinks everything because this is actually a hell of a good beatdown by Simmons, and would have had so much more impact if he were still dressed like a member of Doom.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few remarks about this. No need to say again how fucking stupid Simmons looked in that outfit, the fake helmet being the killer. The insistance on Vince part to not acknowledge who this guy was (Vince was repeating agin and again "Who is this guy ?", and even added "Whoever he is." when Lawler finally said that he looked like Ron Simmons) shows how far behind WCW he was at this point. Here's a former WCW star, from a few years back, but still, he's in a war with WCW, and he doesn't want to use it as a way to show that WCW guys are coming to the WWF. Hell, most of his new crew at this point were former WCW guys : Austin, Mero, Vader, Mankind, Goldust, Pillman and now Simmons.

About racism in pro-wrestling, there's two interesting things here too. First, the fact they paired up the hot white girl everybody wants to fuck with Ron Simmons is not a random choice. It's playing on the old racist cliché of the black man with the white girl, which is supposed to get heat from white audiences. It's not like WCW didn't do the same thing with Harlem Heat and Sherri, but Sherri really wasn't projecting the same kind of image (although a few years back, Doom and Woman totally played on that aspect too). Here with Sunny, we clearly have the classic "big black guy is fucking this hot white girl" kinda racist heat seeker. More interesting to me is that Ahmed Johnson had been promoted as the first black IC champion ever. Ok. So who do we pick to be his first challenger ? Another black guy of course. Now, think of how many black guy challenging for the IC title during the last previous years ? As far as I can think : zero. The last one that had a true IC title feud that I can remember was JYD against Valentine. So yeah, now that Ahmed is the IC champ, of course we gonna get this about black guys fighting together. The whole thing would turned into a good angle that would actually incorporate the racial aspect when Simmons would eventually change his gimmick, but still, I though that was notable.

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We should be fair and point out that we had a Hispanic man dominating the IC title scene in the years prior to this. (Yes, that was sarcasm.)


Cornette was constantly wanting to put Tammy with black guys in SMW. When she debuted and was going around looking for proteges, that was supposed to lead to the introduction of Tony Atlas. Then later he wanted to put her with the Gangstas, which she (sensibly) refused to do. I can't say that I'm grossly offended by this booking move even if I probably should be--the far worse Flair/JYD stuff is right there, after all--but it does feel about 20 years out of date as a heat tactic in 1996.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Really good TV tag title match. Billy Gunn is a pretty good stooge bumper. Shawn has a nice FIP section. I liked the part where the Gunns were kicking him in the head with their cowboy boots. Shawn takes some big hot shot bumps into the ropes. Ahmed's hot tag is great. Man, he was over. Ahmed gets the ropes pulled out from behind him & here comes Faarooq. That's got to be the worst look ever. The beat down is actually pretty good but it's hard to take it seriously with that fucking helmet. The crowd did go wild at the close with Faarooq & Shawn brawling.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1996-07-22-WWF-Raw] Shawn Michaels & Ahmed Johnson vs Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn
  • 6 years later...

Gonna disagree on really good match.  Shine was okay at best.  Heat was sorta mishandled at first, but they got it going.  Hot tag was the best part. 

That outfit Simmons/Farooq was in was absolutely awful.  Like most of this episode of Raw.  Beyond the fun cake angle (which had it's downsides based on location) and Goldust having a pretty good squash match, it was a real stinker.  I suppose ME tag match was okay-ish when compared to most of the Raw matches of late.  Will disagree on Billy also.  He's not ready for main events yet, but you use what you got. 

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