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I would take it a step further, I don't like tag team wrestling, period. RnRs vs MX is a big part of why.

I understand not liking tag team wrestling, but I don't understand liking wrestling and not liking tag team wrestling. What is your favorite kind of wrestling?


Just saw this question. I tend to prefer one on one. It's more realistic to me. You don't really see tag team boxing or tag team MMA. Furthermore, there are a lot more options in terms of how to map out a singles match, but with tag team wrestling you tend to fall into a formula where there are less interchangable parts in a match. Basically I am not saying all tag team wrestling is the same, it is not, but it is relatively close, compared to singles wrestling.

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I like mat based wrestling. Chain wrestling sequences. Submission dominant wrestling. A person working on a body part and coming back to it throughout the match, building to the finish. I like a thinking man's wrestling match. Stylistically I don't blame people for digging Morton and the MX, but I think I've had enough of extended FIP segments or even HIP, in some cases. It is just boring to me to see a man get his ass beaten for ten minutes only for a long drawn out tag sequence nearly wipe that work away. I mean logically if your partner is known to fall prey to long beatdown segments, why would YOU as a wrestler want to tag up with such an obvious weak link, in kayfabe?


Edit: for that matter I should probably note as a general rule I don't love squashes either. So perhaps my thing is I like seeing an evenly wrestled match by two participants, or a give and take exchange.

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The build to Beach Blast 1993 is absolutely tepid. Apart from a really good Blons & Windham vs Horsemen (minus Roma who barely gets in), no good match on TV. No good angle either (well, no angle at all). They have Flair cutting one or two good promos on Windham and a nice brawl on Worldwide, but that's pretty much it. The main event is solely built on the infamous Cheatum video. Dustin vs Rude seems like an afterthought after 6 months of anticipation, and the undercard is a big nothing. They were going into a transitionnal period, moving the tapings to Orlando soon, and searching for a new booking team. It shows, this is difficult to go trough. Oh, and Steve Austin did a 6 minutes clean job to Paul Roma. Holy shit.

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I love Solie being really confused when he first announces Windham on the heel team for the Chamber of Horrors after they pushed his face turn on TV by reshowing that segment something like four weeks in a row.


There were a couple of Oz/Diamond Studd tag matches around this time that were surreal too. The initial Chamber of Horrors heel team was One Man Gang/Diamond Studd, Oz, and Windham.

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When the most satisfying match on a PPV involves Marcus Bagwell and the Godwinns, you know this isn't good. Beach Blast was a disapointment in every way. Rude vs Dustin was mostly a dull match, a far cry from Rude vs Steamboay the previous year. Horsemen vs Blonds went way too long, and to me Roma & Arn as faces doesn't work. Especially Roma, who's wooden and has zero charisma nor connection with the audience. Of course Windham vs Flair couldn't be too good although Windham looked quite impressive on one knee, while Flair looked like a guy on autopilot. Not impressed by 1993 Flair thus far, and I know Flair vs Rude and Flair vs Vader isn't very good either. Main event was nice, although Sid really looks inept next to Vader, even moreso than on his own. The undercard was a big nothing, with Orndorff vs Simmons and Badd vs Payne being bad matches (Simmons stock really dropped with me after he left Doom and was especially exposed once he became World champ). Regal vs Watts was pretty decent, and Watts showed quite a bit of improvement. And Scorp & Bagwell vs Tex & Pierce was a nice little tag match, probably one of the Godwinns best. WCW 1993 is exhausting me.

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More impressive newcomers in the names of the Colossal Kongs and the Equalizer. Who the fuck was hiring these guys ?

So, Ricky Steamboat's new "gimmick" is that he's old and going for a last ride in single on the undercard. It's surreal to see the heel talk about how old Steamboat is when at the same time he's feuding with Paul Orndorff who was 4 years older than him, and Flair being pushed to the top, he too a 44 years old.

Anyway, the fun of the B-shows is you can stumble onto really fun TV matches like this Main Event 07.25 Ric Flair & Arn Anderson vs Bobby Eaton & Chris Benoit match. It's the best I've seen Flair since his comeback, and it's much better than the Horsemen vs Blonds match from Beach Blast. Flair makes a really good face in peril, and Benoit & Eaton are a great makeshift team, two awesome work machines. It's too bad they never went anywhere and Benoit got back to NJ. Despite being basically the designated jobber of whatever his team is, Bobby Eaton still looks like one of the best wrestler in the country at this point. At one point he slaps the shit out of Flair, which ignites a fiery response of stiff chops, really fun sequence that shows Flair needs someone to get him out of his autopilot work at times, which is something I believe Savage did too in 95/96.

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I love Solie being really confused when he first announces Windham on the heel team for the Chamber of Horrors after they pushed his face turn on TV by reshowing that segment something like four weeks in a row.

Yeah, quite funny to see Solie as confused as the viewers.


JR was asking about it too during a Diamond Studd match. "We don't know why Barry has signed for that match or if he even has."

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I love Solie being really confused when he first announces Windham on the heel team for the Chamber of Horrors after they pushed his face turn on TV by reshowing that segment something like four weeks in a row.

Yeah, quite funny to see Solie as confused as the viewers.


Wait a sec! JR just said he was going to talk to Barry on the 10/26/91 WCW SN to ask him why he was on that team. You've been watching all this stuff.


Did that happen?

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Wait a sec! JR just said he was going to talk to Barry on the 10/26/91 WCW SN to ask him why he was on that team. You've been watching all this stuff.


Did that happen?

Damn. Quite frankly, I don't remember it if that happened. I have no recollection of a Windham promo explaining anything. I remember the bizarre line-up being basically changed the day of the PPV and that was it.

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I love Solie being really confused when he first announces Windham on the heel team for the Chamber of Horrors after they pushed his face turn on TV by reshowing that segment something like four weeks in a row.

Yeah, quite funny to see Solie as confused as the viewers.


I remember seeing him call a women's match on Georgia Wrestling once where he called each woman by the name of the other for the entire match. Ole Anderson finally came out and told Gordon that he was mixing the women up, just as the final pinfall took place.


Very lol-zie.

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Rick Rude teaming with The Equalizer.

Ice Train having his last match on an indy show before coming to WCW. With Thunderbolt Patterson.

Yoshi Kwan has got Cactus Jack's magic bag.

Johnny B. Badd vs Maxx Payne.

The debut of the Disney tapings.

The Colossal Kongs and the Shockmaster being the new faces of the roster.

Ric Flair, boring babyface & Paul Roma, horseman.

Vader teaming with Sid, which brings down Vader's matches quite a few notches.

Welcome to WCW in the summer of 1993.


(a few bright spots : Regal vs Steamboat on TV, Bobby Eaton & Chris Benoit, whenever 2 Cold Scorpio shows up in a competitive single or tag match)

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Harlem Heat all over WCW TV as soon as they debut. The depressing thing is that Stevie Ray was already one of the worst worker ever to get a long push and you know he won't ever improve, and Booket T was a complete wasted motion worker already, and not as decent as he would become later (I say decent because I don't see the argument for Booker becoming a really good worker ever).Who had a hard-on for these guys in the office ? I guess Bischoff since he was already in power at that time I believe.

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Ah ah, I had no idea they actually rebooted the Shockmaster gimmick pretending a friend of his who was named the Super Shockmaster came in with a mask and a more agressive attitude in early 94. And he was doing promos on Vader. Oh, Dusty, whatever you could do to push your family...

(the little improvement of late 93 carries on in early 94, but it's not like the booking of major shows hasn't been mostly terrible, including Starrcade. Let's see how the first Clash of the year pans out.)

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1994.02.12 WCW Saturday Night : Terror Risin' debut by defeating Keith Cole. Good physique, classic blond hair, decent in-ring worker for his experience. But what is more interesting is his long profiled nose, which, should he insert it in the right holes, could make him go places in this business.

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El-P, wish you were watching all of the yearbooks as your WCW posts have been entertaining. It will be interesting to see your thoughts of WCW through 94 as the year proceeds.

Thanks, man. I wish I had all the TVs to comment on all what's on the yearbooks too.;) I'm watching WCW and SMW TV at the same time these days. I won't get back into ECW and FMW as I watched that a few years ago. I will surely keep on with WCW for a long stretch though.

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Rewatching the Death of WCW set and I"m up to Sold out 1998. Why exactly did Dusty Rhodes join the NWO? I heard it was to keep an eye on Scott Hall but it's just weird. Couldn't they have let Virgil do that?

From what I remember as I watched WCW 1998 some time ago, it was really all about "swerve", and no good reason was ever given, and really nothing came out of it. One of the most illogical and worthless nWo turn of the bunch, but they thought they that had to keep the angle "fresh" with new people at this point.

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Hulk Hogan's shadow is looming over WCW as early as February. Bobby Heenan says he's got a rumour about him, Gene dropped his name in the hotline. You can see the picture on the wall, and Flair actually wanted him to come too.

More signs of Bischoff in power : Missy Hyatt gets fired (then of course still appears on TV because of the months in advance taoings), Jungle Jim Steele doing an Ultimate Warrior gimmick (hum...), Jesse Ventura not coming back on broadcast (Ventura buried Bischoff in his shoot interview, saying Eric used him to get into good favours then stopped using him), and DDP coming back with Kimberly (the swapping wives rumours won't go away, but I actually like DDP even at this point, his B-shows mini feud with Terry Taylor is fun).

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Rewatching the Death of WCW set and I"m up to Sold out 1998. Why exactly did Dusty Rhodes join the NWO? I heard it was to keep an eye on Scott Hall but it's just weird. Couldn't they have let Virgil do that?

From what I remember as I watched WCW 1998 some time ago, it was really all about "swerve", and no good reason was ever given, and really nothing came out of it. One of the most illogical and worthless nWo turn of the bunch, but they thought they that had to keep the angle "fresh" with new people at this point.


Yeah that was the real reason obviously. On screen Dusty briefly said he was sick of the "Yes men in the back."

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Rewatching the Death of WCW set and I"m up to Sold out 1998. Why exactly did Dusty Rhodes join the NWO? I heard it was to keep an eye on Scott Hall but it's just weird. Couldn't they have let Virgil do that?

From what I remember as I watched WCW 1998 some time ago, it was really all about "swerve", and no good reason was ever given, and really nothing came out of it. One of the most illogical and worthless nWo turn of the bunch, but they thought they that had to keep the angle "fresh" with new people at this point.


I think they mentioned it on the Nitro after and then was never mentioned or a real factor ever again.


Maybe he helped the Outsiders win the tag belts back from the Steiners but that's a big if.

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