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[1992-01-18-WCW-Pro] Rick Rude & Steve Austin & Bobby Eaton vs Sting & Ricky Steamboat & Marcus Bagwell


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  • 3 weeks later...

HOT six-man tag. They build to Rude and Sting finally hooking it up for the entire match, and the heat is through the roof when they do. I also like that they cover for Bagwell only having a few basic things to do by pointing out that Sting has been working with him on improving, along with many other WCW guys. Ross goes a little over the top by saying he's able to do this despite his problems with the Dangerous Alliance and many commitments to children's groups. Austin doesn't have the presence of Rude -- or even Eaton really -- at this point, but he's keeping up with everyone and I have a feeling we'll be able to track his improvement throughout the '92 yearbook. Very good match.

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Probably quite a few. I know after the second time I was wanting Eaton to get his.


I've seen this criticism of DA-era WCW before, and I think it's valid. While the sheer number of good TV matches was higher than ever, there was little continuity between them and they were all ultimately disposable. Even stuff like an angle in late '91 where Sting locked Rude in the scorpion for several minutes and other babyfaces blocked anyone from helping Rude should have had Rude selling the injury or at least it should have been referenced again. The good thing about this time period was that they made some marriages that resulted in good matches and things felt fresh. The bad thing is that there was very little progression from show to show.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

I see Eaton was announced as just "Beautiful Bobby". Bagwell looks huge out there. The crowd totally wants Sting in the ring but him and Rude are kept apart for most of the match. My favorite part is when they can finally square off, the Dangerous Alliance is doing everything they can to hold back Rude with Eaton holding on to his leg. Crowd was eating that up.

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  • 1 month later...

This strikes me as a bit similar to an All Japan trios match, the finish really wasn't in much doubt with Bagwell's presence sticking out like a sore thumb to me. Rick Rude sells an atomic drop better than anyone sells anything else.


Between the Jumbo/Misawa groups, the DA in WCW, and I'm sure there will several choice trios matches from Mexico on this set, it really seems like 1992 is the year for great trios matches.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Marcus Alexander Bagwell always makes me laugh. How could such a fine young man turn into the egomaniacal Buff? Judge Judy should've kept a closer eye on her son.


But anyway this was a decent TV match. Hot atmosphere as Sting was really over. Strong start and the condensed nature helped avoid a beatdown. There were a couple of silly tag spots and Eaton's finisher barely connected.

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  • 4 months later...

Fun DA 6 man tag with everything building to Sting getting in with Rude and MAB predictably taking the fall. I absolutely see the criticisms about these good matches not necessarily building towards much, but War Games and the Steamboat angle in the spring would at least provide some more structure and focus. Meanwhile, no complaints about weekly action like this.



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  • 4 months later...

Yet another strong match, with even Bagwell looking good. Rude of course gets in his atomic drop sell but also does a little Lord of the Dance jig when trapped in a wristlock that's pretty amusing. Great build to the Rude/Sting confrontation, with tremendous heat for Paul E. and Eaton holding Rude back when Sting tags in. Standard DA finish, but the Alliance is looking strong having gone over in a majority of their matches so far.

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  • 10 months later...

Dangerous Alliance (Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Bobby Eaton) vs Sting's Squadron (Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Marcus Bagwell) - WCW Pro 01/18/92


Sting is over like rover and the crowd is molten for the Sting/Rude confrontation. Rude is the God King of Stooging and is the total highlight of the shine selling the Steamboat wristlock and atomic drop like only he can. Bagwell is inoffensive in his section. I was not digging Sting clearing the ring seemed lackluster, but the crowd loved it. Eaton and Dangerously hold Rude back on the apron while Sting stands alone and the crowd is losing its shit at the prospective clash. However, it is not to be as Austin/Sting resumes. To my surprise, the story is not the rookie, Bagwell being in over his head, but rather Steamboat takes the heat. Overall, this is much better for my enjoyment, but I don't know if it is logical. The crowd let us know "We Want Sting" while Eaton hits two nice Billy Robinson backbreakers on Steamboat.Rude comes in hits a move and that hip swivels in front of Sting when Sting goes for the swipe he takes a step back and keeps swiveling. Thats dedication to the craft! Steamboat gets the hot tag to Bagwell!?!?!?!? The crowd goes mild to say the least. Melee ensues and Sting/Rude hook it up and the crowd goes nuclear. Bagwell powerslams Austin, but the ref loses control. Everybody all together now, Bobby Eaton flies through the air with the Alabama Jam to take out Bagwell and puts Austin on top for the Dangerous Alliance victory. It is a fun, popcorn type match that showcases where this angle helped the most and that is delivering good to great matches on a weekly basis. However, there has been a lack of progression, but hopefully with a Clash and Superbrawl coming up we will start to see a change in that front. ***1/4

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  • 1 year later...

Someone in charge at WCW had to be watching All-Japan, because the whole Sting-DA feud is starting to remind me of Misawa-Jumbo, complete with seemingly everyone in the promotion taking a side and then going at it in just about every three-man combination that can possibly be pit together. The match quality doesn't measure up, but the intensity is definitely there. There are even rookies to take the pins. I guess this makes Buff the WCW version of Kikuchi.


If I had a problem with the finish, it was in its execution. Buff had to stay on top of Austin for too long to make the Alabama Jam plausible, even with the referee distracted. The only reason this even has a bot of credibility is because Buff's just green enough not to break the cover and go after Patrick. I'm really not looking forward to seeing this finish over and over again during the next few months, if what I've heard is true. If Sting and his friends can't afford clean losses, just have the DA squash jobbers, like every other heel stable does on syndicated TV.


I loved the part where everyone on the DA side physically tried to prevent Rude from locking up with Sting. From Heyman on down, they were bound and determined that the Stinger would not have the physical revenge he sought, or if he would, it would be when the marks were paying top dollar for it, like at a Clash or pay-per-view. Brilliant heel psychology, and it didn't hurt the match because Steamboat-Rude, Steamboat Austin, and Sting-Austin were just as compelling as Sting-Rude.


How Vince isn't kicking himself for not having Steamer and Rude in a program sometime before Steamer left the WWF for good I'll never know. These two are dynamite together, with or without the Medusa side issue.


I can take the Rude Awakening kisses or leave them alone, but one part of Rude's act I miss is his pre-disrobing spiel: "What I'd like to have right now is for all you fat, out-of-shape Georgia jugheads to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show the ladies what the real U.S. champion looks like (or something similar)." Rude could have even had Heyman do it for him if they thought it would draw more heat that way.

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  • 1 year later...

This told a nice singular story of it being all about Rude vs Sting and their interactions but we had a couple of nice moments from others involved mainly Steamboat and Austin. Bagwell as the underling that is plucky but an easy target is a good story for the DA to go up against. Another enjoyable tv match that WCW could and did put out around this time period to fill up a weekend of wrestling viewing. *** (6)

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  • 6 months later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1992-01-18-WCW-Pro] Rick Rude & Steve Austin & Bobby Eaton vs Sting & Ricky Steamboat & Marcus Bagwell

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