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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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It seems like Taker has become completely irrelevant now. In the recent years you had Shawn and HHH throwingpotshots at Taker to keep that program barely semi-active, but now? Maybe I missed it but nary a peep.

He was a pretty big deal on RAW #1000

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Because Taker doesn't really make a lot of Raw appearances aside from showing up for his Mania programs with HHH and Shawn, and even then, that Raw 1000 appearance did not feel like he was setting up a future program. He was just doing a thing with Kane that culminated in a Brothers of Destruction vs 3MB (ish, I know it was Reks, not Slater in there) segment. I hardly think an angle vs Reks or McIntyre or Mahal is in the cards for the Phenom. His appearance was no different than the legends showing up to beat up Slater.

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Yeah, Taker is basically a nostalgia act showing up at Mania, which has been mostly a nostalgia show these past few years, centered around old guys either retiring (Flair, Shawn) or having their yearly "epic" (Taker vs Shawn, Taker vs HHH), or a big star from the past coming back (Rock).

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Yeah, Taker is basically a nostalgia act showing up at Mania, which has been mostly a nostalgia show these past few years, centered around old guys either retiring (Flair, Shawn) or having their yearly "epic" (Taker vs Shawn, Taker vs HHH), or a big star from the past coming back (Rock).

Calling Wrestlemania a nostalgia show because it occasionally features co-main events with active veterans is... a bit of a stretch.
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No, it's a show that's promoted co-main events with wrestlers who have been popular for fifteen years or more. The Rock was still in his thirties when he main evented this year and HHH, Flair and Taker had been major players in the product within the last five years of their main events.


No need for sloppy terminology unless you want to argue that, like, half of all major events of the territorial era were nostalgia shows.

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Nostalgia isn't based on the age of the participants. It's based on how current they are. HHH, The Rock and Undertaker are no longer on television wrestling every week. They did so in the past.


WWE could build WM around their week-to-week guys at one point. They can't do that anymore.

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Who cares about who wrestles week to week? (not the booking committee hahaha amirite) There has never been a time in the last five years where HHH and The Undertaker weren't continuously promoted as huge stars and the cream of the crop. That there are months and sometimes an entire year between their matches is immaterial. The same was true of HBK (minus the months between matches) and Flair (whose star was on the decline, but that was the whole point.) The same would be true of the Rock if he wasn't a legitimate celebrity.


It's definitely a sign of the times, but "nostalgia show" is no less a mislabel when the players in question are the people that fans and non-fans alike think of when you think of "pro wrestling."

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It is generally assumed that Rock would win the title at the Royal Rumble and bring it to Mania to defend against someone like Cena, but I am wondering how that would work? Is Rock going to all of sudden appear weekly up to the show? It would be disappointing if the champion resumed the rare appearances that the Rock has been doing.

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I know this, but in the past years we had future opponents teasing their matchups with Taker. Shawn at the Slammy, HHH offhandly remarking how he beat Taker into his hiatus, etc. Now? Nothing.

Well, it's probably because they don't know who he's going to wrestle yet. I think they probably had Brock in mind back when they signed him, but it sounds like plans changed there.


Booking Taker for Mania is the easiest thing. He doesn't have to be on TV until a couple months out, and all it takes is somebody calling him out and challenging the streak. The only challenge now is having somebody built up credibly enough to be his opponent now that the streak has reached epic proportions.


I think Punk or Sheamus would both fit the bill. Punk with his whole "respect" angle would fit perfectly in the spot and could carry the buildup himself with promos. And Sheamus who has been built up so strong this year would work in a "clash of the titans" sense. It would be his highest profile match to date and could really solidify him as a face of the company even in a loss if he's seen as standing toe to toe and getting the seal of approval from Taker.

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From the Observer's update:


-- Sad to report the death of Florida wrestling standout Michael Gossett, aka Mike Graham, sometime in the last 24 hours. We'll have more details on what happened later today. He was in Daytona, Florida for Bike Week when his wife found him deceased.

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