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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Thank you guys. Already read the WON bio and the articles from the 1wrestlinglegend website, will seek out the podcast later. For everyone else, I would encourage you to watch at least a few minutes of that video I posted. I especially want to hear Matt D's thoughts on it.

I was going to watch that Hardy Boyz vs Young Bucks match from August that's on youtube tonight while putting the Toddler down, but I'm totally going to watch that montage instead.

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Thank you guys. Already read the WON bio and the articles from the 1wrestlinglegend website, will seek out the podcast later. For everyone else, I would encourage you to watch at least a few minutes of that video I posted. I especially want to hear Matt D's thoughts on it.


I was going to watch that Hardy Boyz vs Young Bucks match from August that's on youtube tonight while putting the Toddler down, but I'm totally going to watch that montage instead.

How does one watch wrestling while putting a kid to sleep? With my 1 year old, it's impossible to do both.

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Thank you guys. Already read the WON bio and the articles from the 1wrestlinglegend website, will seek out the podcast later. For everyone else, I would encourage you to watch at least a few minutes of that video I posted. I especially want to hear Matt D's thoughts on it.


I was going to watch that Hardy Boyz vs Young Bucks match from August that's on youtube tonight while putting the Toddler down, but I'm totally going to watch that montage instead.
How does one watch wrestling while putting a kid to sleep? With my 1 year old, it's impossible to do both.
Try a Dory jr. match. :)
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Everything Except Pink Elephants

by Dano McDonald

I don't know first hand about this story, but it went around the Midwest for a long time, so I'm sure it is in part true. Lou Klein was the booker for the wrestling midgets. In fact, I think he was the founder. As you probably know, there were several groups on the road at all times.


Most years, they would all gather at Christmas at the booking office in Detroit, Michigan, to review the coming season. Well, it seems that some social club nearby wanted a battle royal with as many midgets as available. Lou put it to the group as a good easy payoff and all agreed. He loaded them all in a van and headed out for the shot.


It was a cold, icy evening. On the old two-lane road they were on, up in front of them was a drunk who was driving all over the road and eventually ended up in a ditch in the snow. They stopped the van and could see that the driver was okay. Lou suggested to the group, we could have some fun with this guy.


He told them to put on as much of their gimmick clothes as they could and help him out of the ditch. Well, I guess it was a nightmare to the drunk to see little Indians, cowboys, little black chiefs, arabs, a little gentleman in a beautiful suit and fedora, a little Englishman in a derby, and others, all climbing in and out and over this man's car, and Lou telling him it was all in his mind -- that there was only Lou and him there. They got the car on the road and made him promise to sleep it off.


Lou left his jewelry business card in the drunk's car. One year later, he got a letter from this person thanking him for his help and to say he has had nothing to drink in a year.

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Ok. I just watched that. It was awesome. There's a part 2. I will get to it later. I'm not even sure where to begin.


- Mr. Moto and his ARMY of motorcycles was the most over by far. I thought "hey cool! they have an Asian stereotype Mr. Moto" when I head the name too. Boy was I wrong.

-I love the overlap. You could have the two french guys team, and Genghis Kong,the Mongol Warrior, and Attila. And Cesar (who looked like one of the guys in Rome who stand outside of the Coliseum and charge money for photos) and Nero (who looked like a Batman tv villain). And the two disco guys. And the crazy dude who did all the acrobatics in the corner with the guy who looked like he had a box of quaker chewys he was handing out to the crowd who got mobbed and barely made it to the ring.

-That was the least convincing pirate ever.

-Most of the babyfaces looked like the sort of specimens that could be your 3rd from the top in Kansas City in the 80s.

-I also love how many guys have their own songs.


This was great. It was like when you're a kid, maybe 9 or so, and you've had time to amass a bunch of action figures from different lines over your life, and you decide to make a wrestling league with all of them.


As for putting the toddler down, we have a bedtime routine (pajamas, teeth brushed, story, sleep sack, saying goodnight to various things in the room), then she lays down in the crib and I lay down next to it on the floor with my tablet and headphones and I watch something on youtube while she goes down while I hold her hand through the bars (if she's had a nap, it could take forever; if not, 15 mins usually). It's actually one way I got into lucha since it gave me the exact amount of time to watch a trios most nights.

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As for putting the toddler down, we have a bedtime routine (pajamas, teeth brushed, story, sleep sack, saying goodnight to various things in the room), then she lays down in the crib and I lay down next to it on the floor with my tablet and headphones and I watch something on youtube while she goes down while I hold her hand through the bars


I hope she remembers to say: "Goodnight Blue Panther! Goodnight El Hijo del Santo!"

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-I also love how many guys have their own songs.

I have been digging around for some on youtube and they are insanely catchy little tunes. Here's a few choice ones, with the most famous being Caballero Rojo


Caballero Rojo:


Martin Karadagian:


La Momia Negra:




Here is the whole LP they put out of themes in the 70s:

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If you find an online copy, please do share.

If not... I will be back to Spain for Xmas, I will try to track down my copy.

Over the years Kurt Brown sent me some cool stuff I'd not mind converting to a digital format, such as different lucha movies, the Crush Gals movie, the Beauty Pair movie, etc.

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Yea, so I just checked it out. Definitely have the 1973 movie WITH English subtitles. Doesn't seem like the match commentary is subtitled but all the other dialogue is. Video quality is much better than I expected. Runs an hour and 10 minutes. If someone has a Google Drive account (or whatever people are using post MegaUpload/RapidShare) they want to let me use then I'll put it up where everyone can grab it.





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You know, I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I think WWE Films missed a huge opportunity by not making movies about their babyfaces fighting vampires or aliens or what have you. And by "huge", I mean "probably not that huge, but it would've been more entertaining than The Condemned at least".

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Random stuff I've encountered this week at work...


Sting's son, Steven Borden, is the starting tight end for the University of Kentucky football team (yes, they have a football team). My friend Mike did a story on him: http://www.wdrb.com/story/26539416/son-of-sting


Also, one of my coworkers found out that Slick is a reverend in Louisville now. He's trying to set up an interview with him. I'll most likely get to shoot it. Way more excited about that than I probably should be!

Didn't know Slick lived here.



Is this what you shot?


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Random stuff I've encountered this week at work...


Sting's son, Steven Borden, is the starting tight end for the University of Kentucky football team (yes, they have a football team). My friend Mike did a story on him: http://www.wdrb.com/story/26539416/son-of-sting


Also, one of my coworkers found out that Slick is a reverend in Louisville now. He's trying to set up an interview with him. I'll most likely get to shoot it. Way more excited about that than I probably should be!

Didn't know Slick lived here.



Is this what you shot?



Yessir. Pretty happy with how it turned out.

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