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What Promotions Do You Follow Regularly, And How?

Wahoos Leg

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We all have different tastes when it comes to wrestling. What promotions do you follow regularly, and how do you follow them? Particularly interested in any independents/foreign promotions with readily accessible regular content online.


For me, I try to keep up with all the WWE stuff. Not seen TNA/Impact/whatever you call it in months. There's three indies that run regularly in my area and have TV, and I keep up with two of them.


Your turn.

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These days? Pretty much none. I make sure to catch Mania every year; and maybe once a month I'll bother watching a random episode of TV just to see what's going on. But that's about it. (Admittedly, part of this is due to sheer poverty; if I had the money, I'd probably be a regular buyer of DVDs from Chikara and Shimmer and a few other indies.)

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WWE and a local promotion that puts a good bit of its stuff on YouTube. I watch and pimp stuff from other places as well but don't follow them regularly such as lucha promotions, super indies, and Japan. Watch most of it on the internet.

Interesting what's the local company? Always looking to find more good stuff.

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At this point, the only active promotion I follow weekly is the promotion I do stuff for, the UWC based out of South Jersey. For a while, I was watching 2-4 episodes of SMW TV a day until I ran out of DVDs. I will occasionally pop on Raw (and even more rarely Smackdown) to see what's going on, but I rarely keep up with anything recent that isn't a tiny indy promotion, whose internet TV I produce weekly.

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Osaka Pro. I live half an hour by train from their home base in Namba, and I usually go to two or three Minami Move On Arena shows per month as well as the monthly big shows at IMP Hall or the Prefectural Gym and I also try to hit the wrestler-produced special cards and various drinking parties and fan events as often as possible. If I'm to busy to get to the shows in Minami I keep up with the storylines by following the Osaka Holiday Paradise website.


I'll got to a handful of NOAH or NJPW or SMASH or IGF or friend-promoted jndy or whatever shows in Osaka or Kyoto or Kobe every year, but Osaka Pro is my total mainstay. If I have to chose between buying tickets for a big O-Pro show or, say, a New Japan PPV taping in Osaka, I'll go O-Pro every time. I've always been a "support your local indy" guy... and O-Pro is my local indy now. More than that, though, I'm kind of part of the Osaka Pro "family" now. I mean: I have tons of friends and acquaintances at the shows, including a pretty big chunk of the roster and some of the staff. We exchange emails and little gifts and go drinking and hang out before or after the shows... it surprises me how big a role it's come to play in my life over here.


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For WWE, Raw and Smackdown. I usually order the big 4 PPVs, although I went to a friend's house for Mania this year. I watch Impact and read the PPV reports online. I have ROH and CMLL on my regular DVR rotation along with Monterrey whenever I can find it on the schedule. Used to watch AAA until they lost their US TV, and I follow New Japan via their YouTube channel.

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I follow WWE via dvr'd fast-forwarding mostly. I really should get back to watching Ohio Valley Wrestling. A buddy of mine from work is one of their commentators and it sounds like they're doing some fun stuff.


I'll also watch some stuff on youtube and dailymotion and downloads, etc. Then I order Will's MOTYC sets at the end of the year and catch up on the good stuff.

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I also try to follow DEAN's 2012 MOTY topic over at DVDVR.

Fuck, if we're limiting things to just 2012 current wrestling the stuff in Dean's thread is almost all i've been following + a handfull of joshi shows, lucha and stuff my local indy sceen puts on youtube.

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WWE and a local promotion that puts a good bit of its stuff on YouTube. I watch and pimp stuff from other places as well but don't follow them regularly such as lucha promotions, super indies, and Japan. Watch most of it on the internet.

Interesting what's the local company? Always looking to find more good stuff.


It's called Empire wrestling. There's a good bit of stuff on YouTube of them. Some of the names you can type in to find the matches are Drew Delight, Shaun Tempers, Kyle Matthews, Rufus Black, or of course simply just Empire wrestling. Here'a the links to the promotion's YouTube page:



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WWE, usually part of Raw Streaming while I'm watching something else on the exercise bike. Smackdown I catch streaming either Friday morning at work or sometime later on the bike. With liberal skipping. PPVs in bits and pieces.


FCW usually streaming at work while I'm doing things after the fact. Sometimes while on the bike.


When I have no backlog of either of these I watch either ECW 08 on hulu (just past one night stand now. God Big Show was awesome in that). or 1992 WWF which I'm working through, Superstars while at work, on youtube, and spot matches on dailymotion/youtube using history of WWE to figure out what I'm looking for between PPVs, while on the bike.


Before Justin.tv went down I was watching MidSouth, NWA, and Memphis. Now, not so much. Though there are a lot of cool bits of memphis history in multiple parts on youtube. I recently watched some of the 1990 Eddie Gilbert stuff.


And of course, once the AWA set hits I'm going to do that on the bike most of the time (I go 5-6 nights a week for an hour at a time).


I'll watch NXT Season 4 and catch up after I finish 08 ECW.

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WWE, usually only Raw is watched as it happens. Maybe Superstars/NXT/SD get watched on youtube if something catches my eye. I usually don't pay for PPVs outside of Mania and if a B-show looks like a good show.


Started watching FCW over the last few months. I catch bits and pieces of PWG, CHIKARA, and ROH, depending on what looks good.


I've been watching a lot of 80s WWF too, since that's something I've pretty much never seen before.

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