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[1990-06-01-USWA Texas] Kerry Von Erich vs Matt Borne (Cage)


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  • 1 month later...

We didn't have footage of Percy Pringle officially turning unfortunately, but he's Borne's manager by this time and is suspended above the cage on a swing where he is suitably freaked out. Borne is sliced open on the cage and juices. Pretty violent with lots of brawling, but also kind of a clusterfuck because Percy is so much of a focus. He throws a chain to Borne, but Kerry catches and hits Borne instead to get the win. All that said, Pringle is great as a sniveling coward. Just when Kerry is about to get his hands on Pringle, he tosses Borne a loaded sock and Borne starts beating Kerry up with it while Percy holds the cage door shut. They finally open the door and Borne beats up referees and security guards trying to calm everything down. Kevin is finally down and gets in the cage and goes after Borne. Fun presentation and worth checking out for sure, but the match proper is missing something.

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Darn--if we can find that Pringle heel turn it's a must for the errata set, because I was digging the build to it. LOVE Borne's little mini-promo to the camera as he takes in the theatrics involving Kerry and Percy. Pringle is mic'd up for God knows what reason. Pringle's wailing, much like Brother Love, just skirts the line on the side of "good annoying" and not "mute/change the channel annoying." "SAVE ME, MATT--MY FAMILY DON'T CARE ABOUT ME NO MORE" gets a laugh out of me. Sort of a drawn-out finish with Pringle trying to lower a chain into the ring, but Kerry gets it and levels Borne with it for the victory. As Pringle is being lowered into the ring and crying and begging everybody in sight for help, he tosses a loaded sock to Borne who goes nuts on Kerry with it, then beats up a security guard and then Tony Falk to boot. Kevin finally breaks into the cage for the rescue. The brawling felt really heated and legit but Kerry was just SO limited by this point and it's really showing, though he's still better in this setting than he'd be in the WWF. Really good post-match though that keeps Borne looking strong.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought the match was alright. At one point you could actually see Borne working for 2 here when he put Kerry on top of him. Still Percy was made the focal point. The booking here makes Kerry pretty unlike able. 1st Borne turns on him, and then Percy . I loved the aftermath of this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pringle is lifted above the ring which is kind of scary. They gave him a mic though. Cage match. Kerry is quick to use the discus punch. Pringle does his own commentary. Kerry seems to be all discus punch/iron claw at this point. Borne gets his face raked across the cage. USWA TX picks the worse time for commercial breaks. Kerry really does rely on the discus punch. Percy lowers a chain into the ring. Kerry steals the chain and knocks out Borne. Good match but felt short and Kerry was bad compared to Borne. Pringle gets lowered down into ring. Borne nails Kerry to save Pringle.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow this is difficult to rate. I agree with everyone that the overall presentation with Pringle and the post-match taken into account is just fantastic. However, i also enjoyed the match considerably more than everyone else seemed to. Yeah, Kerry is limited and they actually don't do a whole lot, but you're talking about a match that is two guys, locked in a heated rivalry, inside a Cell, bleeding like crazy and punching each other. This is so what I loved about pro wrestling. As an overall segment this is probably Top 10 on the year so far.


I've been raking every match on the set and assembling a 'Best Match', 'Best Angle', 'Best Promo/Interview', and 'MVP' for each disk. If there's a section to conveniently post these I'd be more than happy to. I mention it now, because I think I'll have this match considerably higher than most.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Why would Kerry agree to a match with Percy on top of a swing above the cage? Wouldn't a normal cage match be about 50 times more likely to keep him from interfering? I love how even in storyline, Kerry is a bit of a dope.


Anyway, I think the issue with this is, Kerry doesn't have a lot in his repertoire on offense at this stage, and since he takes like 80% of the match, we get a whole lot of discus punches. Borne works hard and bleeds like a motherfucker, but there is only so much he can do. It works in some ways, with Kerry finally getting some revenge on Borne by pinning him, but also keeps the Kerry/Percy issue alive as he doesn't get his hands on him. As story advancement goes, this was really good. As a match? Eh.

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  • 1 year later...

This is a good match that's ruined by the decision to give Percy a live mic. The minute that happened, this whole thing became about Percy and his desperation for Kerry not to get his hands on him instead of the Kerry/Borne feud that's still unsettled. It's almost to the point that I'd rather they'd just booked Kerry/Percy in the cage and let Kevin take up the Von Erich family issue with Borne, which is almost exactly what happened, come to think of it. Make no mistake; Percy's gold here, but his performance didn't need to happen in this match. Let the stuff with Borne ostensibly be settled, then run the postmatch with the loaded sock and Kevin's run-in. This splits off Kerry with Percy (or, more likely, someone of Percy's choosing other than Borne) and leaves Kevin, the better worker, to fight Borne.


The aftermath was brilliant here, though, almost like whoever was booking knew that Percy was going to be the focus of the bout and gave Matt the postmatch to make up for it. He beats up three people, including a referee and a security guard, and looks every bit the killer heel doing it. You know then that despite the pinfall win for Kerry and the fact that he made Borne bleed buckets, this feud is far from over. Just brilliant.


USWA Texas keeps on cooking!

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  • 1 year later...

Okay, I was wondering if I had missed the heel turn or what. Here's another instance for me where the match is overshadowed by the story. This seems to be the story with Memphis/USWA stuff so far. I like the angles and atmosphere and chaos but the matches seem more of a means to get the angles over, rather than the other way around. I'm not quite sure where I stand on that right now, because I've really enjoyed most of the stuff so far, it's just different than what I'm used to. I guess the fact that we aren't seeing the big shoes from the MSC play into that as well. Hahah Percy just said "Damn you horse face!" to Kerry.

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  • 8 months later...

I really enjoyed the lumberjack match, but felt that this was the worse of the three Borne vs Von Erich bouts on the Yearbook. A lot of this had to do with one Percival Pringle III (who is now managing Borne) who was suspended above the cage on some sort of platform. Some bright spark thought it would be wise to mic Pringle up so the crowd could hear him, but it detracted greatly from the match. I found it difficult to concentrate on the action when all you can hear is Percy in that whiny voice going ‘come on Matthew!’ for the duration, interspersed with ‘oh my God’, chants of ‘Go Matt Go’ and him even talking to the crowd on occasion (‘what are you laughing at?’). Borne gets busted open pretty bad and for some reason Percy has a chain attached to some rope. Instead of just throwing the chain to Borne, he proceeds to lower it via this rope and dangle it ready for Borne to grab. This all was rather drawn out and Kerry ended up getting hold of the chain, wrapping it around his fist and KO’ing Borne for the 1-2-3. Due to a pre-match stipulation the win allows Kerry to get his hands on Pringle, but they have to winch him down manually and while only taking a couple of minutes, it feels like hours. As Kerry tries to get Percy off the platform he throws a loaded sock to Borne who clobbers Kerry with it. He continues to beat on him with the loaded sock and Percy blocks the cage door to prevent the officials from getting in there. Borne ends up opening the door an attacks one of the security men as well as Tony Falk until Kevin Von Erich finally makes the save.


I wish there was a DVD commentary option for switching Percy Pringle off here! I also kinda feel like I should watch the match again with the audio muted to see how much of a difference that would make. Post-match with Borne going crazy with the loaded sock was excellent.

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  • 1 month later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1990-06-01-USWA Texas] Kerry Von Erich vs Matt Borne (Cage)

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