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Wow, great idea Loss. I was going to say with WWE firing on all cylinders lately that a live thread would have been fun but I think that's better. I came here to fawn over the show and seeing those links to those threads made me realize I had even forgotten some of the great stuff from this show.

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So help me understand the logic behind drowning = ok, choking with a tie = fired. I don't really give a shit but it does seem kind of silly after there was such a big stink about the tie incident that they have they have the "COO" doing that while his wife yells drown him.

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The choking thing having anything to do with Linda McMahon's campaign is only speculation and has never been confirmed by anyone reputable. It may be true, but we shouldn't speak about it like it is for sure. They have been rehabbing their image for years now in an attempt to attract more high-dollar sponsors. And they still don't allow choking, in part because of the possibility of kids copying what they see on TV. It's not just Benoit -- think about it. A kid chokes another kid to death and says in court he was just copying what he saw in WWE.

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As many have pointed out Orton and Batista were hilarious last night. Orton had some great lines. "Take that back!" As a whole WWE comedy has been clicking lately. Probably because great comedy can come frustration and anger and I'd imagine that's what some backstage are feeling now

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I'm wondering whether Bryan-Trips goes to a draw of some sorts and they both are inserted I to the main event. Bryan wins and we get Bryan-Trips at Extreme Rules?


Also that way you have to wait even longer for a Daniel win on the night...

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  On 3/19/2014 at 12:39 PM, Boon said:

I'm wondering whether Bryan-Trips goes to a draw of some sorts and they both are inserted I to the main event. Bryan wins and we get Bryan-Trips at Extreme Rules?


Also that way you have to wait even longer for a Daniel win on the night...

the thought occurred to me that Bryan might lose through some nefarious means and then later be inserted into the main event anyway by Vince.

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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:01 PM, anarchistxx said:
Bray Wyatt is very underwhelming to me, and doesn't deserve such a big Wrestlemania slot in the slightest. His character is like something you would see in an embarassing fifth rate made for television horror movie, I've seen more believable characters in backyard wrestling. Ridiculous corny and they overplay it. That character has no legs long term unless they change it up.


Could not disagree more. "reality" in terms of this character doesn't matter, because he's completely divorced from reality. He's a crazy lunatic. Whether you believe in the character or not, it doesn't matter, because HE believes in it. He's crazy. That's the gimmick.


I think the Wyatts have been booked pretty flawlessly overall. Bray cuts a great promo and he's starting to show some really good skills in the ring. I was actually a Husky Harris fan, thought he showed a ton of potential when he actually got to wrestle, so I'm not surprised he's become so good. He's still very young too. Definitely a guy and character they can build around for the next decade.


And you know, yeah it's a little cartoonish gimmick wise, but it's also pretty edgy. Perfect "monster" for modern WWE which is primarily marketed to kids. I grew up watching cartoony WWF, and I like that they have a "cartoon" gimmick like this peppered in with the "real" wrestlers.


I'd make the comparison to Umaga, a gimmick that got destroyed by "smart" fans at the start until people realized he was a great wrestler and totally owning the role. I think the same will hold true with Bray, and even the people who hate "cartoon gimmicks" will come around


Also, I've been pleasantly surprised by both Rowan and Harper as workers. Rowan had the knock of being a useless stiff, and he isn't at all. He's very good in his role and the matches booked to keep him in the pocket. I've also noticed steady improvement from him, and could be a Kane type that develops into a really solid worker over time. Harper I thought looked bad the first few months, but something clicked with him and now he's fantastic. The two 6 mans with The Shield are IMO the best WWE matches of the year so far, and the Wyatts more than held up their ends in the work department

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My main problem with the Wyatts is that they've never really said what their motivation is for being in WWE. We get it, you're a cult. So why are you a cult in wrestling?


That's not unique to the Wyatts. I used to think the same thing about the Undertaker when he was starting out many moons ago. But I wish somewhere in all that promo time he'd explain why he's in WWE.


I also think it hurts their aura to talk about how they came through NXT. It humanizes them too much, like they are just aspiring WWE superstars playing a gimmick.

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But they developed the whole Wyatt family gimmick in NXT, so it's not a big deal to say something like 'they couquered NXT before moving on to WWE'. Acknowleding that Bray was Husky Harris before that kind of hurts the whole vibe, but at some point you just have to draw the line re: suspension of disbelief i guess.


As for why they're in WWE...I think with this type of gimmick you can sort of just assume that they're in WWE because they're crazy and wrestling is a business in which they can be as crazy as they want to be, hurt people, and make a living doing it.

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