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Alright, here's what I think they should do with the belt:


-Strip Bryan

-Turn the Cena vs Wyatt match at Payback into a title match

-Put Wyatt over after Cena loses his cool, does not rise above hate, and makes a stupid mistake which gives a good mind game payoff to this whole storyline, one that it sorely needs.

-Put the Wyatts over the Usos so they have three+ belts on the chair

-Put Wyatt over a few babyfaces

-On the July PPV Have Cena/Bryan beat the Wyatts for the titles

-The Main Event of Summerslam is Cena vs Bryan for the #1 Contendorship (or at least that's the big match). Have it like Summerslam 92 where one or the other seem to have gone with Wyatt maybe? Have it end in dispute.

-Then, to get people to renew their subscriptions since Night of Champions is now key, run the blowoff Wyatt vs Cena vs Bryan there as the main event and culmination of the story.

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I can't think of a single other person who would be viable as champion right now. That's probably why WWE wants to keep the belt on him.

I think Bray having a short reign would go a long way to putting him over and could further the whole angle of how dangerous it is for him to have a platform to "get his message out". They could sell it as a big, scary deal that the most dangerous man in the WWE is now the face of the WWE and it would feel like a big deal when Bryan comes back to win back the title IMO.



That would be pretty cool. I know some people on the board find Bray Wyatt cheesy, but I don't, and clearly the audience doesn't either. He's at that level now where you could put the belt on him in this situation and it would get over like gangbusters, and it would be huge for Bryan as well. Something like the Deadly Games tournament booking wise would be awesome. That might be one of my favorite pieces of "attitude era" booking. They used it to turn Mankind into a huge babyface, turn Rock into the most hated guy in the company at a time when he was really getting over for being a "cool heel".....and mad the crowd that much hotter for Austin to just open up a can on everyone. If they booked a tournament like that, stripped Bryan of the title and made him compete in the tournament.....it would actually help Bryan's heat and get some other guys over in the process


All that said, I've been expecting Brock to get the belt this year, pretty much all year. If you go back to his booking early in the year......he's been built now as this guy who, if he decides to, will easily take the title. But he doesn't even care about it. He'll take it just because he can. I think there is huge $ to be made in Brock winning the title and going home. The argument Meltzer made for a while was "they can't unify the titles because they need a champion headlining both house shows" and that was reverb of what people in the company thought. Has house show business been hurt by unifying the titles? No, it hasn't. Would it be hurt by the belt being on Brock who comes and goes as he pleases and doesn't work house shows? No, it wouldn't. Was business hurt when Rock had the belt for a few months and only did TV? No. Build some hot angles, push the IC/US belt like they matter......Brock can hold the belt from August to April.


Personally, if I were booking right now, I'd do the tournament gimmick to take the belt off of Bryan, then put it back on him, then put it on Brock......then build to Bryan against Brock at WM. In the interim you could do Bryan-Cesaro for a few months......hell, I'd have Heyman carrying around the WWE belts while Brock is sitting at home......then you've got Cesaro gradually getting kind of pissed off.....and there'd be a huge babyface turn for Cesaro at the end of the road and you've got Cesaro against Brock post-WM plus Cesaro against Bryan for the title


I know that none of this will happen because they don't long-term book like that plus they're going to put the belt on Batista/Cena/Orton etc at some point and they'll probably force Reigns into the huge push before he's quite ready, but I can dream

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I know this idea would probably get laughed out of a creative meeting, but I really think this would be the way to go - when Lesnar wins the title, he fucks off and pisses off the world by being the megastar too good to appear all the time, Heyman is always on with the belts as has been suggested. Meanwhile, John Cena wants a new goal after the Wyatt thing ends, which is to be a Grand Slam Champion, and chases the Intercontinental Title, finally winning it. You essentially put Cena in the Nakamura role of top star being in key matches for the Intercontinental Title and elevate that as a big deal in Brock's absence.


You build that long enough and the guys that beat Brock and Cena for the WWE and IC Title are getting massive wins and will feel like true elevation because both of their title runs would be different and special.


I also like the idea of an "interim" title a hell of a lot, gives a focus and a natural first match back for Bryan.

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Exactly, the belt would be protected because he would be, and I think not having an important second championship is a real detriment to the product right now. Cena's working in the second or third from the top PPV match right now anyway, there's no reason not to. Plus with the Grand Slam story him winning it can be pushed as a major accomplishment and not a demotion as a way to bring the belt up a notch.

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I agree completely. Wrote a blog (in my sig) on this a few days ago, but I really think WWE should unify the belts and give it to Cena, because people have been conditioned for a long time now that unless it involves him it doesn't mean much in the big picture, and the strength it could lend to that second title, as well as the structure that gives back to the roster that badly needs it, are far bigger plusses than minuses.

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WWE has signed Willie Mack (real name Willie McClinton Jr.) to a developmental deal, PWInsider.com has confirmed with multiple sources. Mack has been a regular on the California independent scene since 2006, most notably wrestling for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. He's got a ton of charisma and is really entertaining. This is a great signing in my opinion.
Interesting hire. Willie had that old school Black charisma.
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I know this idea would probably get laughed out of a creative meeting, but I really think this would be the way to go - when Lesnar wins the title, he fucks off and pisses off the world by being the megastar too good to appear all the time, Heyman is always on with the belts as has been suggested. Meanwhile, John Cena wants a new goal after the Wyatt thing ends, which is to be a Grand Slam Champion, and chases the Intercontinental Title, finally winning it. You essentially put Cena in the Nakamura role of top star being in key matches for the Intercontinental Title and elevate that as a big deal in Brock's absence.


You build that long enough and the guys that beat Brock and Cena for the WWE and IC Title are getting massive wins and will feel like true elevation because both of their title runs would be different and special.


I like this idea a lot. Cena can cut his "Brock's too much of a pussy to defend those titles" promo (and you probably need to explain that Paul Heyman in his weasely walrus ways snuck into the fine print that Brock doesn't have to defend his titles every 30 days) and Cena sets his sights on the IC title.....held by Cesaro. And this is going down post-SS in the fall....so you've got time from then to now to do a Barrett-Cesaro program for the IC title (and Barrett is basically a face now anyway) so Barrett would be there as a challenger against Cena. I personally want to see the US and IC titles merged, so Cena-Sheamus for unification of the belts is another program they could do.

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Willie Mack is a tremendous talent. Guy's been doing AMAZING, phenomenal stuff for someone with his sheer size & girth. Incredibly fun to just watch him go out there & bust out some offense. Really think a lot of fans will enjoy his work, both in NXT and (hopefully) eventually WWE's big stage.


It's great that they've broadened their horizons with the body types and whatnot in recent years, to be brutally honest. Mack's not hindered one bit by his bodyfat, mind ya - but it's cool to see know that they're not necessarily turning down talent based on such shallow stuff.


Mack's mic work might hurt him, but it all depends on how they present him and what kind of character they saddle him with in the big scheme of things. Because honestly, he's got this VERY distinct sound to his voice that could actually be played up as an asset. No. It's not articulate, and it's not typical. But it's different and could be something that "feels" uniquely owned by him. Of course, they may hear him speak & just not let him talk at all, haha.


Can't wait to find out though. Been a big fan for awhile. And, for anyone that knows his story, it's a true hard luck "from the streets" type that could REALLY play well to a mainstream audience - if they decide to let him tell it at some point.


Legitimately happy for the Mack.

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