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re: ziggler, i get that complaining about his push is part of his gimmick...but he's also publicly complained about storylines that have nothing to do with him. i'm not sure it's all kayfabed, and it is strange that his role is so small as over as he is.

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WWE has no direction whatsoever & RAW for over a month now, has been absolutely nothing but 100% filler & rematches. Even if you take the Daniel Bryan situation out of it, that doesn't excuse the non-stop rematches, non-progressing storylines or nothing having a fucking point. Shit, I'm not sure if anything after Wrestlemania XXX has mattered.


Seth just left The Shield & joined the Authority. Yet tonight the show feels exactly the same as RAW last week. Only now instead of Cena Vs. Wyatt & Shield Vs. Authority, it's Cena & The Shield Vs. The Authority & The Wyatts. They just slapped 'em the fuck together.


And the WWE World Heavyweight Title match at Money in the Bank is going to be the same old guys doing the same old shit.


Rusev squash, Bo Dallas nothing match, RVD Vs. Cesaro, Barrett Vs. Sheamus, 3MB Vs Los Matadores, etc. It's the same show every fucking week.

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Ambrose promo was great. Really liked the main event and loved Sheamus v. Barrett. Rollins promo was fine, largely because they gave him easy enough material to deliver, and they stayed away from anything bordering on an explanation which is really the only choice given how transparently illogical the timing of the turn was.

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I can't help but wonder if the vagueness on the part of Rollins is really just to plant the idea, at least, that he's doing the double agent move. I think that they're really going to try to cover their bases post-Royal Rumble if they make a decision that could go pear-shaped and fail so that they have an out and can course-correct.


  On 6/10/2014 at 4:26 AM, sek69 said:

I like how Ambrose got so into his promo he spiked the mic at the end, then realized he was supposed to hand it off of Reigns.


That made it even better, even if it was 100% unintentional, because him bending to get it was like "Oh, Roman, sorry dude". He didn't want his best friend to have to do anything to make up for a mistake of his own. Ambrose has defined his character so well; the thing that makes him crazy isn't that he's this mumbly, wild-eyed brawler; it's his sincere loyalty and dedication to the idea of The Shield itself.


I'm just friggin' swooning here.

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  On 6/10/2014 at 12:26 AM, Russellmania said:

why the fuck wouldn't they take the title off him in person? The Beloved Champion relinquishing the titles is a heat magnet type of segment and they just squandered it for no apparent reason.


Because he's still in physical possession of the actual titles and the unbeaten true champion. And the people's champ. Do you think anyone in any crowd wanted to see Bryan hand the belts over and slink to the back in his neck brace? Cmon. That's a BAD heat angle for WWE. The angle they did worked as well as it possibly could under the circumstances


Think of UFC booking where when a champ gets hurt he can be out forever without having to forfeit the title, but if he's out long enough they crown an interim champ and the real champ comes back for a big title fight. That's kinda what they can do here if Bryan is cleared in a few months since he never gave up his titles, and the crowds will be totally behind him and not view whoever has the other belts as the "real" champ. WWE did an actual interim champ deal when they were doing the angle with Punk, but that doesn't work here because they really have no idea when Bryan will be back, and The Authority would never be all "oh come back whenever you can Bryan and you're still the champ, but in the interim we have to have a champ"


This set up Bryan to come back as strong as possible IMO

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I really liked the opening promo. HHH was great here. It couldn't have been easy to have the latest news with Bryan and to have to take the title off of him, but they went out there and got great heat for Bryan while doing so. Loved that HHH pimped having to qualify for MITB....except Orton, he's already earned it (and then later in the show we find out he's been given vacation time, lol). The crowd could have really been deflated by the news but instead it got them heated and riled up


Sheamus-Barrett was great. Just two big badass dudes clubbering the shit out of each other for 20 minutes. There were so many moments I thought the match might end down the stretch....they did a good countout tease on Sheamus.....then Barrett went insane with the beatdown to the point where it looked like he might be DQd....then he fucked up getting over aggressive and got hit with a flash Brogue Kick. Great match.


Ambrose cut one of his best promos to date. Great great stuff. Reigns was good, but Ambrose was a tough act to follow.


Rollins' promo was good. Not great, but good, and he hit all the high points. I don't get the people who don't understand his motivation. The Shield had done everything there was to do as a group. He considered himself 'The Architect' of the group. He created it and now he's killed it. I loved him complaining about how Ambrose's crazy ass could end up dead in a ditch and "golden boy" Reigns with his passionate beastly ways would both be nothing without him holding them together and channeling them.


Cesaro-RVD was a solid strong win for Cesaro. Heyman's trolling promo at the beginning was great, with them being in Minnesota and the crowd thinking for a second "oh my god is Brock here?!?!"


Damian Sandow was pretty funny as an interpretive dancer and the crowd was getting into it in what typically would be dead spot after the big angle with Rollins/Shield/Wyatts/Cena. I felt bad for the Usos getting stuck in that spot but it turned out ok as a quick little comedy squash.


Paige-Alicia was the drizzling shits. Paige is not working well in this 3 minute meaningless sprint RAW style. I feel bad for her. It's a hard match format for anyone to do well with. Paige was so much better in NXT than she's been able to show wrestling on RAW. It's maddening how on a 3 hour show they can't give the women an 8-10 segment and put it in a spot on the show where the crowd might give a shit. Alicia's post-match with Aksana was bizarrely awesome. Alicia was downright psychopath here.


I thought Santino's inset promo was actually really good and he came out fired up and showed how he can actually work when he's being serious. Then Zeb started slapping Swagger around telling him to get his shit together and fired up Swagger murdered Santino. This was a quick fun time killing segment that the crowd was into.


Main event was ok. Ambrose worked his ass off and was really great here. Cena came in for a hot tag, stalemated with Wyatt, led to Reigns getting the hot tag and him and Ambrose getting the shine at the end. Exactly how it should have been.


I'm looking forward to the teased Ambrose-Rollins and Reigns-Orton programs coming up. Gotta find something new to do with Cena and Wyatt at this point though. I'd say put them both in the MITB and have Wyatt win, and let that be the blowoff. Hell, put the tag titles on Harper/Rowan too. The Wyatts with all the titles would be a great new direction for a few months. And the night after MITB Cena gets destroyed by Russev or something just to keep him off in his own little universe away from the stuff that really needs to get over right now for the product to be hot. That should be Cena's role now. He should have his own little pocket of John Cena stuff away from the main stories.


Thought it was a good and fun show overall. The crowd was hot for a lot of it and into most of it. Dallas-Woods was the only thing that totally died and we started getting the 'CM Punk' chants. Paige-Alicia had no heat. Other than that even the quicky comedyish segments got the crowd with them. Thought everyone on the show was really working hard tonight, clearly wanting to step their games up with the bad news re: Bryan.

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For awhile at the end of last year and the beginning of this one it seemed if Raw was transitioning to a more workrate heavy show. John Cena even mentioned so on the Austin podcast. Ever since mania season it hasn't been the case at all. We are missing out on the long .bryan and .shield matches that used to dominate the show



Also looks like they have no idea when Bryan will return. Unless Brock is a surprise at the PPV it looks like we are headed for another Orton or Cena reign as no one else is ready yet or have fallen down the card. I can't see the live crowds getting behind this idea again.



WWE had so much momentum coming out of mania and things look rather dire now. Hopefully the Shield guys can save the summer

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  On 6/10/2014 at 4:28 AM, Bierschwale said:


I can't help but wonder if the vagueness on the part of Rollins is really just to plant the idea, at least, that he's doing the double agent move. I think that they're really going to try to cover their bases post-Royal Rumble if they make a decision that could go pear-shaped and fail so that they have an out and can course-correct.


I've been wondering the same thing. Whether it's to cover for the possibility, or if maybe that's been the direction since the start.

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I don't buy in the idea of Rollins being a double agent. At what point in the feud between the Shield and Evolution did the Shield look out of their element? They beat Evolution every time in the important matches, they've seen Batista "quit" on Evolution... there wouldn't have been any reasonable scenario where the Shield found this tactic beneficial to them. Let's suppose Triple H approaches Rollins with the offer and Rollins goes to his teammates and they talk the idea out, there is no logical reason for them to decide "Yes... this is what we need to do here". They should have the confidence in themselves to just beat Evolution at every turn from that point on.


Now in terms of creative booking, if this was the direction, they picked the wrong guy to do it with. Rollins has been pushed as the architect/mastermind, Reigns the golden boy/future main event star, and Ambrose the... third wheel? Ambrose would have been the better fit, because whether fans wanted to admit it or not, he oozes insanity and unreliability. His turning heel and aligning with Triple H would have come across much more effectively, due to the nature of his character and the fans would definitely get hooked easily on the idea. Here's this psychotic jackal finding value in getting the backing of the Authority. Wouldn't that be much more believable? Then add in the moment where it's eventually revealed as a double agent move, I think it would get Ambrose that much more over with the fans... realizing their reservations for his character to be unfounded.


Just my two cents.

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But it could be HHH giving Rollins what would be almost the ultimate rub in his eyes-- Rollins becoming the new "Cerebral Assassin".


Again, I think that they're leaving it as a backup plan if the program starts to go south and they can change it from just a Rollins turn to The Shield's absolute destruction of Evolution (maybe Trips would want to take another break from being on TV?), not that it is THE plan.

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  On 6/10/2014 at 1:52 PM, Strummer said:

For awhile at the end of last year and the beginning of this one it seemed if Raw was transitioning to a more workrate heavy show. John Cena even mentioned so on the Austin podcast. Ever since mania season it hasn't been the case at all. We are missing out on the long .bryan and .shield matches that used to dominate the show



Also looks like they have no idea when Bryan will return. Unless Brock is a surprise at the PPV it looks like we are headed for another Orton or Cena reign as no one else is ready yet or have fallen down the card. I can't see the live crowds getting behind this idea again.



WWE had so much momentum coming out of mania and things look rather dire now. Hopefully the Shield guys can save the summer


Last night's show had an awesome long Sheamus/Barrett match and a long Shield/Cena/Wyatts main event that wasn't anything special outside of Ambrose but was at least good. There's still good long matches on almost every show. But yeah, of course Bryan being out hurts, he was THE workhorse and best wrestler in the company. And it hurts that the tag scene thinned out with the Rhodes Bros de-pushed (they were part of great matches on RAW every week for a while) and Real Americans broken up. But there's still good wrestling week to week and most weeks you can expect at least one very good-awesome match.

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  On 6/10/2014 at 6:48 PM, Bierschwale said:

But it could be HHH giving Rollins what would be almost the ultimate rub in his eyes-- Rollins becoming the new "Cerebral Assassin".


Again, I think that they're leaving it as a backup plan if the program starts to go south and they can change it from just a Rollins turn to The Shield's absolute destruction of Evolution (maybe Trips would want to take another break from being on TV?), not that it is THE plan.

We're running with "Cerebral Architect"

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How many times can a wrestling fan watch the same Sheamus/Barrett match, regardless of how good it is, until they stop giving a fuck? Once shit is old & played out, it's old & played out. What differs is how long it takes individuals to get to their breaking point. In 2014, with Twitter, texts, DVR, etc. people have a lot shorter attention spans.

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