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Jericho is over to the point where he doesn't have to be interesting or good and will just absorb his opponent's heat, and I'm not sure that there's anything worse than that.

I just feel like they don't really have the right narrative going. I'm a fan of both guys, but Wyatt is swinging and missing by mocking the "save us" Jericho stuff, and Jericho is swinging and missing with the quiet-and-serious "along came a spider" junk. (It doesn't help that Jericho looks like garbage in the ring, though age and rust will do that to you.)


It's a fantasy booking angle where they wrote "Jericho/Wyatt" on the blackboard, told both guys to rock it on the mic to build the feud, and walked away...without realizing that they've left both guys without any real ammunition to build it.


For Wyatt, all of it feels like a second-rate rerun of his Cena promos, which went absolutely nowhere. Meanwhile, Jericho is doing a fine job of boosting himself and getting some of those precious Y2J chants -- which I'll admit is important since he has to "rebuild" his history for new fans --- but he's falling flat once he leaves the Y2J schtick to connect back to Wyatt, partly because he can't find the right note, partly because he has so little to work with.


Wyatt attacked him...because? And then, whenever Jericho tries to return the favor, the rest of the Family shows up - rinse, repeat. It's a crappy storyline and, on paper, Jericho and Wyatt might normally be good enough to salvage it. In reality, though, neither guy is apparently up to the task.


And I'd say Wyatt's heat has been damaged much more by his booking vs. Cena than anything that Jericho is doing. The mystique is long gone.



On Jericho in ring....really? I think he's been pretty good so far. ring rust is expected, but his tv matches with Miz and Orton have been a lot of fun, IMO, and he's far from being rusty and sloppy and gassed out quick like RVD and Batista were early on in their comebacks this year


On this Wyatt feud......I don't know. It started out hot.....but last night it felt lame. I really think they've botched Wyatt with the booking and the Cena program, and he needs some sort of change or something to freshen him up. I'm a huge Jericho fan and I'm a Wyatt and Harper and Rowan fan....I liked the idea of this....but it doesn't seem to be clicking....and I think it's largely due to them botching things with the Wyatts. Earlier this year he was red hot....and it's not like this is a gimmick that has a short shelf life....but they've marginalized him and made him uninteresting and killed the mystique. He never should have lost to Cena. He never should have been treated like a quasi face and been leading the crowd in sing-a-longs. He's been de-fanged. This isn't Jericho's fault.


I also have no idea what they are doing with Harper and Rowan right now. They had this endless feud with the Usos where they beat them clean on tv several times.....yet somehow never took the tag belts. What did that accomplish for either team? I thought they had a perfect opportunity to put "all of the gold" in the Wyatt camp so to speak at MITB, and could do a month of the crazy Wyatt clan holding the belts hostage with Bray treating them like some sort of voodoo token


Honestly, the program with Cena killed Wyatt's heat. Other than putting over Bryan, when has Cena not derailed someone by working with them? It's reaching Hogan levels now. Cena programs are the drizzling shits. He desperately needs a change from this same ol' routine. Yeah, I'm sure he'll put Roman Reigns over clean at some point, and they'll do a respect dap afterwards or whatever, but other than getting murdered by Brock Lesnar I can't think of anything else interesting to do with Cena. It'll probably never happen for all the reasons we hear (merch, charity work, etc.) but he needs to turn heel/change his character and look up/freshen it up. It sure worked for Hogan in 96 and only made him more popular at a time when fans were actively sick of him. With all the smart people in that company I can't believe they don't see this

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SK has apparently reported that the Rollins injury was a work, to remove any idea that he'll cash in after the main at Battleground, which ostensibly explains the Ambrose beatdown and that their Battleground match will be canceled, so they can have their cake and eat it too and stretch out that feud. Never mind the knock-on effect that it has on the title, that is insane, can of worms booking with what is their hottest feud by a hundred miles.


That's really dumb

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The blurb on Scott Keith's site is taken from PWInsider.com and is just badly paraphrased. The actual report from PWI is that they did the injury angle to get Rollins out of the ring for the end of the RAW main event & post-match. They wanted the end of the show to focus on the four wrestlers in the Battleground main event so that was there way of getting Rollins out of the ring for that.


It has nothing to do with anything happening at Battleground, unless there is some other update I am missing.

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Yea the thing at 411 didn't say anything about the Battleground match being off, just that they wanted the focus to be on the 4 guys in the title match so they worked a Rollins injury thing that he sold so well the camera guys fell for it.

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maybe it's me but the heat for pretty much every program and angle (except for Swagger/Rusev, Ambrose/Rollins) has seemed to decrease since the crowds have realized that Bryan is out for the long term. I think everyone took for granted the heat he brought to the shows

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I figured Rollins was not really hurt and that they just wanted him out of the ring, but building a show toward a huge Ambrose comeback and not delivering it is counterproductive unless they're going back to the meta booking where they want to get Ambrose more over as someone who fans think is being held back so he doesn't overshadow the main eventers, which is quite possible.

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I also read on 411 that they moved Heyman away from Cesaro now because Lesnar is coming back soon. Soo...what exactly was the point of putting Heyman with Cesaro in the first place, and what did it accomplish?

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I just wanted to say that Rusev shows how easy it is to get someone over when they don't overthink it. Most of the time, they do overthink it though, and I think it comes from some insecure place where writers write to show the value of writing instead of to get over talent.

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I also read on 411 that they moved Heyman away from Cesaro now because Lesnar is coming back soon. Soo...what exactly was the point of putting Heyman with Cesaro in the first place, and what did it accomplish?


That was so weird. The commentators were like, "we heard that Paul Heyman got fired, or quit, on WWE's recent tour of Japan" and then.....nothing. Never mentioned again. What the hell? Cesaro fired him? Heyman quit? Did they do an angle on one of the Japan shows, and if so, they didn't tape it? Why isn't Cesaro delivering this news? It was very odd. Then Cesaro loses to Kofi of all people, and the announcers didn't sell that Cesaro might have lost due to Heyman not being there (not that it matters because Cesaro was losing regularly with Heyman there)....so that isn't the angle I guess


I don't know, it was really strange

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If it's true that the Rollins/Ambrose match is being pushed to SummerSlam, that seems to be another attempt by WWE to not give the fans what they've said they want in order to push what they feel fans should want.


It really is amazing to see. They picked who they want to be top guys based on mostly cosmetic reasons, and the one they didn't see star potential in has been running laps around the chosen ones.

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Anyone familiar with Ambrose from his Jon Moxley days could tell that that guy just had SOMETHING...a presence, an inate star charisma. I'll be the first to admit, though, that I never saw him with any babyface potential. Once it became apparent that The Shield was ending, I thought certainly he would break away and become the super scummy, top heel he seemed destined to be.

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I also read on 411 that they moved Heyman away from Cesaro now because Lesnar is coming back soon. Soo...what exactly was the point of putting Heyman with Cesaro in the first place, and what did it accomplish?


That was so weird. The commentators were like, "we heard that Paul Heyman got fired, or quit, on WWE's recent tour of Japan" and then.....nothing. Never mentioned again. What the hell? Cesaro fired him? Heyman quit? Did they do an angle on one of the Japan shows, and if so, they didn't tape it? Why isn't Cesaro delivering this news? It was very odd. Then Cesaro loses to Kofi of all people, and the announcers didn't sell that Cesaro might have lost due to Heyman not being there (not that it matters because Cesaro was losing regularly with Heyman there)....so that isn't the angle I guess


I don't know, it was really strange



Heyman was on the show. He had a segment with HHH/Steph discussing "Plan C" for the title, obviously meaning Brock. And then he disappeared for Cesaro's match, and it was just bizarre. The weirdest, dumbest thing of all is that that should normally indicate the beginning of a face turn for AC, but he was then a bigger asshole than ever to Big E and Kofi.

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On Jericho in ring....really? I think he's been pretty good so far. ring rust is expected, but his tv matches with Miz and Orton have been a lot of fun, IMO, and he's far from being rusty and sloppy and gassed out quick like RVD and Batista were early on in their comebacks this year


I'd agree that Jericho compares favorably to RVD and Batista, but that's a back-handed compliment -- Batista finally got the rust shaken off just in time to leave again and RVD still looks like he's moving through molasses.


To me, Jericho's trump card throughout his entire career has been his promo work, though his Michael-Keaton-in-Batman schtick for Wyatt has been an awkward exception. I've never seen him as a spectacular hand in the ring and, even when he's been good-to-great, he's almost always worked as a heel. Seeing him run through his babyface act at three-quarters-speed, complete with unironic "yeah, baby!" call outs to the crowd, doesn't really do anything for me, especially when he's stuck with someone like Miz.


I also read on 411 that they moved Heyman away from Cesaro now because Lesnar is coming back soon. Soo...what exactly was the point of putting Heyman with Cesaro in the first place, and what did it accomplish?


It kept Heyman on TV and gave him numerous opportunities to say "BRRRROCK LLLLESNAR" over and over again in promos for Cesaro.

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I also read on 411 that they moved Heyman away from Cesaro now because Lesnar is coming back soon. Soo...what exactly was the point of putting Heyman with Cesaro in the first place, and what did it accomplish?


That was so weird. The commentators were like, "we heard that Paul Heyman got fired, or quit, on WWE's recent tour of Japan" and then.....nothing. Never mentioned again. What the hell? Cesaro fired him? Heyman quit? Did they do an angle on one of the Japan shows, and if so, they didn't tape it? Why isn't Cesaro delivering this news? It was very odd. Then Cesaro loses to Kofi of all people, and the announcers didn't sell that Cesaro might have lost due to Heyman not being there (not that it matters because Cesaro was losing regularly with Heyman there)....so that isn't the angle I guess


I don't know, it was really strange



Heyman was on the show. He had a segment with HHH/Steph discussing "Plan C" for the title, obviously meaning Brock. And then he disappeared for Cesaro's match, and it was just bizarre. The weirdest, dumbest thing of all is that that should normally indicate the beginning of a face turn for AC, but he was then a bigger asshole than ever to Big E and Kofi.



I must have gone to the kitchen because I totally missed that segment. Where in the show was it? That makes the Cesaro thing make even less sense

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SK has apparently reported that the Rollins injury was a work, to remove any idea that he'll cash in after the main at Battleground, which ostensibly explains the Ambrose beatdown and that their Battleground match will be canceled, so they can have their cake and eat it too and stretch out that feud. Never mind the knock-on effect that it has on the title, that is insane, can of worms booking with what is their hottest feud by a hundred miles.


Scott Keith didn't report that.

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I actually have no problem with the match being cancelled because I think the match would've went to a shit finish anyway and Ambrose more than likely would've jobbed. They already jobbed him to Orton on TV and did a massive beatdown so making him job again would not be good.

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