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Maybe I'm in a great mood or something, but tonight's Raw has been excellent so far. RVD-Rollins is hanging around in the future like a dark cloud, but no real complaints otherwise.


I'm on the other end of the spectrum. Maybe I'm just in a pissy mood (like always) but I shut it off. Without DVR, being able to fast-forward commercials & shit, I just can't take it. This week it was really noticeable to me that the show is either on a commercial break or back from the break but shilling something. It's like one big, long 3-hour informercial. I can't do it.

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As a wrestling fan, I should be upset that they are basically taking what was pointed out to them (ie "maybe you guys should promote the Network more now that you hung your future on it") and turned it into another Triple H troll point. Instead I just kept laughing at how it went from funny, to unfunny, then such a running gag it went back to being funny again.


Anyone else start noticing how Total Divas as a show seems to exist in a Schroedinger's Cat dimension? Some things happening there are part of WWE kayfabe like recognizing Tyson/Nattie and Brie/Bryan as together, but not Nikki/Cena? They pimp the show so much it's starting to become awkward, especially since he hasn't once attempted to help his girlfriend. All I could think about with the Steph/Brie segment is how big an asshole Cena is in storyline that he can watch Nikki get laid out and not even run out to help.

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I didn't read anything quite as negative as what sek said, just that they were waiting "until they needed him" to get him hot against since they apparently think they can only push Roman Reigns right now.


yea this


the other thing is that they had him stop doing the giant swing when he was with heyman, and he started using it again after he left him. i get not wanting him to use that as a heel but that's one of the main things that got him over in the first place, and he was always a heel anyway. i dunno

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Cesaro's been a dead man walking ever since Sheamus gave him a clown nose at Payback by insta-winning immediately after the Giant Swing. There was a fair amount of pushback here at the time, but I think you can trace a very noticeable decline in the crowd reaction to him after Payback, especially once he dropped the Swing altogether. They're going to have to rebuild him whenever (if?) they decide, in their infinite wisdom, to finally get behind him for real.

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Guest Eduardo James

I like Cesaro a lot and think he's probably one of the top 5 wrestlers in the company, but Loss had an excellent point a little while ago:

Cesaro was fine in that match, but he is also a guy that hasn't improved his ability as a heel in the past six months. I'm starting to think the upper midcard is the right place for him. Please don't read that to mean he shouldn't be protected, as I feel like in theory, that's a good spot on the card that shouldn't make for a bad career. It's more that his matches tend to be all about the spots and impressive feats of strength more than generating any type of emotion.

Should they have taken the Big Swing away? Probably not. But if that was the only thing keeping him over, I'm don't think it was a completely bad idea to keep him where he is right now.
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watch this video and tell me there's a legitimate reason this guy can't get over on TV:


If they let him show half the personality he shows in this video on actual TV then they would have no problem getting this guy over.


In fact this is a trend with WWE that keeps getting worse...in the last year all the best promos and vignettes I've seen have been either on the Network, Youtube, or even on a wrestler's personal instagram. All of this company's best material is ending up anywhere but on their stupid fucking TV shows. it's asinine. For all the shit everyone talks about how awful TNA is (and it *is* awful), WWE arguably squanders more talent than even TNA does.

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Guest Eduardo James

It may be just me, but when I watch the Internet segments, most come off as boring, bland or unfunny. Cesaro didn't come off as anything but "Generic Foreign Heel #3" in that clip. I could do without the travel show music too.

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