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I always thought Cena would face Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 30. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the next season of Total Divas airs between now and then and they could use that to kick off an angle for it.


I really, really like the idea of Batista versus Orton. I think, if nothing else, they'll be able to have some fun build-up centering around the other Evolution guy Triple H saw promise in however long ago it ends being.

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They have backed themselves into a hole a little bit with having Randy Orton as champion, as he has faced all the major players in the company time and time again. A match with Batista is the only thing that will feel remotely fresh to the casual - they've faced before but never on such a big stage, and they can play up the Triple-H/Evolution history angle, as well as the fact that Batista will get a monster reaction whatever. The only other conceivable route they could take is to give Roman Reigns a premature title push, or have some kind of multi-man match to get the title onto Daniel Bryan, like they did with Benoit and Mysterio when they weren't trusted to carry the main event.


Orton/Batista doesn't even have to be the main event. They might run with:


Randy Orton vs Batista

John Cena vs Undertaker

CM Punk vs HHH

Daniel Bryan vs Shawn Michaels

Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose


At which point Cena/Taker goes on last.

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They have backed themselves into a hole a little bit with having Randy Orton as champion, as he has faced all the major players in the company time and time again. A match with Batista is the only thing that will feel remotely fresh to the casual - they've faced before but never on such a big stage, and they can play up the Triple-H/Evolution history angle, as well as the fact that Batista will get a monster reaction whatever. The only other conceivable route they could take is to give Roman Reigns a premature title push, or have some kind of multi-man match to get the title onto Daniel Bryan, like they did with Benoit and Mysterio when they weren't trusted to carry the main event.


Orton/Batista doesn't even have to be the main event. They might run with:


Randy Orton vs Batista

John Cena vs Undertaker

CM Punk vs HHH

Daniel Bryan vs Shawn Michaels

Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose


At which point Cena/Taker goes on last.

Where does Brock fit in here? vs. Rock or as back up vs. Reigns?

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If Jericho returns for Wrestlemania season, what midcarder do they put him with this time around?

Secretly I would say Bray Wyatt leading into a brainwashed Jericho character that could be kind of fun as a skeezy 80's metal, gothic character.


I would say more likely would be one of the Shield members if he is a face or someone like Big E if he comes back as a heel.

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If Jericho returns for Wrestlemania season, what midcarder do they put him with this time around?

Secretly I would say Bray Wyatt leading into a brainwashed Jericho character that could be kind of fun as a skeezy 80's metal, gothic character.


I would say more likely would be one of the Shield members if he is a face or someone like Big E if he comes back as a heel.


I kind of liked Jericho NXT promo setting up his match with Bray.


I actually think he could even be a last resort Bryan opponent.

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They should treat him like Cena at Mania XX. Put him over Ambrose for the mid level title and groom him to win at Mania the next year.

Totally agree, but when was the last time they had the patience to slow burn a push like they did with Cena? They decided Cena was going to be a top guy, and they basically spent two years building to it. For this company that's nuts. And it was also 10 years ago.


I think I've said it before here, I really like Reigns, but I don't think he's anywhere near ready for this huge push, and with WWE's track record and the way the crowds are now they could easily blow it with him. I've seen them screw up these kind of things too many times to have faith in their execution. I'm already feeling like they're being too blatant with it. And I think the point about the fans not choosing him for this and it not feeling organic is pretty valid


I think it's cool that Batista is coming back. I don't necessarily want to see him do a whole run, but for Mania it will be cool. They've already got Hogan locked up it seems, Warrior and Goldberg for the HOF seems to be what's happening, I'd expect Austin and Rock to be involved in some capacity, looks like a strong chance of HBK wrestling.....I like to see them pull out all the stops for this show. Still have no idea what the actual card will look like, so many directions they could go if they wanted to

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It's a mistake. The fans are smart enough to notice when a push gets ramped up too much too quickly. It becomes less organic and I'm thinking if Reigns doesn't put up the necessary work to justify it, they might resist the push. Right now they are dying to see Daniel Bryan and CM Punk get rewarded for their work with main event pushes. If they see Reigns put over them in a top spot, well... we'll see how that turns out.

I agree with what you're saying, but you can't include Punk in that, the guy is made now. He is like Bret Hart in 1995, he can afford to be feuding with dentists and Japanese men with marker pen down their body. the works remaining consistent, the fan base is hot and you know sooner or later he will be holding the title again and producing quality, top line work.


Essentially yes but the crowd still wants to see Punk in the main event mix. One of the reasons why Bret Hart isn't regarded higher as a draw is because of this shit with Yankem and Hakushi and Lafitte. I know Bret wasn't that popular as a champion but you still hurt his value long term if you book him like a guy you value but always have an eye on the door for someone better to walk through. It is an interesting comparison because I see Reigns as a guy they definitely pushed Bret to the side for only to see he bombs so Bret/Punk gets another go round with the belt til the next guy up materializes. I like Reigns but his is a character that benefits from a slow burn. Look at Batista. He came in as a demonic associate of Reverend D'von Dudley then he got a bigger but subdued push as the monster of Evolution. He was in a position to be dominant within the confines of the stable. The fans finally received him as a smart badass in a suit who knew what his evil and hated mentor Triple H was up to and he called him out on it in a hot segment where he powerbombed Triple H through a table. At this point is when Reigns should be established as a viable singles threat without the obvious spectre of title matches hanging over him.


Reallly? I think that strengthened Bret's case as a draw if anything. They made him a special attraction because he was bulletproof and they needed to try and make other stars. Bret was the go to guy, and he didn't need the title. Even as a mark kid and huge Bret fan I recognized this. Booking him like that was a compliment to Bret really. If you watched all the WWF tv, which I did, Bret got as much screen time as anyone and whatever he was doing was treated like it was a huge deal. The feud with Lawler ran forever in various forms and Bret didn't even have to be on screen because Lawler would just randomly diss him on commentary. And Bret gave credibility to all of his opponents. Isaac Yankem may have been an ill fated idea, but where is Glenn Jacobs now? He's been a top guy for like 15 years. Jinsei Shinzaki? Amazing wrestler, and Hakushi was a cool ass gimmick. Lafitte....underrated wrestler, and his feud with Bret was actually really cool. I actually really liked his gimmick too, but WWE was a little too cartoony at the time for it to not come off as cheesy when they ran out of ideas for him. I feel like Bret probably handpicked all 3 of them to work with, and no coincidence their programs with him were the only really good stuff "creative" produced

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There are some pieces that don't fit.


If you run Orton vs Batista and Undertaker vs Brock then where does Cena go, for instance?

Cena Vs. Triple H, unfortunately. Setting up Wrestlemania 30 being potentially the most lack-luster (boring) card in a long time.


I'm not terribly sour on Batista coming back, or even winning the Rumble...but what does it do for WWE? Shouldn't they worry about the people that will be there the day after Wrestlemania EVENTUALLY? I mean, you can't keep bringing back Rock, Brock, Taker, Triple H, Batista, HBK, Jericho forever...


Throw in the other boring guys that currently get a ton of TV time, like Miz, ADR, Sandow, Big Show, Axel...I'm not sure I'll care about Wrestlemania at all.


Anymore I honestly enjoy the RAW after 'Mania & the super smarky crowd more than 'Mania itself.

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There are some pieces that don't fit.


If you run Orton vs Batista and Undertaker vs Brock then where does Cena go, for instance?

Cena Vs. Triple H, unfortunately. Setting up Wrestlemania 30 being potentially the most lack-luster (boring) card in a long time.


Ok, where does Punk go then?

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There are some pieces that don't fit.


If you run Orton vs Batista and Undertaker vs Brock then where does Cena go, for instance?

Cena Vs. Triple H, unfortunately. Setting up Wrestlemania 30 being potentially the most lack-luster (boring) card in a long time.


Ok, where does Punk go then?


It would probably be Punk Vs. Bryan. The "workrate" match. Throw is maybe Cody Vs. Dustin, a Diva match, a Tag match, some unfunny backstage comedy skits featuring old stars & hype videos, that would be close to the whole four hours. They could do Wyatts Vs. Shield, where Reigns finally turns on Shield & goes solo but I don't think they'll hold out that long, so Reigns might already be solo & having a big match himself.

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The idea of Batista waltzing in after three years and just being stuck right in the title match at Wrestlemania sounds awful to me. I honestly have no great desire to see him in any match at all, unless it's a guest ref deal or something.

They do need someone with novelty and star power. As the Rock is taking this year off and there has been a lessening of effect with Brock Lesnar as a draw.

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WrestleMania XXX main event and semi mains:


WWE Championship

- Triple H © vs. Daniel Bryan.


- John Cena vs. Undertaker.


- CM Punk vs. Batista.


- Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton.



The card is going to be stacked. Cena finally turns heel and Bryan fills the top babyface void. Bold call I know. Why are people talking Cena-Trips ? That's just being unnecessarily pessimistic.

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