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Summerslam Live Thoughts


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That John Cena can be a transcendental motherfucker when he wants to be. If they actually build on this and it goes to a Bryan redemption victory over HHH and Orton, it'll stand up as a good angle but man, I have no faith in them at ALL. That crowd was the loudest it's been for years for the main and the final angle, or at least it sounded that way through my crappy laptop speakers.

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I"m amused by people being upset at the finish as I actually think in many ways it's the best possible scenario for Bryan long term assuming that he feuds with Orton and not HHH. Also don't see anyway that was a slow building match. I really did enjoy the hell out of it, but it was a bomb throwing, video game affair if I've ever seen one. Great match within that style but it absolutely was within that style.

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I'm kind of relieved they did the logical thing.Now they can have Bryan chase. I'd have him chase all the way to Mania and get the belt there but there's no way they can do something that longform in 2013-14.

I think Survivor Series (or whatever the new PPV is called) is a logical point for them to build to him winning it back. How convoluted it gets on the way is another matter all together.

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I'm kind of relieved they did the logical thing.Now they can have Bryan chase. I'd have him chase all the way to Mania and get the belt there but there's no way they can do something that longform in 2013-14.

Maybe at least chase until Rumble and get a showcase match at Mania. I kinda thought this would happen. I'm not too down on it yet. At least Bryan is going to still be involved in the major storyline. Not some shit where he's champ, but the McMahon drama is the "real" main event or something.

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I"m amused by people being upset at the finish as I actually think in many ways it's the best possible scenario for Bryan long term assuming that he feuds with Orton and not HHH. Also don't see anyway that was a slow building match. I really did enjoy the hell out of it, but it was a bomb throwing, video game affair if I've ever seen one. Great match within that style but it absolutely was within that style.

This is the part that concerns me. If Punk would have feuded with anyone but HHH in 2011, his momentum would not have been killed. I feel that HHH goes over Bryan in a NO DQ match next pPV and kills Bryan dead.

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I"m amused by people being upset at the finish as I actually think in many ways it's the best possible scenario for Bryan long term assuming that he feuds with Orton and not HHH. Also don't see anyway that was a slow building match. I really did enjoy the hell out of it, but it was a bomb throwing, video game affair if I've ever seen one. Great match within that style but it absolutely was within that style.

It kind of lost me when they were kicking each other and slapping each other, I will admit. But yeah, I seriously don't get people bitching about this. It was iconic. It was a moment. It'll also be pretty hard for them to screw it up, or let me put it this way. It'll be a lot harder for them to screw it up than a lot of other scenarios.


We could have easily just gotten another shitty Rey Mysterio type reign.

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So what happened?


Not watching show.


Daniel Bryan beat John Cena in the middle of the ring to win the WWE title. Cena leaves, DB celebrates, Orton interrupts. Orton fools everyone into thinking he is just showing up to play mind games with DB and then HHH hits DB with a pedigree. Orton cashes in and is the new WWE champion.



I was honestly thinking HHH was going to hit DB with the pedigree AS SOON as Cena left and then HHH would leave with no explanation until Monday Night.

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What is confusing me is that Vince is the one who thinks that Bryan is shit and shouldn't be a champion. So the angle of the McMahon fighting each other now wasted on an even dumber return of the McMahon dynasty.


Basically we are getting the 2013 version of the 2011 Triple H vs Punk feud except we have an actual wrestler instead of broken down Kevin Nash. Yeah this is going to suck.

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I"m amused by people being upset at the finish as I actually think in many ways it's the best possible scenario for Bryan long term assuming that he feuds with Orton and not HHH. Also don't see anyway that was a slow building match. I really did enjoy the hell out of it, but it was a bomb throwing, video game affair if I've ever seen one. Great match within that style but it absolutely was within that style.

This is the part that concerns me. If Punk would have feuded with anyone but HHH in 2011, his momentum would not have been killed. I feel that HHH goes over Bryan in a NO DQ match next pPV and kills Bryan dead.


If that happens Bryan is fucked, but that is a constant risk as long as HHH is alive. He didn't fuck up the match, Bryan went over clean, Cena is taking time off which clears the way for Bryan as face ace and Orton - who is vastly better as a heel - finally turned. Given what could have happened the end result was way, way better than I had feared coming in.


Also this show fucking crushed every show I watched from the G1

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