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Wrestling Favourites


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We talk a lot about wrestling here, but what does everybody want in an ideal situation? Here are some categories that I am curious what others like.


Favourite style of wrestling?

Favourite way wrestling is presented?

Favourite type of match?

Favourite gimmick match?

Favourite wrestler?

Favourite match?

Favourite feud?

Favourite angle?

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling?

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

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Favourite style of wrestling? WWF/WCW


Favourite way wrestling is presented? 80's/90's North American Heels vs. Faces as legit athletic meaningful contests

Favourite type of match? Tag Team if good to great teams are involved

Favourite gimmick match? I enjoy Survivor Series matches when done right. Fast, well-paced action with numerous characters involved. Royal Rumble as well.

Favourite wrestler? Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Big Bossman, Shawn Michaels, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, El Generico

Favourite match? Bret vs. Perfect Summerslam 1991, Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio Summerslam 2002

Favourite feud? Bret vs. Owen culminating in the Hart Foundation reunion years later

Favourite angle? First six months of nWo, first six weeks of Invasion

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling? I love the roster of WWF 1989 with all those NWA guys coming in, but favorite would probably be the Smackdown Six era

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love? I love when a group of heels shows camaraderie with each other. They're bad guys, but have a sense of brotherhood.

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Favourite style of wrestling? This is like the “whats your favorite style of music” question. “It depends on what I’m in the mood for.” My gut reaction was “Memphis Brawls or Lucha Brawls” though so I’ll go with those


Favourite way wrestling is presented? The Memphis way. Although I like Zoo’s answer of “poorly lit.” That was great.


Favourite type of match? Singles match as part of a feud.


Favourite gimmick match? Hair/Mask match


Favourite wrestler? Sangre Chicana Or Stan Hansen


Favourite match? Sangre Chicana vs MS-1 9/23/83 or Stan Hansen vs Andre 9/23/81


Favourite feud? God these last few have been difficult even while cheating and giving myself a 2nd pick. I’m going with Flair vs Funk 89 because I watched everything from that feud recently. Lawler vs Dundee is my favorite “lasted forever” feud.


Favourite angle? Ric Flair comes to Memphis, gets tricked into putting the belt up on TV in the studio against Lawler. Terry Funk attacks Flair after WrestleWar match with Steamboat.


Favourite promotion/period of wrestling?

I can actually give just one answer for this. Early 80s Memphis is easily my favorite all around promotion. You have a strong ace of a territory who was both one of the best workers and best talkers of all time who also drew money and had the crowd emotionally invested in what he did. You had the best working top rival/2nd banana to the ace of the era (maybe 2nd only to Kawada, I’d have to think about it and I’m rolling).You had a top heel manager who was one of the best talkers of all time who could get anybody over in his pursuit to dethrone the ace. You had the best announcer in wrestling history who could give credibility to just about anything and come off as both intelligent and a folksy fan at the same time with a grace Jim Ross could never pull off. You had a terrific weekly tv show that could be both serious and comedic that led to a big weekly arena show where legendary matches took place in front of (usually) big crowds. You had a legendary, influential and great working tag team that spawned a bunch of rip-offs including one that got bigger than the originals elsewhere but it didn’t happen in Memphis so who cares. You had the best wrestler/celebrity feud in history that was both serious at times and hilarious at times. Probably the 2nd best (after NWO) US invasion feud ever when the longtime rival promotion finally caved and worked with/put over our heroes. Memphis in the early 80s had all time great workers at their peak putting on great matches as part of legendary feuds that featured great angles, interviews, announcing, crowd heat, comedy, intensity, etc. What the hell else do we watch pro wrestling for?



Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

I’m limiting myself to 5 because I could go all night.

Every time Dusty Rhodes talks either in an interview or on commentary.

Every time Andre laughs.

I love that Sangre Chicana, Baron von Raschke and Abdullah the Butcher all wear the same long black tights with a long red stripe down the side. What a bizarre trio.

Haku and Barbarian kicking dudes in the face.

I love every time the giant Memphis timekeeper’s bell is used as a weapon.

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Favourite style of wrestling?

It's a stock response but there really isn't one style I think of as a favorite. I can get into pretty much any type, if I feel it is done competently and I am engaged. I can enjoy a random indie spotfest just as much as I can enjoy old man Tenryu not being able to move and just Knifehand Chopping fools in the chest. However, I do tend to slightly prefer a more grounded and realistic style of pro wrestling. That doesn't mean it has to look real, it's just if a guy gets hit with a move he sells it. Short term and long term damage happens. There's a rhyme and a reason for why move X was attempted as opposed to move Y.

Favourite way wrestling is presented?

Realistically, and again this doesn't mean truly real. Rather it's about making me believe a struggle is taking place and that there are stakes at play.

Favourite type of match?

Your classic one on one match. It's the one we see most often, but I enjoy the heck out of two wrestlers going at it without any gimmicks or stipulations to worry about.

Favourite gimmick match?

The Rumble, easily. It's hard to get the Rumble wrong, though there have been a few times where it has been done wrong. Still, it's an energetic affair, full of lots of different styles and faces. A lot of story work can be done, eliminations can be very exciting, and when done very right the match itself feels like it carries a lot of importance.

Favourite wrestler?

There are a lot, but right now it's Timothy Thatcher. I know I write about him a lot, but he's deserving of it. When it comes to plying his craft as a professional wrestler he is the complete package and the very best of the best. But for me it is more than that, he reenergized me on wrestling and gave me a reason to seek out pro wrestling again and to care about what I was watching from week to week.

Favourite match?

Of all time it's probably the Vader versus Sting strap match. It's a great match, but it's not the best match of all time. However, it is a vicious match, that is straight to the point and easily gets across the real brutality of pro wrestling. I'm supposed to believe that a fight is taking place and one person is trying to beat the other person. Vader versus Sting is a series gets that across, and their strap match is probably their best match and it ranks as one of my favorite of all time.

Favourite feud?

Hmmm, this is a tough one. I'd probably go with Misawa and Co. versus Jumbo and Co. in 90-91 AJPW. A perfect passing of the torch feud where each and every match feels hot as can be and manages to advance the feud to the next level. It's also like real life in that it doesn't have a stopping point. At some point the Misawa side essentially wins the feud. But, the feud doesn't stop there because life doesn't work that way. Jumbo's group and Misawa's group still hate one another, and that plays out even past the point where conceivably Misawa has ended the feud.

Favourite angle?

Probably the initial heel turn on Owen Hart. I was one of those people who didn't view it as a heel turn, I mean Bret pretty much screwed Owen over and Bret deserved whatever Owen gave him. But, I loved how it played out in the ring, and how in one simple sweep of a leg Owen became a name performer in the WWF.

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling?

Most likely AJPW in the early 90s. An amazing collection of talent, top flight booking, and shows that from week to week made me want to keep tuning in. Early 90s AJPW churned out so many great matches that it became impossible for me to keep up. When I hear people talk about present day New Japan in the same breath I can only shake my head, because I don't think any promotion in the world has come as close to being the complete package that was early 90s AJPW.

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

Facial expressions, they are the little factor that can make a good match great and a good match bad. They can allow a performer to become great or a performer to show that he/she is never going to reach that level. Owen Hart and Lita are two great examples of this. Owen from 1994 onward had many different faces, but his facial expressions always revealed someone who was good at their craft and needed to prove to the whole world that he mattered. Lita changed throughout her career as well, but she always had the same dumbfounded I on't know what's going on facial expressions. It's hard to get behind a wrestler who doesn't emote on the simplest but most important of levels.

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Favourite style of wrestling?

Lucha, shoot style, Battlarts, classic New Japan, and a great American brawling. It's impossible to pick one.


Favourite way wrestling is presented?

Either Memphis style TV building to big arena shows or New Japan/EMLL style sports TV with storylines being carried out during matches.


Favourite type of match?

Tag or trios match with a bunch of characters.


Favourite gimmick match?

Mask vs Mask


Favourite wrestler?

No idea.


Favourite match?

Uh, Fujiwara vs Yamazaki from 89, the big New Japan vs UWF elimination match, Santo vs Espanto, Dutch vs Lawler, 6/9/95, Atlantis vs Villano III, Casas vs Dandy, Satanico vs Gran Cochisse, our something else I'm forgetting.


Favourite feud?

Lawler vs Mantell or New Japan vs UWF


Favourite angle?

Inoki kicks Fujiwara in the balls and the UWF and New Japan locker rooms brawl.


Favourite promotion/period of wrestling?

New Japan 1986 and 1989-1990 EMLL


Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

Wrestlers giving their all in matches they lose.

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Favourite style of wrestling? - "Strong style" ass kickings.


Favourite way wrestling is presented? - Watch any 80's MSG wrestling show. Something about the way those shows were lit has always appealed to me.

Favourite type of match? - Title matches where the end result isn't blatantly obvious, going in.

Favourite gimmick match?- Royal Rumble match.

Favourite wrestler? - Currently, Finn Balor.

Favourite match? - For sheer emotion, Hogan beating The Iron Sheik for the WWF title.

Favourite feud? - Austin vs McMahon.

Favourite angle? - The Montreal Screwjob, while not technically an angle, still led to some of the best stuff in wrestling, during that era.

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling? - Rock n Wrestling era WWF. Ah, to be young again.

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love? - Heel/face turns that you don't see coming.

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Favorite style of wrestling? I love pro wrestling when it's presented like a sport, where the best man can win on any given night. Despite knowing about the concussions & whatnot that came from it, I'm inclined to say my favorite style is early 90's AJPW.

Favorite way wrestling is presented? See above.

Favorite type of match? Old school cage match. Keep the two guys in. Keep everyone else out. The man that walks out of the cage is unquestionable the winner, in the blowoff of a feud.

Favorite gimmick match? Is that not the same question?

Favorite wrestler? Ever, Stan Hansen. Currently, probably Rusev.

Favorite match? I love the Misawa/Kobashi Vs. Kawada/Taue (6/6/95) tag.

Favorite feud? Sting Vs. nWo

Favorite angle? The "love triangle" with Triple H, Kurt Angle & Stephanie McMahon is up there.

Favorite promotion/period of wrestling? Late 80's WWF, Early 90's AJPW, Late 90's ECW, 2005 ROH.

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love? I'm a mark for a good valet. I think they can just add so much to a gimmick & really help get a guy over. Lana is great right now. I also love when someone blows the roof off of a live crowd.

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Favourite style of wrestling?

Lucha or really well done Worked Shoot (the best of PWFG, UWF 1-2, RINGS).

Favourite way wrestling is presented?

NWA 1985-1986. If I had seen more, possibly Joint Promotions from the 70's.

Favourite type of match?

Lucha trios.

Favourite gimmick match?


Favourite wrestler?

This changes on a weekly basis. Right now, probably Santo.

Favourite match?

See above. Probably Misawa/Akiyama vs. Kawada/Taue 12/6/96

Favourite feud?

Misawa/Kawada 1992-1995

Favourite angle?

The build from 3/30 - 4/13/98 for Austin vs McMahon on 4/13 RAW.

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling?

1985-1986 NWA

1993 All Japan

2004 was a great year worldwide as well.

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

I love the lucha trope in trios matches where the third fall comes down to the two main guys after the dives are done and the crowd reacts with a fever pitch to the final showdown. For being a less traditional company, AAA did this pretty well in the mid-90's and even did it in their most recent TV in the trios main event.

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Favourite style of wrestling?

Strong Style.

Favourite way wrestling is presented?

WWE's current big card extravaganza.

Favourite type of match?

Triangle/Triple Threat.

Favourite gimmick match?

Royal Rumble

Favourite wrestler?

Don't have a decisive answer to this one!

Favourite match?

Don't have a decisive answer to this one either!

Favourite feud?


Favourite angle?

Kurt? But seriously, I'm torn between the original nWo formation, Steve Austin and Mike Tyson's shoving match, and the beginning of the Invasion storyline (man, remember how much potential that had?!)

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling?

1996 AJPW

1997 WCW

2000 WWF

2012 NJPW

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

When a wrestlers works a bodypart throughout a match, in preparation for a perilous late stage submission attempt, or the actual victory itself

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Favourite style of wrestling? Fanny packs


Favourite way wrestling is presented? Live


Favourite type of match? Dog Collar


Favourite gimmick match? Dog Collar


Favourite wrestler? Jimmy Valiant


Favourite match? Magnum vs Tully "I Quit"


Favourite feud? Jimmy Valiant vs Paul Jones


Favourite angle? Right


Favourite promotion/period of wrestling? Memphis early Eighties


Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love? Midgets

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Favourite style of wrestling? Southern Style or Monterrey style

Favourite way wrestling is presented? House show

Favourite type of match? Singles

Favourite gimmick match? Mask/Hair matches

Favourite wrestler? Jerry Lawler

Favourite match? Lawler/Dundee LLT 2

Favourite feud? Austin vs Mcmahon

Favourite angle? Mae Young as Shawn Stasiak's mother.

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling? WWF summer 1997-1999, Memphis 1991, Monterrey 2005

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love? Heels antagonizing old women and little kids.

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Favourite style of wrestling?

There's not a lot of wrestling styles a don't like. Enjoy strong style and whatever you would consider Dragon Gate. Typically I just don't care for Lucha or "WWE style" matches filled with headlocks, pointless holds, and finisher spamming kickouts.

Favourite way wrestling is presented?

I love when wrestling is presented as a legitimate competition (90's All Japan) but I also like some fun mixed into sport. That's what I think of when I think Dragon Gate. World class athletes like Mochizuki, YAMATO, and Tozawa mixed in with some fun undercard matches. I like a variety up and down the card.

Favourite type of match?

Trios matches. There's so much you can accomplish with trios matches. It's a good way to load up on star power in a match, yet protect those guys by having one of the lesser stars take the fall. There are so many different ways to progress feuds when trios stuff is done right. That's where All Japan thrived, imo. Kawada, especially, had such a knack of staying interesting even when he wasn't the one doing a majority of the action. I love the way he or Misawa or Kobashi would interact with Taue or Jumbo on the apron. It's such an easy way to build up a big match. Trios matches can also just be fun spotfests, which I think are needed in wrestling and I welcome with open arms. It's nearly impossible to duplicate a trios match.

Favourite gimmick match?

One that I'm sure everyone on the site will disagree with - the Dragon Gate DEAD or ALIVE cage match. I completely understand that it's not for everyone, even some DG fans, but it's a match that is always so wacky and innovative and I absolutely love it. War Games and Dog Collar matches are things I also really enjoy.

Favourite wrestler?

All-time? Kenta Kobashi, Daniel Bryan, and Masaaki Mochizuki. Currently? Tomohiro Ishii by a mile and a half. Matt Sydal would be second.

Favourite match?

12/3/93 HDA vs. Misawa/Kobashi is the first one that comes to mind simply because Kawada's performance absolutely blew me away the first time I saw it. The 6/9/95 and 12/6/96 tags would also be in consideration. Honorable mention to Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation from 7/3/2005.

Favourite feud?

Danielson vs. Morishima

Favourite angle?

Jesus Christ I have no clue.

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling?

All Japan 1990-1995, ROH 2005-2007, and New Japan 2012-now

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

Minoru Suzuki and Toru Yano facial expressions.

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I tend to find something to like in almost everything I watch, and tend to be really into whatever I'm watching at the time, so my answers for some of these questions would change if you asked me in a month.

Favourite style of wrestling? When WWE does it's Main Event style right. Wild brawls would be a close second, though.

Favourite way wrestling is presented? Hardcore TV style. It helps with my ADD.

Favourite type of match? Tag Team. (back again...)

Favourite gimmick match? Last Man Standing/Texas Death/THIS CITY Street Fight/any sort of no rules brawl set-up.

Favourite wrestler? Terry Funk.

Favourite match? Rock versus Hogan. It's pretty much the perfect WWE match to me.

Favourite feud? Piper/Hogan.

Favourite angle? Probably Mega-Powers Explode.

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling? WWE (when they get it right), ECW 94-95, XPW (well, not really, but it's what got me back into wrestling, so I have to give it some love)

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love? hammerlock back suplexes, Public Enemy promos, Arn Anderson's spinebuster on The Undertaker at WM18.

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Favorite style of wrestling? Southern style. Southern style progression in a long term program.


Favorite way wrestling is presented? Houseshow footage from the 1970's and 80's.


Favorite type of match? 1 Fall in either a singles or tag-team match. Anywhere between 15-45min in length.


Favorite gimmick match? Cage. (I quit stipulation as an added bonus is welcome. Makin another man say Uncle is about as humiliating a payback ya can get).


Favorite wrestler? Ric Flair circa 1976-1986. (Kinda impossible to answer though).


Favorite match? Nearly impossible to answer but I'd go with these 5 Houseshows. No particular order.


-4/1/79 US Title Cage match. Greensboro, NC. Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat (Flair won title. It went well over 30min).


-5/8/77 World Tag Title Cage match. Charlotte, NC. Ole & Gene Anderson vs. Ric Flair & Greg Valentine. (Andersons won titles Wahoo McDaniel was Ref).


-12/26/76 World Tag Title No Dq match. Greensboro, NC. Ric Flair & Greg Valentine vs. Ole & Gene Anderson. (Flair & Valentine won titles).


-10/16/76 MA Title vs. Hair match. Greensboro, NC. Ric Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel. (Flair won title).


-5/24/76 MA Title vs. Hair match. Charlotte, NC Ric Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel. (Flair won title).


Favorite feud? Impossible for me to answer.


Favorite angle? Ric Flair, Arn & Ole Anderson break Dusty Rhodes leg in the Fall of 1985. JCP business took a nose dive in 1984 and was hit and miss until around the Summer of 1985. This angle made the company rock solid for another 12 to 16 months.


Favorite promotion/period of wrestling? George Scott era JCP. Southern wrestling in general from the mid 70's-mid 80's.


Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love? Punch in the face.

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Favourite style of wrestling? Southern brawling with lots of blood.

Favourite way wrestling is presented? Poorly lit studio.

Favourite type of match? One Fall-45 minutes.

Favourite gimmick match? I have a strange affinity for Bull Rope matches.

Favourite wrestler? Jerry Lawler

Favourite match? The first Wargames match or Tully vs. Magnum -I Quit.

Favourite feud? Lawler vs. Idol and Rich

Favourite angle? Probably the first six months of the NWO.

Favourite promotion/period of wrestling? I grew up with it, so Crockett from '86-'88. I started watching wrestling in I think late '86.

Little things that happen in wrestling that you always love?

Jackie Fargo's punches, The Sheik or Lawler throwing fire, Satanic Kevin Sullivan, When territories would put a large X over actions because they were too brutal on television, Brock's suplexes, Bret Hart's second rope elbow.

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