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Cesaro/Kidd vs New Day (Tag Titles) - I liked this match, but 2/3 falls sprints are really hard to do. They needed to slow things down and go longer, but they didn't have the time. They tried a lot of crazy stuff in this. Most of it worked, some of it didn't. Cesaro was especially going crazy with power spots. I thought the finish was clever and did a good job of putting more heat on New Day.

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I had no problem with the finish. They've got similar tights and that's all the ref could see from his vantage.


Re: Devon's go slower comment: the time where I wish they let it sink in a bit more was after Cesaro's catch powerslam on Big E and then the press slam. Those should have had another 20 seconds to breathe and play to the crowd each. Make it matter.

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  • I like Xavier's approach to stooge manager.
  • And Big E running the ropes to hit a big splash.
  • Kofi as confident heel is fun.
  • Cesaro’s house-on-fire spots were really cool, but my favorite was when he broke up an interference attempt by throwing Big E onto the announcer’s table, like something out of an 80s All Japan tag.
  • Will process what I think of black heels benefiting from a ref not being able to tell them apart and get back to you on this.
  • Agree that there’s something about these teams which work well together. Cesaro-Kofi from Main Event was considered a miracle of sorts, but here are the two of them again.
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Ryback vs. True Blood


- This was better than any Bray Singles match since the Cena LMS and Bryan matches last year. And it was all due to Ryback. Holy shit, can this guy sell. He should not be a gatekeeper for this NXT project they're determined to have near the top of the card, but absolutely belongs there himself. Swap him into the Kane or Show spots as the Authority's muscle for a bit and enjoy the matches coming after his face turn. Instead he's here.

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Ryback vs. Bray Wyatt

- Man, for 2 big dudes beating the shit out of each other, this was right up my alley. The senton to the floor set up some good spots later on and made it easy to see why Bray beat him. I liked Air Ryback sacrificing his ribs for the big move but ultimately costing him in the end. The ending with ribs hitting the exposed turnbuckle was a little clunky but I enjoyed this. 3 for 3 so far.

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Ryback vs Bray Wyatt - When Bray locked on a chinlock I thought "Oh boy." They decided to make it interesting though with the senton off the apron, the big clothesline on the floor and Bray working over Ryback's ribs. I liked the frog splash spot and near fall. Ryback did a pretty decent job of selling the ribs. I liked the finish too even if it was set-up too quickly. Bray's still uninteresting as a character though.

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I had no problem with the finish. They've got similar tights and that's all the ref could see from his vantage.


Re: Devon's go slower comment: the time where I wish they let it sink in a bit more was after Cesaro's catch powerslam on Big E and then the press slam. Those should have had another 20 seconds to breathe and play to the crowd each. Make it matter.

Yeah, I actually thought there were several moments like that. They could have done that a few other times in the match. It probably needed three to five more minutes.

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I have felt that way after every Cena/Rusev match they've stuck in the early part of the show but they've gotten shown up every time so far so we'll see. Not much left to challenge it though since they've already run the tag title match.

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Fell about 30 mins behind, but will probably catch up to you guys by the main event.


The tag titles match was soooooo much fun! Love the hot, total ass-kicking with of the first fall - AWESOME double-team moves - and a hell of suplex on the outside to swing momentum back to the New Day to start the second fall. And I looooovvvved the finish to the third fall, very logical that the ref actually wouldn't know that that wasn't Kingston's legs in that situation.


If given a chance at a long run, I truly believe that Cesaro/Kidd vs. The New Day could really be one of the great tag team feuds of this generation of WWE. Two really outstanding action-packed teams and the crowd clearly has an emotional investment in the bouts between these squads.

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