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This is an amazing project, and I'm glad they're doing it - getting this stuff out to whoever wants it, and for free! But how long until it gets shut down? A lot of this same stuff gets taken down from YouTube regularly, and that is owned by Google too.

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I've been working on uploading some California Championship Wrestling from 1986 on my youtube channel over the past couple days (and am still uploading more). It's maybe the best bad wrestling that I have ever seen. It's a collection of barely trained complete unknowns who never went anywhere like Ripper Savage, Beartrap Smith, the Destroyin Samoan and a bunch of other scrubs against older veterans who apparently couldn't find any other work like Rocky Johnson, Gran Goliath and Superfly Jimmy Snuka. And Tux Newman of Memphis "fame" as the heel manager.


Apparently in the episodes that aired before the ones I have Toru Tanaka (who would have been 55-56 at this point) was the top babyface star but he got injured and then they put him on COLOR COMMENTARY. Which as it turns out was somehow NOT a good idea as he makes Art Donovan sound like Lance Russel (at the rare times you can actually understand him) Worth checking out for people who like the "so bad it's good" type stuff.



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Seems weird for Snuka to be there in 86, he was still working for NJPW and AWA, and still a big enough star to return to WWF in 1989.

Only watched 3 episodes so far but seems like he and Rocky Johnson both only worked 1 episode. Not entirely sure though as I have not watched everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not all uploads are complete just yet but by the time most of you will read this I will have uploaded 15 episode of 1981 Southeastern Championship Wrestling to youtube. Now Matt D has no excuse not to watch the greatness of Alabama rasslin.



Awesome. I've been hoping that you were going to add these to your channel.

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I've been watching these off and on while at work, and Dennis Condrey: Charisma Machine is boggling my mind something fierce.

Awesome. I've been hoping that you were going to add these to your channel.


Feel free to post any Southeastern musings in the Southeastern/Continental thread that is not actually supposed to be just for my posts even though that's mostly all it has been.

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  • 3 months later...

Not the most exotic stuff, but if you are looking for WWF and WCW matches from the 80s and 90s, these guys have thousands of videos on their channels here:





This was more valuable five years ago before the Network existed, but there's still lots of good to sift through.

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  • 3 months later...

You guys probably know of this resource but for any lurkers who may not know.


Real Hero Archive:



A massive collection of modern and old school puro, basically any Japanese promotion that has no legal way of viewing outside of Japan. Current AJPW, Big Japan, Noah, Dragon Gate, Joshi and others all here.



This channel has NWA main event and world wide shows , WCW Saturday/Sunday Nights, Thunder, Sunday Night Heat, and some AJPW TV sprinkled in. Hope you all enjoy.



If I could make a request, I'd love if someone could direct me towards a channel or any resource where I can watch 80's WWC Puerto Rico. Thanks in advance.

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  • 1 month later...

I created a second youtube account to upload USWA Texas to because I know WWE owns that and I wanted to keep it separate from my other channel so if WWE comes down on me at least all the Southeastern/Continental stuff I uploaded won't disappear. Still a ton of work left to do to get everything I've got onto youtube but here is the channel:



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  • 5 weeks later...

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