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Sunny vs Sable

Judy Bagwell

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To me, Sunny for all 3 although I guess it could be argued that Sable had the better "run" between the two with being one of the bigger stars of the Attitude Era and having a pretty high profile mixed tag match at a WrestleMania. Sable also managed to not have any of the really bad periods that Sunny did like her late era ECW stuff and the WCW stint.


But Sunny was a much stronger character and was able to carry segments with her personality which Sable could never do. Sable got over on wearing PVC outfits and doing stunts like coming to the ring with hand prints painted on her tits while Sunny actually got over on the strength of her work as a talker and a manger.

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Yeah, Sunny was a great heel promo, just the right level of obnoxious to be annoying, but not channel-changingly so. I hated Sunny at the time, and you have to be pretty great at heeling to get a 14yr old boy to boo a hot lady. Part of what made "Horowitz wins!" so great was that his win humbled two of the most arrogant stars in the company.


As for hotness, Sunny 100%

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Yeah, Sunny was a great heel promo, just the right level of obnoxious to be annoying, but not channel-changingly so. I hated Sunny at the time, and you have to be pretty great at heeling to get a 14yr old boy to boo a hot lady. Part of what made "Horowitz wins!" so great was that his win humbled two of the most arrogant stars in the company.


As for hotness, Sunny 100%



lets forget they arent giant c##ts,

That's lovely.


slip of the tongue Johnny

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Sable got real big during the Attitude Era, when I was a teenager & she was a large reason how I found out that I wasn't attracted to breast implants. So there's a random, worthless tidbit.


I preferred Sunny because she was actually entertaining. True story, her name is part of the reason why I initially got into ECW as well. It's easier to get into a new product when you recognize some of the names/faces & hers was one I remembered.

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I remember back at the time being really amused that Sunny got a segment on Inside Edition about her massive celebrity in the early days of the internet becoming popular. It was the only wresting segment of any kind I remember ever seeing on that show back when it was one of the things on afternoon TV here.

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Sunny was definitely the more talented of the two. However, Sable was booked great in 97/98. I think Sunny was more attractive but Sable's character of "innocent girl in a terrible relationship" really resonated with a lot of people, namely the guys who were used to seeing their attractive friends dating douchebags. Sable had the girl next door thing down pretty well. But in terms of talent and attractiveness, I go with Sunny, but I understand why Sable had a better run.

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I liked Sable better as a kid because I thought she was "hotter," but in retrospect, Sunny obviously runs away with this in every category - including looks. As an adult, I'll take her fresh-faced beauty (at the time) over Sable's overly "plastic" appearance.

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