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Martin Shkreli is Pro Wrestling


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Short version for the non US members of the site, Martin Shkreli is a trust fund dudebro turned Pharmacy executive who made news for jacking up the price of life saving medications by 1000% or more just because he can. Also for being the winning bidder for the only pressed copy of a Wu-Tang Clan album.


I mean, just look at the guy in the video seen here: http://gawker.com/martin-shkreli-invokes-his-fifth-amendment-right-not-to-1757080115


His smugness, the perpetual smirk on his extremely punchable face, he's every bad guy in an 80s teen movie come to life grown up to be a CEO.


He's out-heeling anyone in the business today.

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The thing that makes all great villains hate-able is that beyond having the right attitude they have to have done something you actually hate. And honestly, without getting into stuff like war criminals, jacking the price of life saving drugs is pretty goddamn hard to top on the scum scale. He is everything the movie Wall Street warned us about brought to life.


He also does have a very punchable face.

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What really sells that article is not just that he's an Ayn Rand fan, but instead of actually owning her books, he just has the damn Cliff Notes. Which, admittedly, might have much better writing than Rand's godawful clunky prose.


Although one thing that mystifies me is, how did this guy ever get rich in the first place? He seemed to go from "poverty-stricken son of janitors, and eventually a high school dropout" to "spoiled college student and wealthy hedge fund manager" with seemingly no transition period in between.


But as if he was trying to deliberately disprove the specific posts made in this thread, Shkreli comes right out in this interview and literally says he's playing a villain, while specifically using Damien Sandow's old gimmick as his cited example. So, yeah, he definitely qualifies for discussion here.

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Maybe it's just me, but I kinda think it's fucking dopey to go on about how this real life piece of shit who did something akin to being a potential murderer "is a great heel."

Wrestling bad guys are actors. This guy is an amoral zero.


"That Pol Pot, modern wrestlers could learn a thing or two..." Yuck.



Does it upset you that Steve Austin got the Stone Cold name (or more accurately his wife at the time did) from watching a documentary about an actual real life murderer?

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He really is everything a great heel should aspire to be. Hateable, great facial expressions, and he truly seems to believe what he does is right. If I was an aspiring young wrestler I would be watching every interview he does for tips.


Emphasis added.


That's a great point. He's not just a standard generic asshole heel. He actually believes his own bullshit as being right and proper.


He's also really weaselly. After getting called out on the pricing, and initially refusing not to raise it to such a degree, he (or his company) stated they would sell it at a lower price than the original increase. They then didn't bother to actually to make that happen, and instead just laid low hoping no one would notice.


* * * * *


Someone asked how he made his money. He's basically been a con man. Gawker had a fun piece pulling out his past business practices from the indictment documents:




And he's creepy:






Classic heel.

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I don't really understand what the last two posts in this thread are trying to say.

I was just saying that it just annoys me when people go "Oh what a great heel" regarding a real life awful piece of shit. To me, a" heel" is a part played on TV and live entertainment shows. Not awful wastes of stem cells who should have been back alley abortions where the mother died so she couldn't make more of her terrible progeny. And I hope his Dad gets dick cancer and his pets die.


But that's just me.

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