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WWE TV March 7th to 13th


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If Shane isn't sticking around as a performer after Mania I assume they'll have Shane win and then hand off power to someone else to run the show for the time being..


Before, of course, the McMahons eventually return to the joy of all.


It will be hard to have Shane lose and nothing change with The Authority after promising it so vehemently with Shane's big return. But I'm with you, I don't want to see Shane beat Taker at Mania, in any form, to get there.

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  On 3/9/2016 at 11:00 PM, Loss said:

Shane handing over power to Daniel Bryan, who shakes things up by bringing in NXT favorites, would make a lot of sense. It ain't happening, though.


The NXT favorites will show up over on Smackdown w/ Triple H so he can babyface himself while Daniel Bryan will be stuck backing up the hated Roman Reigns every week against such hated heels as Kevin Owens and The New Day. #doublepoliticalhit. Only half kidding here.

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I mean, how is this angle supposed to end in a way that won't be a disaster? Either Shane beats the goddamned Undertaker at WM (which would be bullshit even with shenanigans), or this is just another rehash of SS 2014 where the Authority's power is in danger only to go right back to the status quo (which would only prove Shane right that Raw is nothing but boring crap under their rule).


yeah this was my fear when the angle first started a few weeks ago. Going back to the status quo after mania after teasing change would be the ultimate cock punch. I just have this feeling that's what we are getting

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I think what they will do is have Shane lose in a valiant attempt to beat Taker, perhaps Shane hits Taker with a lucky shot, goes for the cover, we have a visible 3 count but no one around to count it. Then either Vince or Triple H or their henchmen comes down and knocks Shane out. Both Taker and ref comes to their senses and Taker finishes him off with the tombstone.


Vince gloats about it the next night but someone like Linda points out that Shane only lost an opportunity to take over Raw. Nobody said anything about Smackdown. We find out Shane now officially has control of Smackdown and he installs someone as his day to day operations lieutenant who you have coming out on camera whenever needed and Shane only shows up for the major major major events/announcements...much like Linda used to do.

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Yeah well what can you do about it? If Shane wasn't willing to stick around past Mania, you are limited in what you can do with the story. People here and most people out there does not really want to see Shane beat Taker at Mania in a Hell in the Cell match, regardless of how Shane has been welcomed back by the fans. And it's even worse if you have him win the match then take off again? Either you are stuck with Authority back in control despite their side losing that match or you have Shane as an absentee boss delegating responsibilities to people. I think the scenario I laid out was the best way to deal with all the problems they have created for themselves in booking the match on the fly when they realized they needed a Plan Z with guys like Cena who probably had Taker at Mania if not for his hiatus.

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I think ultimately, Vince does something overzealous after Undertaker destroys Shane, and it's offensive enough to Undertaker that he's compelled to do a job. That finish would be much easier to pull off without the Cell, because Undertaker could just walk away from the match and purposely lose by countout instead of having to eat a pinfall.

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I don't know. Didn't the Undertaker warn Vince that Shane's blood was on his hands and not Taker's? I think it has been botched badly so far but I think the idea is Taker destroying Shane is just as much a message to Vince than anything else. I don't know how they work that out but Taker has already addressed the issue so the fans would expect a definitive result and not a clusterfuck that ends with no resolution.

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I'd like to know why Vince seems terrified of taking Steph and Hunter off TV. I mean it's not like they are drawing big numbers anymore. I think he wants Steph to be the face of the company and make sure she is booked the strongest to trick investors into thinking that everything will be alright when he's gone. Plus deep down he doesn't trust anyone else in the spot. And I do think Bonnie Hammer and USA have his ear on this. It's been three years which is an enternity in wrestling



I know there are obvious political answers to this but remember Steph was used sparingly on TV from 04-12 and Hunter was entering into the "pathetic semi retired wrestler who couldn't run the company without the roster turning on him" phase before he became all powerful again with the Authority.

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In fact I am now thinking that it would be Undertaker who goes too far to sebd Vince a message and Vince realizes the whole thing had gotten out of hand and he tries to stop Taker but conveniently the cell prevents him from being able to stop Taker. Perhaps this sets up Vince for a babyface turn when Stephanie starts thinking he had gotten soft and not the ruthless man that she had always admired and respected. Since Stephanie has gained a lot of power in recent years it can no longer be a situation where Vince can teach her a lesson. The whole company becomes fractured and kind of split between Vince guys and Stephanie/Triple H guys and so brand split is their solution. Probably not gonna happen though.

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  On 3/10/2016 at 3:17 AM, Strummer said:

I'd like to know why Vince seems terrified of taking Steph and Hunter off TV. I mean it's not like they are drawing big numbers anymore. I think he wants Steph to be the face of the company and make sure she is booked the strongest to trick investors into thinking that everything will be alright when he's gone. Plus deep down he doesn't trust anyone else in the spot. And I do think Bonnie Hammer and USA have his ear on this. It's been three years which is an enternity in wrestling

It's not that he's terrified. The whole thing was his idea. He obviously thinks the authority character still serves as a key part in their philosophy/template. Vince was supposed to retire his character after the Bret match and he picked Stephanie abd Hunter to be his voice on the shows and in storylines. Vince is only heavily involved right now because regardless of people's intentions, Vince wants Reigns to get over so he got involved which could be argued as a significant thing because Vince doesn't show up to help just anybody. The people he is involved with are people that is supposed to be seen as big deals in WWE Universe.

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Actually, ratings were down after Survivor Series 2014 when HHH and Stephanie were off of TV, and they bounced back when they returned to TV. There were other factors that I think had a greater effect than HHH and Stephanie being absent or present, but it's easy to draw that conclusion when looking at the numbers.

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  On 3/10/2016 at 2:52 AM, Loss said:

I think ultimately, Vince does something overzealous after Undertaker destroys Shane, and it's offensive enough to Undertaker that he's compelled to do a job. That finish would be much easier to pull off without the Cell, because Undertaker could just walk away from the match and purposely lose by countout instead of having to eat a pinfall.


Will the crowd buy it? I don't think so. I think the best thing that can be done is Taker beats Shane to a bloody pulp and Linda McMahon comes down and throws in the towel. Taker wins, Shane TECHNICALLY was never pinned, submitted, etc., neither guy has to turn heel, the crowd doesn't shit on the finish as bad (as Shane I am sure will sell a really good babyface beatdown) and we are left with some intrigue going forward. After thinking about it for some time, I honestly believe this will be the best approach as then WWE can do what you mentioned with Linda coming in, telling everyone to cut the shit, and cut another 'Are You Scared of Competition' promo on Vince the next night.


Shane getting The B Show wouldn't be so bad if WWE decides to put the 'part-time' guys on that show as smoke and mirrors. Lesnar, Taker, and Jericho all going to Smackdown with The Shield guys (keep Reigns/Cena away from each other for two years and then count the money at Mania 35). Shane Mcmahon not being on TV everyday with the super over Daniel Bryan as the on-air authority figure( I hate this role, but its going no where) acting as Teddy Long would definitely make Smackdown not appear as The B Show.

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  On 3/10/2016 at 3:53 AM, Grimmas said:

You can't tease something like the authority out of power that everybody wants and not deliver. That's just beyound stupid.

The good news (for the company) is that I doubt people actually expect the McMahons (and Triple H) to actually honor the stipulation if they do choose to go down the Shane road. They have already established a precedent for it with them being back only a month after the stipulation demanded they go away. So it sucks if they do it again but I don't think it would surprise anyone if they end up back on TV shortly after.

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well, well...




--Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon & HHH are all advertised for the 4/11 Raw at the Staples Center in Los Angeles -- one week after WrestleMania. I guess that means they don't all get fired on the day after or the people doing the advertising are being told the wrong info.

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  On 3/11/2016 at 3:26 AM, sek69 said:

To be fair, they tend to create advertising way in advance so there's been numerous times someone was advertised with a belt they haven't won yet/without a belt they haven't lost.

Or that the nature of their appearance doesn't necessarily have to be as The Authority.

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It's amazing. Jericho's gone from pretending to be Bockwinkel to pretending to be Miz. I could see Miz giving that promo almost word for word, just with better, more earnest delivery, which is funny, because Jericho probably believes a lot of it anyway.

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