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I would put Jumbo, Misawa, Kawada and Kobashi comfortably ahead of Hansen. Tenryu, Hansen and Taue would be on the next level then Robinson, the Funks, The Destroyer, Baba, Steve Williams and Akiyama. I don't think Hansen's work in the 80s is good enough for him to be the number one pick. Lots of mediocre tag work and disappointing matches with Jumbo and Tenryu.

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I don't understand Rey's ranking. I never will understand Rey's ranking. Don't get me wrong he was a great pro-wrestler, but he played the same role in every match. I can buy him as the best baby face working from underneeth ever. I can't buy him as a top 10 guy. A top 15 guy. A top 20 guy? If I am overlooking something and he was ever anything but an underdog baby face who got beat on and then came back so be it. I don't see it though, and I hope I am wrong.

Doesn't matter how many threads on here I lurk, I'll never in my life understand how or why Rey's offense was better than HBK's or Bret's.

Shawn was an undersized babyface who had offence that was often shown to be at parity with his bigger opponents when it came to power. There are ways of doing that properly, but Shawn didn't.


Rey was someone who used his size, which should have been a detriment in Vince's company, and turned it into a massive advantage. Every aspect of his offence emphasized his quickness and agility. He didn't engage in a punch-out when he fought Kane.


I also do not see how Rey's offence did not look legit. Neither do I see why his punches being bad matters, since his punches were never a significant part of his arsenal.


Rey never had any offense that looked as legitimate as the stuff Shawn displayed vs. guys like Diesel or Sid. Rey always relied on the guys bringing themselves down to him; Shawn brought it to them. Big difference.

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And what about the 619 ? It is painfull.

It's painfully awful...


Anyway I'm guessing Bryan, Funk, Hansen, Misawa, Flair in that order. Solid top 5.


Rey and Painful don't belong in the same sentence when it comes to offense. His looked like choreographed sillyness with zero exception. His punches were the worst of anyone listed in the top 300. But he's Rey so Rey has to be high up on the list because reasons.


Rey's placement may be the single biggest legitimacy-buster of this entire thing, the more I think about it.


What exactly are you proposing is the reason he ranked so highly? I'd like to think we're above this kind of bad-faith reasoning here.


Nice guy, fun matches, never a threat.



You think this is more likely than that people just disagree with you and think he is legitimately great?

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The 619 impact always look awkward, especially when people bump like idiots from taking it. I've learned to deal with the fact Rey is gonna do it at some point and the setup is gonna be half-smart/half-ridiculous/contrived, but the impact looks weak most of the time. It's one of those moves where the Idea of it is much better than the actual execution. The 619 is a great Platonician pro-wrestling move.

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The Misawa Vengeance Tour continues.


Honestly, I'm baffled that of all the AJ guys, Misawa is the one who actually *gained spots* since 2006. Considering the criticims thrown at All Japan style and NOAHism, considering the fact Misawa is actually the one who died because of it, considering his NOAH work really isn't talked about with much enthousiasm, I really thought he would be the one who would drop he most out of the 4 pillars. I'm kinda stunned. Totally pulling for him though.

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Fujiwara's headbutt is the Sistine Chapel compared to Takada's leglock. Takada's leglock is the Rick Rude resthold of signature holds.


Fujiwara's dazed no-selling in the corner makes Takada's leglock the equivalent of A Love Supreme.


(I totally feel like I'm in the insult contest of Monkey Island now. :P )

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The Misawa Vengeance Tour continues.


Honestly, I'm baffled that of all the AJ guys, Misawa is the one who actually *gained spots* since 2006. Considering the criticims thrown at All Japan style and NOAHism, considering the fact Misawa is actually the one who died because of it, considering his NOAH work really isn't talked about with much enthousiasm, I really thought he would be the one who would drop he most out of the 4 pillars. I'm kinda stunned. Totally pulling for him though.



Can't say I understand it either. Love them all but would've expected them to move as a pack. I suppose that may very well be the case though with 3 in the top 10 and 4 in the top 11.

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Fujiwara's headbutt is the Sistine Chapel compared to Takada's leglock. Takada's leglock is the Rick Rude resthold of signature holds.


Fujiwara's dazed no-selling in the corner makes Takada's leglock the equivalent of A Love Supreme.


(I totally feel like I'm in the insult contest of Monkey Island now. :P )



Why are we comparing Fujiwara's poetry to the most useless invention known to man? The Takada leglock, it's like a pair of splintered chopsticks

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