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On 3/24/2020 at 8:55 AM, flyonthewall2983 said:

I never heard them before but I shouldn't be surprised. Why he never got a job in WWE after WCW folded makes a bit more sense now. Bastard. 

Dean Malenko has Parkinsons? I read that in one of the comments, not that I'm taking it as gospel but he did seem to tremor a little during his interview.

Unfortunately yes, Dean has Parkinson's. He announced it during his panel at one of the Starrcasts after he couldn't hold up his microphone properly. It looked pretty tragic, but Dean had a great sense of humour about it and gave a much better interview than the one he gave for RF videos where Feinstein kept asking about Benoit even though Dean was clearly uncomfortable.

I believe that's one of the reasons he left the WWE, because he was finding it difficult to keep up with their schedule with his condition. He also loves The Miz, which may have been more surprising than the Parkinson's announcement.

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Holy shit. The Benoit episode is amazing. So emotional. I was laying with my two-year-old son when I started watching it. I had to put him to bed before I could finish. It was too much holding him and thinking about how a father could do something so awful to their son. I just finished watching it and I’ve had to just lay here and sort of recover a bit. It doesn’t pull any punches. I mean, for those of us that were following closely at the time, there are no big revelations or anything. It’s just so gut wrenching to hear it told by people who were so close to Chris and Nancy. 

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I remember watching a lot of CNN and MSNBC (I would have watched Fox if Vince McMahon went on Bill O'Reilly which was briefly rumored. Vinny Mac snapping on BillO would have been glorious to watch) for updates and interviews. I probably watched more wrestling on cable news than I was WWE or TNA programming at the time. The amount of ignorance and hidden contempt towards the business was infuriating but I couldn't stay away. 

Major respect to Chris Nowinski. The discoveries he helped make which made the public at large more aware of CTE, not only turned the discussion slightly away from all the easy "roid rage" stuff being tossed about, but it could have legitimized the physical toll of something people were easy to assume was "fake". He almost walks into frame heroically after all the cable news shit and the buzzards flying around the Benoit house. 

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The only thing I wish could have been expanded upon a little more was the part about the Wellness Policy. They did kind of mention it, but glossing over how guys could get TUE exemptions made Jericho look like a dumb ass after saying how it was so strict after Eddy died you couldn't even smoke weed yet Benoit was on enough steroids to choke an elephant.  All the pieces were there, they mentioned he was using since his teen years and that WWE had a lot of loopholes, but they could have connected the dots a little better IMO.

Also was it just me or did Nancy's sister accuse Benoit of sexual assault? The part where she was asked if she saw any violence, and she said yes but out of respect to the kids he left behind she wouldn't go into details. That made my blood run cold, considering what else would she want to shield from them considering their dad's already a murderer?

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Sad to say all of my memories of her watching wrestling as a kid invariably involved Chris (and getting a glimpse of her ECW run in the Apter mags), but seeing the old footage from Florida and the time in early 90's WCW really hammered how special she was. It is admirable how she threw herself into motherhood, seemingly done with wrestling herself and content being close to his friends and their wives. 

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She also clearly had a better head on her shoulders, because she had started preparing for life post Chris's eventual retirement, while Chris genuinely had no idea what not wrestling meant. 

A friend and I have been separately watching WCW 1997 and we have discussed this - by far the stuff most uncomfortable for me to watch has been Benoit-Sullivan and the 4 Horsemen-Dungeon angles, not because of Benoit as much as because of Woman.

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I've seen the Chris-Kevin Baltimore match where they went into the bathroom several times in the 90's and 2000's and maybe a few times after 2007. I do remember watching the matches they had the following year at SuperBrawl and Bash At The Beach live, but have not watched since but remember them as particularly brutal. Hard to say how much, but given what we know now if those two matches were total shoots I would not be surprised. 

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People bag on David's admittedly questionable attempts to enter the wrestling business, but damn if he isn't the most sympathetic person in the universe. Dude got treated as if he was the one who did the murders (doesn't help that he basically looks like an identical twin of his dad if he had never used steroids) and got shunned by the people he grew up with. Jericho was 100% right in saying the way David got treated was bullshit. 

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Watched both Benoit episodes last night... 

Holy shit, this is most brutal, uncompromising, gut-wrenching two hours of television you'll ever see. There is nothing pleasant about it whatsoever.

While last season's episodes were all obviously tragic as well, most of them had kind of a cheesy "true crime TV" vibe that made it easier for the viewer to distance themselves slightly. That's gone here. This is just pure unadulterated hopelessness and despair.

Many interesting facts and perspectives are covered here. My heart breaks for poor David Benoit (Chris's son, who looks exactly like him) and Sandra Toffoloni (Nancy's sister).

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The Benoit episodes didn’t offer anything ground breaking, both were more factual than editorial on the tragedy itself. What made them great is that they invested a great deal of time on the families left behind and their feelings 13 years after, even taking Vickie into consideration. 
Dean Malenko trying to focus only on the professional side is really telling of where his mindset is on the whole situation. 
I truly feel for David Benoit and hope he finds peace, no one deserves to go trough as much heartache as he did; Nancy’s sister calling him “my nephew” was my glimmer of hope of the whole episode, I think their hearts are in the right place.

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The New Jack episode might as well been titled "how a guy can do at least three attempted murders and get away from it because wrestling". I will say Sandman was entertaining as hell, he was a great get to the show.

Maybe it's other incidents clouding my judgement, but it was hilarious to see Jim Cornette being all "well by golly Jack just said whatever he wanted to and we couldn't do anything about it" when he was the guy in charge.  

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7 hours ago, sek69 said:

It will probably be up in a few days. They had part two of the Benoit episode up on their YouTube channel a couple days after that aired, so I expect other episodes to follow suit.

I think that's just because it was a two-parter. The first season had the Brody episode up early, but no others so I imagine it will be the same this season.

Brawl for All is next week. If it's just an excuse to expose a TV audience to Cornette and Russo hating each other I predict it'll be terrible.

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I have my doubts about the Brawl for All episode,  considering JR might be involved based on him being on the Benoit episode. I just hope that it doesn't turn into an hour of him denying it was designed to get Dr. Death over and/or he was super salty when Doc got beat. 

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10 hours ago, flyonthewall2983 said:

Brawl for All is next week. If it's just an excuse to expose a TV audience to Cornette and Russo hating each other I predict it'll be terrible.

That jackassery completely ruined the Montreal Screwjob episode last season and got me blocked by Corny on Twitter because I pointed it out instead of throwing roses at his racist feet. 

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On 4/2/2020 at 2:01 PM, C.S. said:

That jackassery completely ruined the Montreal Screwjob episode last season and got me blocked by Corny on Twitter because I pointed it out instead of throwing roses at his racist feet. 

Well it was pretty well balanced I thought. It showed why Russo was indeed a breath of fresh air and a new voice when the WWF badly needed both, and it showed why Cornette took it so personally while at the same time taking it to a level that seemed excessive. 

I lol'ed pretty good at the idea that Russo came up with the Brawl for All just to shut up JBL's big mouth. As much as my natural inclination is to not believe a word Vince Russo ever says. his take on JBL lines up with pretty much everyone's who's name isn't McMahon so I supposed it's a case of a broken clock being right. 

JR kinda came off looking the worst in a way, continuing to insist that it wasn't all a setup for Dr. Death to have a program with Austin when all available evidence suggested it was. I suppose there's a chance (Vince being Vince and all) they just *assumed* he was going to win and didn't officially set it up that way, but putting Bart on ice after winning it only to serve him up to be killed by Butterbean is still the all time "the company is pissed someone they didn't plan for got over" moment.  Either way it's clear everyone in the locker room believed it was all designed for Dr. Death to win to the thing so it might as well have been the plan. 

Funny thing is Bart's career in Japan afterwards was more successful than anything that would have ever happened in the WWF, and it was due to the fact he KO'd Dr. Death in a legit fight. 

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