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AEW TV 4/8/2020


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Chris Jericho is #1 and the best. By far, the best heel commentatorbaince Jesse Ventura. Makes the empty arena meaningless with his enthusiasm. Him and Schiavone have a chemistry that just works. And he uttered the greatest line in wrestling commentator history... 


"She went from Ace Frehley to Gene Simmons in one match". Priceless. 

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I still have a problem with all those people at ringside. Sure it adds to the show but it just seems dangerous.

Jericho was great all night. But especially during that god awful Omega match. Loved how he was cracking Schivonie up. Shida/Britt was the best women's match in AEW in a while. They should have Shida beat Nyla. She's the best with britt being a close second.

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Jericho made the Omega tag match watchable for me. There's a place for comedy in wrestling, but bad comedy is what makes WWE so bad in the first place. The match was good whenever they were actually wrestling. I think all the matches and promos on the show today were really good. Esp the Mox-Hager promos. 

I think if there had been a crowd, Britt might have become a big babyface. As it is, I loved the match and thought both women looked like stars. 

The way they are building up Cody's quest, it seems he has to win the TV title. 

I reiterate - Jericho is the best. He made a good show great for me. 

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Baker/Shida really got going after a lacklustre opening moments and I really hope Britt’s ring-work catches up with her character work soon as she really does have great presence and charisma. Her asking Tony for help was hilarious. They seem to be in a bad place since it appears Nyla can’t work these takings so this whole feud feels like killing time without really leading anywhere. 

Putting the Rankings Report is an awesome idea! They should have really done it all along, even though they want people to get onto their social media accounts to find them. The Hager/Moxley video was fantastic but I do wonder where Moxley goes after Hager. Then again, these times make planning nearly impossible.

The Spears/Cody package was a good piece of business too. Funny how having all the guys in this tournament talking about how they want to win it and how important it is makes it feel like essential viewing. 

I could live without seeing Nakazawa ever again and he only ever shows up once every 3 months. The Brodie Lee vignettes where he lampoons Vince McMahon quirks seem like they don’t have much shelf life but then again, Vince has a bottomless supply of quirks. As for Lee, he still seems rusty but I dug Lee Johnson against QT Marshall on Dark and his bumping here was on point. He’d be a great, regular jobber for them. 

Another fun episode but the skeleton crew feels like it’ll get really stretched if the reports of them taping enough to last until May is true. 

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Another solid episode. Really hit me how the fact that they didn't run Cody-Spears into the ground after they did the PPV match allowed them to go back to it six months later and make it feel like a bigger deal and a viable main event (despite Spears being pretty low on the card since then).

Using the wrestlers as the audience continues to really distinguish them from WWE. It's such an easy point, that I noticed when I watched one of the few college basketball games without fans - if you have cheerleaders and a few folks in the stands and crank up the mics on them, you get a good approximation of the normal sound of the crowd and it really helps overcome the weird vibe of doing this for no one. 

Tony and Jericho was such a spectacular pairing. Hope we get that at last once more in this run.

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Never said it wouldn't work. Like I wrote previously, if Jericho has been able to cut fantastic promos on a drone two weeks in a row, he could make it work too.

At the end of the day, if we can all have our little dose of wrasslin' and it can be provided safely for everyone involved, I'm not rejecting any suggestion they can pull off.

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-Jake Roberts is still one of the best promos in the business. I may actually care about a Cody/FFDP match if Jake keeps cutting these promos.
-Baker finally has a personality and is a great foil for Shida while they build her up for Nyla. Schiavone stanning for her is one of the best running gags in the company. Baker trying to convince Schiavone to tell people how good she is while Shida comes from behind? **kisses fingers**
-Yep. I'm with the crowd: Jericho and Shiavone are the best commentary team so far. I'd love to hear Jericho and Excalibur for a good length of time, too.
-Orange Cassidy has more screen presence by being quiet in a corner than most ever could.
-The video package for Mox/Hager made me almost forget that Hager is that store brand vanilla ice cream your grandma always had in the back of the freezer. This is the kind of stuff that AEW needs more of. Less Dark Order, more serious hype packages.
-Speaking of which, the Cody/Spears video wasn't as good as the Mox/Hager (well, better than the redundant second one), but Cody is so goddamn amazing when he does the "big deal" talk that I forgot how little I cared about Spears.
-ME was very, very solid. Cody has a firmer grasp on how a pro wrestling match works than virtually anybody else on the roster, and Spears more than holds his own when he can work a more straightforward match. Jericho decrying Aubrey Edwards's down-the-middle calls and cheering for Spears, as well as Spears continuing the little spat with Billy Gunn, were also great.

-"Murderhawk" is fine. You don't need the "monster" part. I'm still not sold on Five Finger Trampstamp. There's nothing edgy about a 30-something guy in 2020 dressing like a goth nerd from 1999. Promotion is irrelevant (looking at you, Bray/oVe).
-Best Friends vs. Omega/Nakazawa because they want to prove who are the better friends...this like Jericho/Kane feuding over coffee levels of stupid. It could work, theoretically, as a set up, but the delivery by everybody was so dry that you can tell they just felt like they needed to fill airtime. On a pre-recorded show.
-How the shit is Yuka ranked higher than Riho, the former champion, or Baker, who's actually been on TV more than twice in as many months? I don't think these rankings are on the up and up.
-Michael Nakazawa is the worst signing on the entire fucking roster. His very existence is an embarrassment to pro wrestling as a whole. He, somehow, makes me yearn for an Omega singles match. Toru Yano is a better talent. VIRGIL, WRESTLING SUPERSTAR, was a better talent. Orange Cassidy couldn't even save this shitshow.
-Dark Order is garbage. Dark Order is garbage. Dark Order is garbage.
-Broken Matt wasn't even good when it was new, and has led us directly to the bullshit that was the Boneyard and the Firefly Funhouse matches (yeah, they sucked, get over it). Retire already, old man.
-Brodie Lee's ring gear makes Monsterhawk's look fantastic by comparison. Garbage squash, fuck off.

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