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The main roster sounds like a nightmare for non-English speaking talent. You would think a billion-dollar company would have some kind of foreign liaison. Imagine being on the other side of the world and having to drive in the middle of a fucking blizzard.
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I'm convinced the whole born-again thing was mainly a way for Shawn to get out of doing jobs. He said that he couldn't go heel because Jesus wouldn't let him or some other such nonsense. I can only think of one program during his comeback where he never went over at any point (vs. Hogan), and look how he handled that. Even HHH put Batista over decisively.

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45 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

I'm convinced the whole born-again thing was mainly a way for Shawn to get out of doing jobs. He said that he couldn't go heel because Jesus wouldn't let him or some other such nonsense. I can only think of one program during his comeback where he never went over at any point (vs. Hogan), and look how he handled that. Even HHH put Batista over decisively.

I'll never get over the fact that he actually won the blow-off matches in his feuds against Kurt Angle and Edge, even when it made zero sense for him to do so, and yet they are pointed at as primary examples of 2000s Shawn's "generosity" and "selfless nature". 

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3 hours ago, MoS said:

In some shocking bit of news, apparently born-again Shawn is still a two-faced dick 

Here's the transcript for anyone who would rather read than listen: 


With Billy Gunn indirectly mentioned, hopefully he'll reach out to Dax now that they're in the same company and make amends. 

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Making fun of a written promo = making fun of depression issues.

Suck-up to the boss spotted. 

Also, I don't know what kind of contracts writers get, but I don't think they are categorized as "independent contractors". The "second class citizen" line seems pretty ironic. Considering the average level of promo work in WWE, honestly most of these guys should get the axe anyway because they suck and can't write worth a shit (and yeah, I know they are working around oddball WWE verbiage and Vince re-writing shows, but still).

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I do think there is a lot of resentment against the writers since they are often made out as the bad guys since pretty much everyone there knows scripted promos suck 99% of the time. So in usual WWE fashion everyone gets mad at the poor bastards who have to write the scripts instead of the guy who insists that's how things were done.  I know Dave has repeatedly said it's not fair to be mad at the writers since they are just trying to do what Vince wants and sometimes there's no way to do that and have it not be trash. 

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It always comes back to Vince indeed (But he loved me !), and Dax may very well have been dickish. But the entire thread reeks of corporate suck-up when Dax basically was giving yet another instance of the Kliq being what they always have been, a bunch of assholes (and hey, I like their work to this day), which really isn't any kind of news. And ok, Waltman probably always was the best of them, when he wasn't shitting on women's sandwhiches (BTW, Sunny is going back to jail, right ?).

But you know what I think about Twitter dramas in general. Waste of time.

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May have been. Probably another reason why they don't want anyone with any rasslin' experience anymore (when you think about this, really :rolleyes:), because that way they can mold their talent into just accepting what they are being fed. Which also means those people will be way more afraid to leave after only knowing WWE too. Of course, when they'll get fired, because they will, that will be a different story.

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I guess the bigger point, or at least what I got from Schilling's thread, is that people can be assholes in any given day. Of course HBK is still the biggest asshole in this story, but it seems the writer still had some pent-up issues to talk about and that can be just as valid, considering how he told the story.

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17 minutes ago, KawadaSmile said:

I guess the bigger point, or at least what I got from Schilling's thread, is that people can be assholes in any given day.

Yeah, that's called relativism. B)

And again. Making fun of a promo that he thought was bad = Making fun of depression in front of the guy after pretending to bond with him ? Hum.... 

"Dripping with insincerity"

That shit never gets old.

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10 minutes ago, El-P said:

And again. Making fun of a promo that he thought was bad = Making fun of depression in front of the guy after pretending to bond with him ? Hum.... 

Yeah it's a bad look for the writer, but then having someone shit on something you worked on sucks to so I get why he'd be mad. Deciding to use that anger as a chance to attack someone who just revealed that a person in management (and lets face it Shawn was almost assuredly "management" even before he officially took over from Hunter) mocked their physical and emotional issues is just shitty. 

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1 hour ago, El-P said:

Yeah, that's called relativism. B)

And again. Making fun of a promo that he thought was bad = Making fun of depression in front of the guy after pretending to bond with him?

Not sure he was equating things, but he did use Dax's personal moment to throw shit at him. It might be even worse depending on how one views things. I guess he should have tackled this in a different way - how much shit do wrestling writers get on the daily? Are they independent contractors? Are there other unfortunate interactions with wrestlers we are not privy to? Are they even making enough money to put up with workplace bullshit?

On a different note, that RVD shoot is great because it also exposed Taz as a fake tough guy and I was never able to look at him the same way - in fact him turning into this goofy pudgy dude made him, in a weird way, look more endearing.

And regarding what he said on the clip, HBK is one of those guys who neeeeeveeeeeeeeeer sounded like a sincere person. Maybe when he was just the biggest piece of shit on Earth, around 95-97, but never when he was supposed to be a face.

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I am sorry, how is avoiding a writer and making fun of a shitty promo even close to the same as your boss seemingly lending a sympathetic ear to your depression issues, only to turn around and mock you for it in front of their peers? There really is no equivalence here, it's like if someone had criticized FTR for a shitty match. 

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