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2 hours ago, El-P said:

It doesn't matter one bit if she's thought to be "fuckable" or not. The mere fact an official told her that constitutes sexual harassement.

Exactly. It's not the "merit" of the assessment that is at issue here.

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If there's ever a time for a "Holy shit" chant.

Gotta love the fact they put Stephy in as a socko for his father a few weeks after they buried her. Because it's nothing but a shadowplay of course. It's like Putin "only" being the prime minister or something.

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2 minutes ago, El-P said:

If there's ever a time for a "Holy shit" chant.

Gotta love the fact they put Stephy in as a socko for his father a few weeks after they buried her. Because it's nothing but a shadowplay of course. It's like Putin "only" being the prime minister or something.

Don't you love it when you take a leave of absence to focus on your family and then weeks later come back for a job ten times more demanding 

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It's quite telling that in the statement Vince issued, he simply pledged to fully cooperate with the investigation and accept the findings whatever they may be. Not even a boilerplate comment about how he was fully confident he would be cleared of any wrongdoing.

By the way, it's plain as day that Vince's fetishes are the primary if not sole determinant of which women get pushed. It's just that Johnny Ace or whoever it was was dumb enough to say the quiet part loud. The funny thing is that the likes of AJ and Paige got over with the young male audience way more than all the stereotypical blond bombshells, which is why they're trying to replicate the formula with Cora Jade.

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Sexual harassement = RATINGS !!!!

Gotta have Stephy talk about it's an attack against the family, that THESE PEOPLE are trying to get Sugar Daddy Vince.

Maybe Riddle can win a belt too.

They really want to upstage the Crown Jewel shows as far as most disgusting promotional tactic now, don't they ?

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22 minutes ago, Cien Caras said:

Can we please stop with the misogynistic “Stephy” bullshit?

Really now ? I will try to remain polite, but what a fucking idiotic thing to say. I call Meltzer "Meltz" all the time. I've called Goldberg "Goldy" for ever. Desperado is called "Despy" by a shitload of people. Abdullah the Butcher is "Abby" to everyone. So, I will keep on calling Stephanie McMahon "Stephy" because, well, I do.

Nothing is worse than fake-ass virtue signaling. 

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The hubris here is just mind-blowing.

Reigns/Riddle was already a big match if you're a WWE fan, but this is certainly going to increase the viewership from those of us who don't tune in regularly. I mean, how can one look away from this trainwreck?

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17 minutes ago, Cien Caras said:

and yes, Stephy is misogynistic, regardless of meaningless buzz phrases like “virtue signaling” which are generally only used by a certain type of poster.

Stop that shit now. The mere fact that in a discussion about sexual harassment and power dynamics in WWE the *only* thing you saw fit to post is "Wow, the use of "Stephy" is misogynistic" says *everything about you*. You're basically a troll. Welcome to my ignore list too (so don't bother answering with another idiotic take), you're in quite a really shitty company there BTW.

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If Vince comes out with his No Chance music tonight and they cut to idiots bowing to him, I’ll die laughing. You have to have some begrudging respect at being so deep into the pro wrestling hustle, that your first thought is to dive on live TV and pop a rating for the potential demise of your professional career and empire. Let’s hope it’s an incredible blaze of glory. 2 hours of unfiltered Vince, shooting and insulting everyone who ever crossed him would be a dream

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57 minutes ago, KawadaSmile said:

Reeks of Kevin Spacey posting videos as Frank Underwood after those sexual assault/harrassment allegations came out.

Wait, I had no idea that actually happened ! Holy shit.

And now, Bix mentions that Hugo Savinovich is spreading rumors of Alberto talking to WWE. That has to be complete bullshit, right ? Although likewise Riddle, there's nothing more to be said, case closed, ya see... Alberto vs Riddle for the WWE title at Sumerslam anyone ? :D I mean, while we're at it, go for broke and burn that company to the ground.

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4 hours ago, El-P said:

Wait, I had no idea that actually happened ! Holy shit.

And now, Bix mentions that Hugo Savinovich is spreading rumors of Alberto talking to WWE. That has to be complete bullshit, right ? Although likewise Riddle, there's nothing more to be said, case closed, ya see... Alberto vs Riddle for the WWE title at Sumerslam anyone ? :D I mean, while we're at it, go for broke and burn that company to the ground.

Paige is leaving WWE next month so it actually makes sense. 

Shame about that. Leaving aside Paige's personal life being what is, in the post-WM 30 world, which I, along with many fans, have thought of as a series ending finale for WWE, she was one of the first wrestlers of that post-finale era -if you weeeel- who kept my attention and drew me to her matches in NXT, even before she became champ. Great in-ring, excellent ability to play to the crowd and project her gimmick, good mic-skills, and a natural connection with the crowds. Sasha is the GOAT North American female worker and the Horsewomen really accelerated the trend of women being taken seriously in WWE - even though the credit in official canon went to Steph, because of course it did - but I would argue it was Paige who lit that fire. She was excellent, and I have legitimately great memories of her matches with Emma; those matches imo were excellent, some of the best things NXT has ever done, and really showed just how brilliant Paige could be. All of this shows in just how over she always was and remained to the end, even when she would randomly return with no fanfare to manage other wrestlers. She really is one of the OGs, one of the pioneers 

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15 minutes ago, MoS said:

Paige is leaving WWE next month so it actually makes sense. 

Wow, I absolutely did not connect those dots.

15 minutes ago, MoS said:

Sasha is the GOAT North American female worker and the Horsewomen really accelerated the trend of women being taken seriously in WWE - even though the credit in official canon went to Steph, because of course it did - but I would argue it was Paige who lit that fire. 

Agreed. Paige vs Emma were the first women matches in NXT that had people go "Wait a minute ?". She absolutely predates the Horsewomen.

Of course TNA predates all of them with Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong, but that's a whole different story.

I wonder if AEW would go after Paige. She wants to work again and considering all those people who could "never work again" and actually do, she could be a rather big deal if played right.

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