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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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Yeah, when I did a Google image search for "prison yard," I didn't see anything that looked like a concentration camp. As a general rule, I believe that you should never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. But when WWE keeps making "innocent mistakes" on the same issue (a few weeks ago, they got in hot water over Gunther having a character rating of 88 in WWE2K3), I have to wonder if there are groypers in the company who like to sneak in as many far-right Easter eggs as they can get away with.

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43 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

(a few weeks ago, they got in hot water over Gunther having a character rating of 88 in WWE2K3)

Holy fuck you can't make up shit like that ! :lol:

43 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

I have to wonder if there are groypers in the company who like to sneak in as many far-right Easter eggs as they can get away with.

Let's be real. The McMahons family, the entire family, are supporters of white supremacist Donald Trump, they are in business with a ruthless authoritarian theocracy. You tell me some far-right people would work for them ? No way ! B)

Now, as to say some of this shit is conscious dog-whistling, I dunno, but it's pretty fucking embarrassing any way you wanna look at it.

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2 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

Didn't WWE have less than stellar ideas for Kenzo Suzuki and Heidenreich? Not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt even if they did end editing it out.

To be fair the Suzuki Hirohito gimmick got like, a minute of stock footage and quickly dropped afterwards. The goofy Heidenreich "frozen Nazi" gimmick was a idea a writer had at the time that even Vince (apparently) thought was too much and abruptly left when it was brought up

This was the 2003/2004 era as well where they just went for maximum shock factor shtick as well, so shit like this was never surprising 




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Until The Auschwitz Memorial bought it to our attention and told us that's what the image was, that we should be insulted by it. How many people watching WrestleMania was trigged by the image being used or was caused genuine upset or outrage.

Plus Exploiting the image will also go to any film, tv show, cartoon that has used Auschwitz in telling their story's. So unless you ban the use of any photo's or footage or recreation of Auschwitz in form's of entertainment. Which then means less people will know about it, and take an interest in a important part of history.

Not a news story, just hopefully human error in choosing the picture and it won't happen again. 

If i was more cynical i would say the Memorial people are just using it to get press about Auschwitz, which isn't a bad thing I guess.

If the image was used to degrade the memory of the victims i would have a different view,  but that's not what happened.

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The Auschwitz Memorial is a business and has running costs, You are allowed to question anyone, doesn't mean because they the Aushwitz Memorial that they right and their word is correct.  

I forgot common sense isn't allowed anymore, everyone must be offended by something, even if they not offended until they told they should be offended by it. 

Not trying to pick a fight, if I've said anything you disagree with, educate me why i'm wrong and if i change my mind, or i am being blind with my view i will say so and learn from it.

Trying to have a discussion on a forum which i believe is the point of them,

I know i rub some people the wrong way with my view points, but they are balanced and thought out. Maybe i should try writing them softer. 

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25 minutes ago, WingedEagle said:

Just because there are two sides to a story doesn't mean that both are with merit and deserving of equal consideration.  Sometimes shit just stinks and its okay to say so even if there may be "buts" that reduce it from abhorrently awful and reprehensible to just pure shit.  

I have no issue with that, but people sometimes you need to peel back more than one layer of the onion to see the full truth.  

Is there any proof they knowingly put a pic from Auschwitz in the video package ?

Ok, yes it's the WWE and they are a shitty company, but in this case what was so wrong that they did? (if we take it was an accident )There is enough dirt to bury them without this story.

What is this so called harm caused from a 1 sec of footage that until it was pointed out, we all thought was just to represent a prison?

How has this hurt anyone or caused insults to the memory of the victims? 

Simple questions people 



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19 minutes ago, El-P said:

If you see a pattern, good people, it's because it's there.

This i can not argue, I may be giving them to much credit as i'm viewing it as a story on its own standing.

Maybe there's antisemitism in the company, if that is the case, it could be a patten of a larger issue.

 Apart from i don't see that image on its own, as an antisemite image? would need to have something else with it to convey that message. Nothing in the storyline was written that way?

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Even setting aside WWE's track record, the chances of this being an honest mistake are so slim as to be essentially zero. Stock footage used in a for-profit broadcast has to be licensed so the creator can receive royalties. And licensed footage usually contains detailed descriptions of the subject matter and location. It is nigh inconceivable that someone in WWE came across Auschwitz footage that was not clearly and unambiguously labeled as such.

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3 hours ago, ragemaster said:

The Auschwitz Memorial is a business and has running costs

I fail to see the context of that, as you didn't elaborate what that has to do with the topic. You make it sound like they're short of a dollar and would appreciate the publicity. If there's one charity that's well-funded and will last forever, I think it's the Auschwitz Memorial.


5 hours ago, ragemaster said:

Exploiting the image will also go to any film, tv show, cartoon that has used Auschwitz in telling their story

Context (there's that word again) is key. Using Auschwitz footage does not forward the Dominik story.

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15 minutes ago, Dav'oh said:

I fail to see the context of that, as you didn't elaborate what that has to do with the topic. You make it sound like they're short of a dollar and would appreciate the publicity. If there's one charity that's well-funded and will last forever, I think it's the Auschwitz Memorial.

No I mean Money wise Germany donated 60 million euro to them, the UK 1 million pounds for help for running costs and to preserve the site. It's free to enter and survives on donations to operate.

From online research the Director at Holocaust Memorial Museum earns about $143,000 per year including bonus and staff are voluntary to starting wage at $50,000 per year. So looks to have a huge cash flow of money to survive on.

Not sure if they support surviving victims of the holocaust or the money is just for the Memorial. 

The point is, all Charity's in my experience are business first and they are run as such, so anyway to increase profit margins they will use. Plus as a side note, i also said anything that gets people talking about the holocaust promotes them and their business is a good thing.  

 Like i said, it's not a bad thing to get people talking about Auschwitz.  

I just found their language in the tweet a bit of a over stretch and not inline to what actually happed.  

The fact that Auschwitz image was used to promote a WWE match is hard to call "an editing mistake". Exploiting the site that became a symbol of enormous human tragedy is shameless and insults the memory of all victims of Auschwitz.

39 minutes ago, Dav'oh said:

Context (there's that word again) is key. Using Auschwitz footage does not forward the Dominik story.

In the context of the Dominik story, the footage represented him being in prison. It shouldn't have been used as i do get some people will find anything to do with the Holocaust in bad taste, probably Schindler list will rub some people the wrong way. 

Personally i don't find a 1 second clip of Auschwitz as distressing.

Don't forget you are allowed to take pictures if you visit Auschwitz for personal use. This i find much more distasteful, "look i'm standing by where 1.1 million people died" 

If Dominik had said in story line, He now knows how the prisoners of Auschwitz felt like after his stay in prison and then they showed the clip, yes that tweet from them would be factually correct.  

A bigger question is, who on this board is personally offended by that picture and can you say why. As no one on here posted about the clip until it was pointed out you should be offended by it.

I still agree with my statement to NintendoLogic  

3 hours ago, ragemaster said:

If that is the case, then yes someone should be fired for it. 

Just because the person showed poor judgment and could have used a different picture, if in fact they did it on purpose. As even though i don't find it offence, in todays climatic, you have to show better judgment in the corporate world. 

Unless your called Vince 

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12 minutes ago, ragemaster said:

As no one on here posted about the clip until it was pointed out you should be offended by it.

I've read the thread. No-one said that. I've read the tweet, too. No-one said that.


15 minutes ago, ragemaster said:

Personally i don't find a 1 second clip of Auschwitz as distressing.

It's not "how many seconds?" Auschwitz is distressing whether it's a second or an hour. It is synonymous with the very depths of human barbarousness. The mere mention or thought of death camps is distressing to many, many, many people.

Unless you're called Ragemaster?

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It doesn't matter if anyone was "triggered" or "offended" over it (I seem to be hearing a certain kind of whistle here....), it's the basic fact that a clip of the most infamous concentration camp in the history of the world had no business anywhere near a god damned Wrestlemania video. A billion dollar corporation (one in the midst of purchase negotiations no less) not doing the barest level of due diligence on their stock video sources is an absolute clown shoes move. 

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6 minutes ago, sek69 said:

Iit's the basic fact that a clip of the most infamous concentration camp in the history of the world had no business anywhere near a god damned Wrestlemania video. A billion dollar corporation (one in the midst of purchase negotiations no less) not doing the barest level of due diligence on their stock video sources is an absolute clown shoes move. 

Which i already have agreed with in my posts 

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The main point's when this started was if it was an accident and used by mistake or they knew and it was on purpose.

I  viewed it as they used it by accident, shouldn't have happened, but not a big deal, if its wasn't done malicious. 

But as its the WWE there's always that doubt in your mind and Nintendo post made me rethink my take. I back stepped a bit, but still stand by some of my other points. 

Obviously it's a shame on all of us that we didn't recognise Auschwitz until it was pointed out to us. I think the images of it shouldn't be locked away in case we offend anyone. No not the WWE, but should be more programs educating people on it and we should be able to see it on tv programs. 

Not locked away like a dirty secret

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I really think there’s a lot of overthinking going on here. A clip of Auschwitz as synonymous with prison is not something the white supremacist far right really vibes with. These are, by and large, people who have convinced themselves that the Nazis never attempted to liquidate the Jews and that every bit of evidence of that is a Jewish psyop. Far more likely is that it was saved in some repository of stock footage they asailed wwe public domain under an inconspicuous file name and pulled ignorantly from there. Not good, but the racist right doesn’t even *like* Trump anymore, mostly because he listed way too much to Jared in his first term. The notion that Vince’s friendship with him is an infinite proof of any and all assumptions of racism is just wishful thinking more than anything.

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46 minutes ago, ragemaster said:


grow up 

Took you a while to get there, but you got there.


48 minutes ago, ragemaster said:

If you are a survive from there or have intimidate family who suffered my heart goes out to you.

Hey! That's me! Shove your heart up your arse. I don't want your platitudinous, patronising "sympathy".


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