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The Worst Career Moves in History


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I think it was a bad career move for Flair to leave WWE in 1993 for WCW. When he left, he became hogan's bitch and he was never the same. He could have stayed in the WWE for at least another year and then retire.


Flair was there for a while before Hogan showed up.

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Warrior Wants Hogan Money & Hogan Schedule


So Vince fired him.


I'd say Davey deciding to distribute HGH and other shit in the WWF while Vince is, in a rare moment, serious about Drug Enforcement. But it only got Davey fired. He kept getting hired by WCW and the WWF for years after that, so it's not clear that it took a ton of money out of his pocket.



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Yeah, I would be. I remember watching one of those godawful WWA ppvs with a roomful of wrestlers, the one with Jarrett vs. Christopher as the main event, and the biggest couch pop of the night was when Lynn did a run-in.


Various Wrestlers Move To Nashville In Order To Work For TNA

Did NOT turn out well, for lots of people.

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I'd say the money Flair drew as a result of the wrestling boom outweighed his lower placement on the card. You have to keep some things in perspective.

Flair though was really underpaid by WCW, especially considering he was a great ratings draw for the company despite his lower placement on the card. I mean guys like Scott Norton and Stevie Ray were being paid more than him. I don't think moving to WCW in 1993 was a bad career move, but holding Eric Bischoff up at Halloween Havoc '94 for a new contract before doing the job for Hogan was a big mistake in the long term, because that's the incident that caused Bischoff to lose all his respect for Flair.

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There were really three times they tried building around Flair in a top feud after Havoc '94:


* The house show run with Randy Savage in early '96, which drew surprisingly well

* The Bret Hart match at Souled Out '98, which drew surprisingly well

* The Hulk Hogan match at SuperBrawl IX, which drew surprisingly well


And yeah, he was also the only guy in WCW who could post competitive numbers against the WWF during their big 1998-1999 run.


Considering all that, he was definitely underpaid. There were times when he was obviously really unmotivated and they were doing nothing with him except having him come out every week and dance with Debra, so he wasn't underpaid obviously at those times since he wasn't even doing anything. But he was definitely could have been used more.

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