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I have a soft spot for the Baron. He does look a bit like Ron Jeremy though. I like the LA presentation a lot more than Chicago. I can't stand Russ Davis. I'll take Strongbow over him any day of the week. Plus LA has plenty of good workers like Lord James Blears, young Nick Bockwinkel, Enrique Torres, Leo Garibaldi, luchadores like Rita Romero.

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Lmao Ricki Starr out here doing ballet, Goldust spots, and Big E tier horny hips stuff in the 50s against a Nazi. At different points he appears to perform an oil check, at others he basically tea bags the dude before doing a backflip. Some of this would be pretty wild even today, let alone for sometime in the 50s. 

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I've been putting some WWECW on in the background lately. I know a big part of Christian and Matt Hardy's cases for GWE are their title reigns here, and maybe it's just me, but these 'very good' tv matches they're both supposed to have on this show, I just don't see it. Like they both have plenty of good matches, but they're just good, not great, and especially not all-time great stuff. Especially Hardy.

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  On 2/3/2022 at 9:51 PM, Reel said:

I know a big part of Christian and Matt Hardy's cases for GWE are their title reigns here, and maybe it's just me, but these 'very good' tv matches they're both supposed to have on this show, I just don't see it. Like they both have plenty of good matches, but they're just good, not great, and especially not all-time great stuff.


Same thing for Christian in TNA, which basically sparked the fact he was pushed in WWECW when he came back. He had a lot of very good stuff, but even against AJ Styles he never had those great defining matches (and TONS of people have had great matches with AJ in TNA, including Abyss).

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I think it comes down to, for me anyway, the difference between a good TV match and a very good TV match, however you want to quantify that, just isn't that significant. So like, I'm in 2009, and Christian is having the best matches on the show for sure, but are they that much better than any other match on the show? No. So, for sure it comes down to what you value, and I don't think it's so much peak, in the way Rick Rude in WCW is a short peak, but in that these TV matches have a ceiling that isn't all that high.

In fairness though, I'm not watching the PPVs, which are certainly part of the equation, but when I've heard people talk about those guys, a lot of it was on the basis of these TV matches. 

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Sure I didn't mean 'peak' as in a period of time, I meant is as in 'how great is their very best work'. Maybe ceiling is the better word for that. In which case I'd agree that Christian's ceiling/peak stuff isn't Top 100 material, his case is that he has for many years very consistently put out lots of good-very good matches with virtually anybody he's been put up against.

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  • 2 months later...

I finally updated the last year and a half of the New Footage Friday/Found Footage Friday Master List so now all 200+ entries are there.

This isn't a comprehensive list of all new potential footage for non-active GWE candidates since the last poll but it does give you a pretty good sense of what's shown up, a SC review, and quite often a youtube link if it's still up. It doesn't have the French reviews which is a different list I'd have to update.


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How is everyone feeling now that we're a little over 20% done our journey? I had a rare quiet moment to sit down with a cup of coffee today and update my log for most of what I can remember watching for the past few months. This is the hardest part for me, finding the time to document everything, and I'm not using any formulas or equations or anything fancy here. But I know it's necessary for me to reevaluate everything when we start to approach the finish line. Watching the footage continues to be a blast and I'm pretty happy with the 200 or so matches I watched for GWE in year 1. If I break 1K for the project I'll feel like I've made a valiant effort for most of my names under consideration. I know there are folks out there watching at a more rapid pace and I tip my cap to you because this is definitely the best I can manage.

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  • 11 months later...

I was thinking about the best female wrestlers ever the other day, and started drafting a list. I was struck by how US/Japan-centric my list would be, which has lead me here with two questions:

1) Where are the luchadoras? I'm willing to admit that all wrestling isn't created equally, but when you look at GWE nominees, ballots and discussions, I'd say there are probably two dozen guys, minimum, from the lucha scene who get heavy consideration, but outside of Lola Gonzalez and La Galactica, is there anybody who has any buzz? Should we be deep diving Dalys and the Apache sisters? Are there women who people really like that I've missed? 

2) If it isn't the luchadoras, then who is the most underrepresented group in the GWE circle? Obviously there are scenes where we don't have the footage to really discuss in-depth, but outside of that, who are we missing? Are we not talking about them because they're just kinda bad, or for some other reason?

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  On 4/7/2023 at 1:54 AM, Reel said:

1) Where are the luchadoras? I'm willing to admit that all wrestling isn't created equally, but when you look at GWE nominees, ballots and discussions, I'd say there are probably two dozen guys, minimum, from the lucha scene who get heavy consideration, but outside of Lola Gonzalez and La Galactica, is there anybody who has any buzz? Should we be deep diving Dalys and the Apache sisters? Are there women who people really like that I've missed?


I'd guess it's mainly because women's wrestling was banned in Mexico City until 1986, which massively depleted its development and the amount of footage we have.

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