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[1992-05-30-SMW-TV] Tim Horner vs Buddy Landell


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  • 1 month later...

"What would Tim Horner even do with $5,000? Buddy Landell at least has a track record of spending his money wisely." -- Dutch Mantell


Good action, but disappointing heat. Horner wins and gets his money back after being screwed at the battle royal in some messed up logic but Landell isn't done. He attacks Horner after the match and tears up the check and stuffs it in Horner's mouth, which redeems this whole segment somewhat.

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  • 2 years later...

Short, nothing match (Budro was without his kneepads) although Landell gets some nice heat from the crowd with his cheating. Horner gets the pin but Landell attacks him after the match, including blading (although only a trickle) from a post shot as they continue to try and push and get Horner over. Landell rips up the cheque and stuffs it down Horner's mouth before Brian Lee, Dixie Dy-No-Mite and Danny Davis put a stop to things and run off Landell.


Agree with the comments about Dutch Mantel on commentary who has been nothing short of awesome on colour in the first four months I've watched. SMW has some fantastic heels but it's clear they are dying for a top babyface as although Lee tries he's just not there (and the Volunteer Slam booking didn't help one bit) and don't get me started on Horner.

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  • 5 months later...

I don't know whether it was supposed to be a feather in Horner's cap that he could beat someone with Landell's reputation in about three minutes, but if it was, they missed the boat. This was way too short, barely getting started before it was over. In fact, the beatdown afterward by Landell lasted just about as long as the match did, and was more emotionally engaging to boot. If it wasn't for Dutch running through the things that Horner could do with the money and complaining about Bullet Bob's supposed favoritism, I doubt that there would be anything memorable about this at all. One thing's for sure: Landell's finished as a threat to anyone on the babyface side, at least for now.


Now Corny has a problem: Lee's his champion, but Horner's the hometown boy who's really gotten the big buildup. Which one does he push as his top ring-active face? (Remember, regardless of the fact that he's the commissioner, Bullet Bob's the top overall face, but he's not supposed to be able to both wrestle and be commissioner at the same time, at least not yet.)

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  • GSR changed the title to [1992-05-30-SMW-TV] Tim Horner vs Buddy Landell
  • 1 year later...

FYI the reason the save took so long was because the bus the other 3 babyfaces were on was running a little late. 

Nothing match due to no time even though Horner is best in the ring doing his proto-cruiserweight/southern brawler thing.  And I think the beatdown may have been longer.

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