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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Man, the nervous tic she was showing in that video was quite worrisome, considering it tends to be a symptom of long term drug use.

Considering she's been a long term drug used going back roughly a decade and a half, we shouldn't be surprised. :/

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So did Tensai sandbag Ryback tonight or what? He had no problem hitting his move on Smackdown, but he barely got him off the ground on Raw. At least he didn't seem to go up when he should have for the move. The announcers (well JR) did a good job covering and Ryback seemed to be able to audible a new finish well enough, but for a while it was veering into Jim Duggan/Alex Wright territory.

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So did Tensai sandbag Ryback tonight or what? He had no problem hitting his move on Smackdown, but he barely got him off the ground on Raw. At least he didn't seem to go up when he should have for the move. The announcers (well JR) did a good job covering and Ryback seemed to be able to audible a new finish well enough, but for a while it was veering into Jim Duggan/Alex Wright territory.

For the short period of time he was just Skip Shepfield, wasn't his finisher the mighty clothesline?

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So did Tensai sandbag Ryback tonight or what? He had no problem hitting his move on Smackdown, but he barely got him off the ground on Raw. At least he didn't seem to go up when he should have for the move. The announcers (well JR) did a good job covering and Ryback seemed to be able to audible a new finish well enough, but for a while it was veering into Jim Duggan/Alex Wright territory.

For the short period of time he was just Skip Shepfield, wasn't his finisher the mighty clothesline?


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I'm a guy known for lucha but I haven't watched lucha in about four years. So a lot of those who watch CMLL already must know this. I caught on somebody's facebook feed that this is EL SATANICO's daughter. WHAT THE FUCK?????? This makes no sense.




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I watched. He and Slater were fighting and Mahal/McIntyre ran in and they beat him down. The announcers really didn't sell that and they didn't really sell it on the next episode of Superstars. And the day before on Superstars they were selling McIntyre as a face as he got a win over Mahal while selling a wrist injury. It really came off as not having storyline behind it but I don't watch Raw and I've only been making a concentrated effort to watch weekly for about 5 weeks.

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I'm a guy known for lucha but I haven't watched lucha in about four years. So a lot of those who watch CMLL already must know this. I caught on somebody's facebook feed that this is EL SATANICO's daughter. WHAT THE FUCK?????? This makes no sense.




(Image not embedded as the board script thinks it's a dynamic page)

That means it's time for you to get back into lucha again. Could you imagine trying to date Satanico's daughter and her taking you to his lair where he is watching over the tecnicos.

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